dark sun and other worlds in the future

Hey all,
What do you think, any chance of Beamdog making a Dark Sun, Dragonlance, Planescape or maybe even a Ravenloft game in the future using their enhanced version of IE? One can always hope?
What do you think, any chance of Beamdog making a Dark Sun, Dragonlance, Planescape or maybe even a Ravenloft game in the future using their enhanced version of IE? One can always hope?

One can hope!
I remember when I played Darksun and the party Thri-kreen attacked the party preserver because the spell he used aged himself and the targets a few years
I'd love to see someone do a Dark Sun game justice. You almost have to run it like the Game monster hunter. Because there is almost no metal, so alot of the good equipment comes from monsters.
I would be so into a new Dark Sun game. Never was able to get the old gold box games to save in dos box, even the GOG versions, and it was my favorite D&D setting as a kid in the 90s.
It'd probably be the perfect setting to get a good following, seeing as how the post-apocalyptic worlds are really popular now, and Dark Sun was the post-apocalyptic fantasy setting. The whole world was ruined with magic. It would definitely need to have some really evil options, like playing as defiler or templar.
Also, I seem to remember there were rules in the old books concerning cooking in metal armor in the desert sun.