Classes best for RPing Bhaalspawn Powers

So I got to thinking...Dorn complains that power doesn't come as easy for others as it does for Charname. So, what classes best represent Bhaal blood? My ideas, and please add to them as you see fit.
Usually you need to sell your soul to a devil, demon or evil deity for these powers. That says to me that these powers are linked directly to their infernal nature. Well, Bhaal was an evil deity, was he not? If evil deities can create Blackguards, then why not have a bhaalspawn blackguard simply be someone who naturally taps into what would otherwise be given? Giving in to your bhaalspawn blood simply unlocks these powers.
Shadow Dancer
One that I did before for a really fun run. Bhaal was the god of murder. Shadow Dancers are the epitome of this, as they can go invisible anywhere, any time. They can step into the plane of shadow. They have natural abilities that make them one with the night. Being the son or daughter of the god of murder could be what grants this.
The class description itself says that they often have the blood of dragons or deities in them. Fits like a glove.
Cleric (unkitted)
Goes back tot he blackguard idea. That bhaal would have been granting these powers when he was alive. You are already tapping into this when you get your special abilities. So for a cleric, that would merely be someone who is using what is inside of them to fuel their prayers/spells. It's just that bhaal is dead so he can't actually decide what to grant or not grant. Gaining levels isn't favor with him, it's being in better control of taking what you need.
Odd, I know. But Bhaal was an evil god of murder. I'd imagine that having his blood in you would make your more violent. So I like the idea of the taint being the cause for your murderous rage. Not all murder has to be stealthy and clean, you know? Murder can also take the form of a blood rage where you cave someone's skull in with a hammer. This just embodies that.
Ok, bear with me. Please just hear me out. What do Cavaliers get? They get bonuses to killing evil outsiders. They are immune to fear. They get some elemental resists. Well, as I see it this is what happens when you go out of your way to reject your infernal heritage.
Personally, I'm liking the idea of a berserker dualed into a thief. This can be seen as the epitome of what it means to be the child of murder. You are adept at murdering via cloak and dagger, laying traps, using scrolls to magic someone into the afterlife, and just going into a murderous rage and pummeling them into a pulp.
Anyone else have any ideas for good RP reasons for your bhaalspawn nature fitting into your class?
Usually you need to sell your soul to a devil, demon or evil deity for these powers. That says to me that these powers are linked directly to their infernal nature. Well, Bhaal was an evil deity, was he not? If evil deities can create Blackguards, then why not have a bhaalspawn blackguard simply be someone who naturally taps into what would otherwise be given? Giving in to your bhaalspawn blood simply unlocks these powers.
Shadow Dancer
One that I did before for a really fun run. Bhaal was the god of murder. Shadow Dancers are the epitome of this, as they can go invisible anywhere, any time. They can step into the plane of shadow. They have natural abilities that make them one with the night. Being the son or daughter of the god of murder could be what grants this.
The class description itself says that they often have the blood of dragons or deities in them. Fits like a glove.
Cleric (unkitted)
Goes back tot he blackguard idea. That bhaal would have been granting these powers when he was alive. You are already tapping into this when you get your special abilities. So for a cleric, that would merely be someone who is using what is inside of them to fuel their prayers/spells. It's just that bhaal is dead so he can't actually decide what to grant or not grant. Gaining levels isn't favor with him, it's being in better control of taking what you need.
Odd, I know. But Bhaal was an evil god of murder. I'd imagine that having his blood in you would make your more violent. So I like the idea of the taint being the cause for your murderous rage. Not all murder has to be stealthy and clean, you know? Murder can also take the form of a blood rage where you cave someone's skull in with a hammer. This just embodies that.
Ok, bear with me. Please just hear me out. What do Cavaliers get? They get bonuses to killing evil outsiders. They are immune to fear. They get some elemental resists. Well, as I see it this is what happens when you go out of your way to reject your infernal heritage.
Personally, I'm liking the idea of a berserker dualed into a thief. This can be seen as the epitome of what it means to be the child of murder. You are adept at murdering via cloak and dagger, laying traps, using scrolls to magic someone into the afterlife, and just going into a murderous rage and pummeling them into a pulp.
Anyone else have any ideas for good RP reasons for your bhaalspawn nature fitting into your class?
There's also Monk, I suppose, if Ki and your Bhaalspawn essence interact somehow, Barbarian for the same reasons as Berserker, and Necromancer, or else a Conjurer who likes using demons.
Assassin works too... Who is to say where the poison comes from... Prolonged contact with your murderous soul makes the weapons you wield toxic to creatures of mere flesh and blood.
Or the lethal speed and precision of a Swashbuckler or Monk...
Same with zerker and barb, both has that inner rage that fits well, especially well with the slayer. Whom other than a zerker/barb can so smoothly go from normal into a raging slayer monster?
I probably wouldn't choose Paladin since that is so, IMHO, tied to actually belonging to an Order rather then using your innate skills and abilitities. But I might be wrong, lore outside of the games are not my forte.
Same with cleric for as, AFAIK, a cleric gains power by the connecting with his/her god and it seems weird to have any other god than Bhaal himself. Your take on it was quite interresting though @Grum, I would never have come up with that possiblity should you not have written it.
The shaman idea was great! Very insightful @Jarrakul.
If we look at other bhaal spawns there doesn't seem to be any prevalent choice, AFAIK. There's fighters, thieves etc. Maybe someone who knows the lore has some kind of list or statistics on if there's any class which is more common for bhaal spawn then others?
Cleric is one that I've always loved; the idea that CHARNAME's divine power comes from within instead of without has long been a classic theme I've used. Standard Paladin works in the same regard too.
Like imagine Ilmater vs lord of murder fighting it out inside charname! So while your dealing with the essence of bhaal and how its pushing you to the murder/darker side of things the god of suffering is basically got your back at the same time trying to keep you good.
Blackguard because and evil deity can grant such powers.
Cleric for obvious reasons.
Sorceror... maybe, stretching it a bit already.
Shadowdancer: I dont see the link with Bhaal other than it can kill things like everyone else. Shadows and the shadow plane are tied to Shar and more loosely to a few other deities like Mask, Bhaal has nothing to do with it.
The biography was altered so that early in her youth she could sense something evil within her very soul. Worried and dismayed by this constant ache she turned to Gorion, who in turn helped her mold the darkness within her into a force of righteousness and justice. A daily regime of prayer, meditation and swordplay helped her combat the evil within. Yet the darkness was ever present, always threatening to overtake her soul, should she stray but a little. In time she yearned to fight the wicked in the world with the very taint of her soul, and in essence; she learned to fight fire with fire.
It made for a very interesting, very compelling character. Even more so after a certain part of the story is revealed...
Mage - Necromancer
If you manage your reputation right, you can get all evil Bhaalspawn abilities - Larloch's Minor Drain, Horror and Vampiric Touch all belong to the Necromancery magic school.
Besides, a Necromancer is someone who is familiar with, in the @Jarrakul 's words, the living crossing over to the realms of the dead.