What ever happened to Balduran?

I'm not really up on D&D or the Forgotten Realms outside of the Baldur's Gate games, so I don't really know much about this. I'm just wondering what ever happened to Balduran? The game (at least the expansion) seems to hint heavily at one point something about his whereabouts or at least when he went missing, but never really provided anything conclusive. That always made me wonder.
On another note is Balduran particularly noteworthy outside of the games?
On another note is Balduran particularly noteworthy outside of the games?
That makes sense, I guess. Hopefully someone will pick it up someday and do something with it.
Also, does Balduran have significant appearances in the FR settings or is it more just passing references?
(TSR 2106 Forgotten Realms Adventures 1990)
Took me a second to work than one out.
I would love to see the mystery explored a little deeper, though. I think if the game even has his name in it (or at least that of the city named after him), it should give us a little more. No full unveiling of his whereabouts, but perhaps a DLC quest searching for other stuff he might have left on Faerun (there's got to be a dining fork in addition to his butterknife somewhere!).
Baldurans Boxers
These underpants have seen some action in the last, oh so many years, since Baldurans disappearance. They are quite clearly stained in history. Balduran's odur cling to the garment with super hero manly potency. How his pants have come into your possesion is clearly to down to luck, however you are unsure if you should wash them, or keep them as found. The latter would be preferable if you wish some of Baldurans mystique to rub off on you...
You can brandish Baldurans Boxers at enemies...
Equip item to quick slot: Casts Horror as spell / unlimited uses each day
@Anduin "stained in history" lol, nice turn of phrase.
Your quest, should you decide to accept it, is to rescue him, or at least find out what became of him...
More ideas along those lines here.
There is no record whatsoever that Balduran ever died on the island. In fact, toward the end of his log book, it suggests he left his crew on the island and went off on his own... to where, we know not.
Personally if he had died I would have expected to find something that points towards his death like a letter, if not his actual body. Him dying and it being left a mystery seems fairly redundant. No real clues to his fate and the last information on him referring to him not wanting to be with the group suggests to me that he chose to move on.
I don't know how he got off the island (and I've no real idea about how either), but I personally believe that he's meant to be alive after that point and may have left the island. As for losing his weapons and such, I don't think it's too hard to think of a few possibilities without it seeming implausible (well in context of the story setting lol).
Also, I don't feel Irenicus' fate is a valid comparison. In one it's a fairly obvious conclusion because we see it for the most part firsthand, while in the other we never see the character or events relayed through logbooks and such. It's largely secondhand information and what is told is quite vague, especially about his fate. Calling it unlikely on the face of what little there is on the subject just seem premature.
Re: his gear, it's likely his rowboat was wrecked somewhere and he needed to swim, so he ditched it (possibly on a far smaller island than Balduran's). Some treasure hunters found it and sold it on the open market, so wherever it is now isn't necessarily where it was originally... it's just where the market has taken his goods (to Athkatla would be no surprise at all therefore).
If he (or his body) is still out there somewhere, his underpants may be the one item he retained. Maybe that'll be your reward for finding him