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Anyone know how to access the dialogue libraries?

I had this weird idea to rewrite all the dialogue in the game and turn it into a comedy. I'd have to remove the sound files, of course. The new version would be text only, but I think it would be fun to make and a laugh for my friends. So my question is: where are the text files stored, and how do I access them?


  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited April 2016
    Hmm... Well you would need a program like NearInfinity to look at the game dialog. Editing the dialog can be done with NI too, but that is not considered an accepted method by the modding community. Changes to dialog.tlk should only be done with Weidu because anything else is too dangerous and runs a high risk of messing up your game.

    I must admit I kinda like your idea, but if you don't already know at the very least how to access the game dialog, you have likely bitten off WAY the heck more than you can chew.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    The reason why editing the dialog.tlk is dangerous is because of the way the game accesses it. The game pulls specific lines/offsets from inside the .tlk file and makes no internal checks to ensure the text is correct. If you edit the file, you would have to alter every other call on that file to compensate. Be very cautious.
  • rw1954rw1954 Member Posts: 24
    That's too bad. I had some good ideas. Would've been funny.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2016
    You can use dltcep.
    First, look up the creature from edit creatures section, the creature you wish to edit its dialogue. In scripts section, find the dialogue file name.
    Then find that dialogue file from dialogue column and edit to your hearts content. When saving, you save the dialog.tlk so the changes will show up.

    My version is old, though, it can not find dialog.tlk file under library folders. I do:
    Before starting dltcep, I copy the dialog.tlk file from languages/english to main game folder, old dltcep has access to this place only and can read/edit there only. (leftover from old bg2)
    When I am done editting, I copy this editted dialog.tlk from main game folder into language/english folder because that's where the enhanced game has access and can read only.

    I dunno if enhanced edition compatible version is out, if it is, the process is even simpler.

    A note of warning, though. Some dialogue trees are very complex. With conditions and actions and interconnections between other dialogue files plenty. If you mess with those you may have bugs. If you just replace text, you should be ok.
  • rw1954rw1954 Member Posts: 24
    Thanks, Lunar. DLTCEP works fine. It took me a little while to figure out how the dialog trees function, and it can be tedious trying to find a certain piece of dialog out of all that text, but so far everything is going well. I do have one question... Do you know where the text for the journal entries can be found?
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