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dark sun and other worlds in the future

Hey all,
What do you think, any chance of Beamdog making a Dark Sun, Dragonlance, Planescape or maybe even a Ravenloft game in the future using their enhanced version of IE? One can always hope? :)


  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    I always support cannibal Halflings and PC Thrikeen
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    YES. Just... don't let thri-kreen quad-wield. I know they have four arms, but I have never once seen that be balanced. Besides, it's hard enough to attack with two swords without banging them together.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Jarrakul said:

    YES. Just... don't let thri-kreen quad-wield. I know they have four arms, but I have never once seen that be balanced. Besides, it's hard enough to attack with two swords without banging them together.

    They were nice. Nothing like fighting a two meter tall mantis who happens to be a Ranger who is dual wielding spears and is poisonous :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @Djinn From the Familiar Magazine: Trent Oster is a huge D&D fan, with at least a few ideas for almost every setting. He was a big Dragonlance series fan, loved Dark Sun as a setting and played a ton of Forgotten Realms settings.

    One can hope!
  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    Jarrakul said:

    YES. Just... don't let thri-kreen quad-wield. I know they have four arms, but I have never once seen that be balanced. Besides, it's hard enough to attack with two swords without banging them together.

    Dual wield? Thinking too small. I want four returning throwing weapons going at once

  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    PK2748 said:

    Jarrakul said:

    YES. Just... don't let thri-kreen quad-wield. I know they have four arms, but I have never once seen that be balanced. Besides, it's hard enough to attack with two swords without banging them together.

    Dual wield? Thinking too small. I want four returning throwing weapons going at once

    ...That sounds epic. I almost wanna see that in action.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Jarrakul said:

    YES. Just... don't let thri-kreen quad-wield. I know they have four arms, but I have never once seen that be balanced. Besides, it's hard enough to attack with two swords without banging them together.

    Disagree. We need quad-wielding thri-kreen undead warriors or I will riot

  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited April 2016
    Their only disadvantage was the inability to speak other languages, although they could understand them, and their short life spans... around 14 years if I remember correctly.

    I remember when I played Darksun and the party Thri-kreen attacked the party preserver because the spell he used aged himself and the targets a few years :)
    Post edited by mlnevese on
  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    I think they live 30
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @Pk2748 You're correct :) Another interesting fact is that they never sleep :)
  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    And they make their own returning throwing weapons, so game on! Infinity Engine Dark Sun time
  • Clumsy_DwarfClumsy_Dwarf Member Posts: 112
    Jarrakul said:

    YES. Just... don't let thri-kreen quad-wield. I know they have four arms, but I have never once seen that be balanced. Besides, it's hard enough to attack with two swords without banging them together.

    I played Thri-kreen Monk once in 3.5. It was fun being able to leap the length of a football field, land on the bad guy, and rip his face off :)
  • AriusArius Member Posts: 92
    The meanest character I ever ran was a Mul(1/2 dwarf) Gladiator that I dual classed into a rogue.

    I'd love to see someone do a Dark Sun game justice. You almost have to run it like the Game monster hunter. Because there is almost no metal, so alot of the good equipment comes from monsters.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    If you want to die wear full plate in Darksun. No need for enemies :smile:
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    PK2748 said:

    Jarrakul said:

    YES. Just... don't let thri-kreen quad-wield. I know they have four arms, but I have never once seen that be balanced. Besides, it's hard enough to attack with two swords without banging them together.

    Dual wield? Thinking too small. I want four returning throwing weapons going at once

    I'm reminded of a D&D game I once played in, where we were all ridiculous monster races. One player chose a race with four arms (not thri-kreen, but some other bug race) and quad-wielded repeating crossbows. I must admit, it was entertaining. Not even a little bit balanced, but then, balance was never the point of that game.
  • AriusArius Member Posts: 92
    mlnevese said:

    If you want to die wear full plate in Darksun. No need for enemies :smile:

    Well metal full plate. Ankheg full plate you'll make it IMO.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Eh, full plate wouldn't be any more lethal than the clothes Dark Sun people canonically wear. If you're in the desert, cover up. The sun wants to cook you.
  • AriusArius Member Posts: 92
    Jarrakul said:

    Eh, full plate wouldn't be any more lethal than the clothes Dark Sun people canonically wear. If you're in the desert, cover up. The sun wants to cook you.

    As someone who wore body armour in Iraq I'd disagree with that. The reason I mention ankheg it is because it is so light. use exert yourself less in it.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Jarrakul said:

    PK2748 said:

    Jarrakul said:

    YES. Just... don't let thri-kreen quad-wield. I know they have four arms, but I have never once seen that be balanced. Besides, it's hard enough to attack with two swords without banging them together.

    Dual wield? Thinking too small. I want four returning throwing weapons going at once

    I'm reminded of a D&D game I once played in, where we were all ridiculous monster races. One player chose a race with four arms (not thri-kreen, but some other bug race) and quad-wielded repeating crossbows. I must admit, it was entertaining. Not even a little bit balanced, but then, balance was never the point of that game.
    That reminds me of a scene in a sci-fi novel. A human tells a four-armed alien that two-gun mojo is BS. The alien proceeds to show him what he can do with a pistol in each hand, then scoffs: "Two guns are for humans."
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  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577

    I would be so into a new Dark Sun game. Never was able to get the old gold box games to save in dos box, even the GOG versions, and it was my favorite D&D setting as a kid in the 90s.

    It'd probably be the perfect setting to get a good following, seeing as how the post-apocalyptic worlds are really popular now, and Dark Sun was the post-apocalyptic fantasy setting. The whole world was ruined with magic. It would definitely need to have some really evil options, like playing as defiler or templar.

    Also, I seem to remember there were rules in the old books concerning cooking in metal armor in the desert sun.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029

    Jarrakul said:

    Eh, full plate wouldn't be any more lethal than the clothes Dark Sun people canonically wear. If you're in the desert, cover up. The sun wants to cook you.

    Right, but when something's trying to cook you, what you don't do is climb into a you-sized steel oven.
    I'm certainly not saying you should. But people in Dark Sun tend to expose roughly 90% of their skin, and doing that in a desert is a very good way to die very fast. Yes, full plate would absolutely be a bad idea. But I'm not at all sure it'd be any worse than running around in a loincloth and nothing else, and that's what people do in Dark Sun.
  • onelasttry84onelasttry84 Member Posts: 52
    This thread made me buy the Prism Pentad Darksun Novels ... :#
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