Dual class from - to Sorcerer / shaman, is it now possible?

WIth this new interface and all we had a new feature, the shaman, nothing more and nothing less than an druid sorcerer!!
Very cool in fact, and with this new feature i have to ask: Is now possible to dual class from/to sorcerer and shaman?
Doesn't even need to be an core feature, modded dual class is ok for me, but the possibilities... ah the possibilities!!!
Very cool in fact, and with this new feature i have to ask: Is now possible to dual class from/to sorcerer and shaman?
Doesn't even need to be an core feature, modded dual class is ok for me, but the possibilities... ah the possibilities!!!
He did answer you in that, no it isn't possible in an unmodded game. So now the only question that remains to be answered is if there are any mods that allow it. I'm not aware of any myself, but I think that would be a really cool idea and I hope someone makes it happen.
The engine itself can't handle entirely new multiclassing structures like a Shaman/X. Otherwise Beamdog would have allowed for them to dual-/multiclass in the first place. Or at least I remember reading that reasoning in one of the devs posts some time ago.
Sorcerer is a tough not to crack, from what I'm told. Apparently the whole alternative casting system thing is buried very deeply in the code.
With this update i thought that Beamdog had finally reached the knowledge of how to manipulate the sorcerer class. a shame
Of course given that Beamdog has access to the deepest levels of code it would theoretically be POSSIBLE for them to change things, but that would likely require MASSIVE changes in the engine that go beyond what is feasible or beyond what is allowed under their contract - not to mention it would likely break every mod in existence etc. Not worth it for a comparatively minor gain.
I would be happy if i could infuse fighter flags into a sorcerer (specially an Dragon Disciple) to use fighter equipments, get better thac0 progression, access proficience weapon slots of grandmastery (with respective extra attack per round) and receive fighter constitution HP bonus. Don't know if that's feasible by mod.
I really wish that more classes could put at least put two pips and Specialize in weapons. I normally just Keeper the proficiencies in myself. It makes sense from an RP perspective that my Mage who has been slinging spells and bashing skulls for 15 levels would become slightly more proficient with his Staff...
Thx @Pteran, gonna save these files for a future game with DD. In IWD:EE Dragon Disciple Rocks, but in BG i see no point to use it with the basic advantages.
If you want to tweak the sorcerer kit, you can certainly do it (or at least, you can tweak the Dragon Disciple kit). Now, you can't dual-class into or out of sorcerer or Shaman. But you can tweak the relevant CLAB.2da files to give them the right abilities and use EEKeeper to replicate the effects.
An example. Say you want a Fighter(7)->Sorcerer. Simply create a sorcerer at the beginning of BG2, then go to EEKeeper. Set the level and XP to zero, remove all the spells except for two level 1 spells, and give the character a fighter's HP (7d10+CON bonuses). Then, at level 8, give them the fighter's normal bonuses--extra proficiencies, THAC0, and Use Any Item so you can equip swords and such (or just edit the item files themselves).
Or, say you want something more complicated... a Berserker/Shaman multi-class. Find the Berserker's CLAB.2da file, copy its bonuses into the Shaman's CLAB file, and then add some custom spell files to replicate the Berserker's extra APR at level 7 and 13. Then you can tweak the Shaman's level progression, weapon proficiencies, HP, saves, and THAC0 to replicate a multi-class fighter's or Berserker's.
Ultimately, the only things you can't ever change without messing with hardcoded stuff are the buttons on the UI. That is, you can never have a bard that can disarm traps, or a sorcerer with the turn undead ability. But you can add fighter bonuses to anything, and thieving abilities, cleric/druid/mage spells, and turn undead to most things (if not everything).
Druid/Mage? Yes.
Monk/Sorcerer? Pretty close.
Bard/Paladin? Almost.
Thief/Shaman? No.
Fighter/Cleric/Thief? Yes.
Fighter/Mage/Shaman? No.
It depends on how much you're willing to do. A Druid/Thief won't require too much work (and can be a perfect replica, if you're willing to give druid spell and level progression to all clerics), but a Fighter/Cleric/Thief will be harder.
One day, who knows, i try to do a dual class fighter / sorcerer class inside a kit of sorcerer (and shaman too), maybe. But that's for the future.
Knowing how long ppl wish a sorcerer / fighter in this forum i really doubt a mod like this to be rejected by the community.