[v2.0] Arcane Archer, a ranged fighter and fighter/mage kit

The Arcane Archer is a component of The Artisan's Kitpack mod. Download it here:
- +1 to hit with any missile weapon at level 1 and every 5 levels thereafter.
- Gains the Enhance Arrow ability.
ENHANCE ARROW: The arcane archer passively imbues his arrows with magic. Projectiles launched by the arcane archer are always treated as weapons of +1 enchantment and deal one extra point of magic damage, increasing by one for every five levels gained to a maximum of +5 enchantment and five magic damage at 20th level. Additional damage is affected by the target's magic resistance.
- 3rd level: May use Entropic Shield once per day.
ENTROPIC SHIELD: A magical field glowing with a multicolored hue appears around the arcane archer, providing immunity to normal missiles and a -2 bonus to armor class against missile weapons for 1 round per level. This bonus increases to -4 at 10th level and -6 at 17th level.
- 5th level: May use Imbue Arrow ability three times per day.
IMBUE ARROW: Using arcane magic, the arcane archer enchants his next missile within one round to explode, dealing 1d6 additional fire damage for every five levels gained thereafter in an area of effect.
- 9th level: May use Seeker Arrow ability once per day.
SEEKER ARROW: A skilled arcane archer can enchant his arrows to strike its target unerringly. His next missile attack within one round is a guaranteed critical hit and deals two points of extra damage for every five levels gained thereafter.
- 13th level: May use Phase Arrow ability once per day.
PHASE ARROW: An experienced arcane archer can enchant his next arrow within one round to become an incorporeal missile that penetrates armor, dealing 4d6 bonus magical damage and reducing the target's missile resistance by 50% as well as their armor class vs. missiles by two points every five levels gained thereafter for 1 turn.
- 17th level: May use Arrow of Death ability once per day.
ARROW OF DEATH: A master arcane archer can enchant his next arrow within one round to instantly slay his foe. Targets with more than 60 hit points may make a save vs. death to avoid the effect. Saving throw penalty increases by one for every five levels gained thereafter.
- Hit Die: d8
- THAC0 penalty of 2 when wielding a melee weapon.
- Race restricted to human, elf or half-elf.
- May not exceed proficiency (one slot) in weapons other than crossbows, longbows and shortbows.
- May not exceed proficiency (one slot) in any weapon style.
- May not wear armor heavier than elven chain mail.
Entropic Shield - A magical field glowing with a multicolored hue appears around the arcane archer, providing immunity to normal missiles and a -2 bonus to armor class against missile weapons for 1 round per level. This bonus increases to -4 at 10th level and -6 at 17th level.
Imbue Arrow - Using arcane magic, the arcane archer enchants his next missile within one round to explode, dealing 1d6 additional fire damage for every five levels gained thereafter in an area of effect.
Seeker Arrow - A skilled arcane archer can enchant his arrows to strike its target unerringly. next missile attack within one round is a guaranteed critical hit and deals two points of extra damage for every five levels gained thereafter.
Phase Arrow - An experienced arcane archer can enchant his next arrow within one round to become an incorporeal missile that penetrates armor, reducing the target's missile resistance by 50% as well as their armor class vs. missiles by two points for every five levels gained thereafter.
Arrow of Death - A master arcane archer can enchant his next arrow within one round to instantly slay his foe on a failed save vs. death. Target's saving throw penalty is increased by one for every 5 levels gained thereafter.
Component 1: Fighter Kit
ARCANE ARCHER: Master of the elven warbands, the arcane archer is a warrior skilled in using magic to supplement their combat prowess. Beyond the woods, arcane archers gain renown throughout entire kingdoms for their supernatural accuracy with a bow and their ability to imbue their arrows with magic. In a group, they can strike fear into an entire enemy army. While human arcane archers are rare due to elvenkind withholding their secret techniques, they are not unheard of.Advantages:
- +1 to hit with any missile weapon at level 1 and every 5 levels thereafter.
- Gains the Enhance Arrow ability.
ENHANCE ARROW: The arcane archer passively imbues his arrows with magic. Projectiles launched by the arcane archer are always treated as weapons of +1 enchantment and deal one extra point of magic damage, increasing by one for every five levels gained to a maximum of +5 enchantment and five magic damage at 20th level. Additional damage is affected by the target's magic resistance.
- 3rd level: May use Entropic Shield once per day.
ENTROPIC SHIELD: A magical field glowing with a multicolored hue appears around the arcane archer, providing immunity to normal missiles and a -2 bonus to armor class against missile weapons for 1 round per level. This bonus increases to -4 at 10th level and -6 at 17th level.
- 5th level: May use Imbue Arrow ability three times per day.
IMBUE ARROW: Using arcane magic, the arcane archer enchants his next missile within one round to explode, dealing 1d6 additional fire damage for every five levels gained thereafter in an area of effect.
- 9th level: May use Seeker Arrow ability once per day.
SEEKER ARROW: A skilled arcane archer can enchant his arrows to strike its target unerringly. His next missile attack within one round is a guaranteed critical hit and deals two points of extra damage for every five levels gained thereafter.
- 13th level: May use Phase Arrow ability once per day.
PHASE ARROW: An experienced arcane archer can enchant his next arrow within one round to become an incorporeal missile that penetrates armor, dealing 4d6 bonus magical damage and reducing the target's missile resistance by 50% as well as their armor class vs. missiles by two points every five levels gained thereafter for 1 turn.
- 17th level: May use Arrow of Death ability once per day.
ARROW OF DEATH: A master arcane archer can enchant his next arrow within one round to instantly slay his foe. Targets with more than 60 hit points may make a save vs. death to avoid the effect. Saving throw penalty increases by one for every five levels gained thereafter.
- Hit Die: d8
- THAC0 penalty of 2 when wielding a melee weapon.
- Race restricted to human, elf or half-elf.
- May not exceed proficiency (one slot) in weapons other than crossbows, longbows and shortbows.
- May not exceed proficiency (one slot) in any weapon style.
- May not wear armor heavier than elven chain mail.
Component 2: Fighter/Mage Kit
The kit may optionally be played as a fighter/mage multi-class instead. The same advantages and disadvantages apply. Fighter/mage arcane archers may achieve grandmastery in crossbows, longbows and shortbows.Abilities

v2 - Overhauled, added fighter/mage version v1.3 - Italian translation added (credit to Aedan) v1.2 - Mod traifyed. - v1.1 - -2 penalty to Strength replaced with THAC0 penalty with melee weapons.
Post edited by TheArtisan on
I installed the mod with success, but the game crashes to desktop when I try to select the Arcane Archer kit.
The reason of this CTD is explained here:
Can you please consider the chance to update the mod in the way suggested by @Erg ?
I got this error when I tried to install the mod (attached the debug file):
Also, the game crashed when I try to select the kit.
I cannot undestand why.
Does it work with English language?
I tried replacing everywhere "Arcane Archer" with "Arcane_Archer" (including the folder name, every occurrence inside the tp2 file and the file names Setup-Arcane_Archer.exe and Setup-Arcane_Archer.tp2) and the mod installs and works fine.
@Artemius_I @Erg
Thank you, guys!
Bad news.
Some Italian players told me that the mod does no longer work.
I do not know if it is releated to the new patch. Anyway, when they try to select this kit, the game crashes. Again.
I can safely say that the English version still works. I'll see what I can do.
The mod was definitely working fine with v. 2.0. It stopped working after the next patches.