
I'm curious as to what people do with/whether people do anything with the biographies by race/class as they show up in the game!
- Biographies58 votes
- I tend to leave biographies as-is68.97%
- I tend to write my own biographies  8.62%
- I tend to edit default biographies with little details here and there15.52%
- Other  6.90%
As an example: for my current mega-playthrough (BG1 -> ToSC -> SoD -> BG2 -> ToB) I decided to keep the human mage bio as-is but change one detail: charname's mother is from Calimport instead of Silverymoon, and I imagine her as having been a Chultan who is a third+ generation citizen of Calimshan (i.e. identifies more with the Chultan neighbourhoods of Calimport than ancestral Chultan lands/tribes) rather than an ethnically Calishite human.
Just one word changed, but that one word plus picking a dark brown skin tone and dark hair and it adds some geeky verisimilitude for me!
Write entirely own for ID/IDII characters if I have a particular character concept in mind.
But I usually only bother at all if there's any chance I'll show my character(s) to someone else or play in multi-player. In the latter case, I always take the time.
Maybe I should start again, since looking back it feel like i added some flavor that way to my games...
I guess that means the default background writing for any eventual IWD or BG sequels Beamdog puts out better be top-notch lol
I suppose multiplayer is the only real time I could see biographies be useful, not that I ever have or ever will play MP.
Jobbo Bloodfoot, level 4 Ghostwise Halfling Barbarian:
Kasimira Bloodfoot, level 4 Ghostwise Halfling Bard:
Freddy Stormblade, level 3 Ghostwise Halfling Stormlord of Talos:
One day I shall finish that playthrough. One day...
Thank you for making my evening with this post @Silverstar. I laughed out loud in the literal sense.
(Below is the character sheet if anyone's interested. No, I haven't updated to the new UI yet. Shut up.)
Otherwise, I just leave them as-is. Totally different from what I do in IWD, where I write unique bios for each character in the party.
Because the biography screen doesn't contain enough data for the length of the biographies I write, I will append their histories in multiple pages to the user section of the journal. Then I write a brief summary in the biography screen.
As for bg1&2, if I don't write a biography for charname, then I lose interest in him by the time I get halfway through. I usually rely on the pre-generated bio for inspiration and then modify it or completely change it. I rarely spend a long time on this, though. Sometimes my charname wasnt even on friendly terms with gorion. My half-Orc thief was captured and imprisoned for larceny by gorion for several years, and then rushed out of candlekeep by order of the other avowed; apparently he was to much of a risk to keep around. I just imagine that gorion didn't say "run for your life" but instead said "get back here you...aaaaagggghhh!"
I will very occasionally add to the user journal other things, like why imoen decided to follow an incarcerated half-Orc stranger, or why Jaheira and Khalid really helped gorion's ward (of the state), or that gorion's letter was really a private diary entry. I don't do It very often, because by that time I'm swept up in the story. But if something really goes against how I envision my character should be, then I just add a "footnoted" correction to the journal.
Am I crazy???? Muahahahaha!! Writing drool!