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Imported from SoD and my Golden Pantaloons didn't carry over

Just realized this... is there a cheat to add them back in? I had them in BG1 and they carried to SoD, but they aren't in my inventory in BG2.


  • DaevelonDaevelon Member Posts: 605
    they are not in your inventory in bg2.
    they are
    in the trapped painting close to the golem, east room from the beginning
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    If you have the console enabled (via baldur.lua) then try this:


    Or you could use EEKeeper and manually add them to the inventory.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,265
    I am guessing that they probably aren't imported if you keep them in the Bag of Holding.
  • dickerjdickerj Member Posts: 14
    Mine actually vanished when the last plot chapter of SoD started up, they were no where to be see in my inventory, and weren't with my gear I recovered from the table.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    for any items you want to carry over to BG2, do not keep them in bags, keep them in your main character's inventory.
  • TrudeauIsSantaTrudeauIsSanta Member Posts: 161
    Amberion said:

    for any items you want to carry over to BG2, do not keep them in bags, keep them in your main character's inventory.

    Oh jeez. What else was supposed to carry over from SoD? All I got was the Helm of Balduran in that cupboard.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I tried moving them to the main inventory before importing with no luck as well. Just used the console to recreate them.
  • RamiellRamiell Member Posts: 58
    Had to use console as well, no pantaloons even though I'm 200 % sure they were in my equipment in Sod. They only thing I've found behind the painting was +1 dagger
  • marzbarzmarzbarz Member Posts: 187
    Not sure how new/random this is but I keep finding that +2 cold long sword or the dagger that looks like a shortsword in the table by the golem with dungeon key. Even without importing a toon from before.
  • TrudeauIsSantaTrudeauIsSanta Member Posts: 161
    marzbarz said:

    Not sure how new/random this is but I keep finding that +2 cold long sword or the dagger that looks like a shortsword in the table by the golem with dungeon key. Even without importing a toon from before.

    The law of any patch: fix one thing, break another. And 2.0 was pretty big.
  • marzbarzmarzbarz Member Posts: 187
    Eh? So its a bug? Or was it intended and added in 2.0? No idea what your trying to say there...
  • TrudeauIsSantaTrudeauIsSanta Member Posts: 161
    marzbarz said:

    Eh? So its a bug? Or was it intended and added in 2.0? No idea what your trying to say there...

    Take a wild guess.
  • marzbarzmarzbarz Member Posts: 187

    marzbarz said:

    Eh? So its a bug? Or was it intended and added in 2.0? No idea what your trying to say there...

    Take a wild guess.

  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    I had the pantaloons import fine from my SoD game for what it's worth.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    For games that are new in BG2, as in not imported from BG:EE there is a default list of items that will always show up in certain places(unfortunately no pantaloons). You will always find a weapon appropriate to your class/proficiency on the table by the door-opening golem, but the default items on the other locations are static.
  • lazutulazutu Member Posts: 118
    Identify them. I had this problem twice, being cocky and not identifying things like Evermemory (I know it works, why bother?). Checking the painting in the armory and... nothing. I think it should be fixed so you can port them non-identified as well.
  • marzbarzmarzbarz Member Posts: 187
    Thanks for the clear answer @Amberion
  • TrudeauIsSantaTrudeauIsSanta Member Posts: 161
    marzbarz said:

    marzbarz said:

    Eh? So its a bug? Or was it intended and added in 2.0? No idea what your trying to say there...

    Take a wild guess.

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