New game/expansion, did any of the updates fix this with Druid Shapeshift kit?

EDIT, added in the beginning of thread to avoid any confusion or the confusion I had.
Rest of the old thread below....
For the Werewolf
You Were Supposed to Receive...
Base magic resistance 20%
Immunity to normal weapons
Paw does 1d12 slashing damage
You Actually Received...
Magic resistance locked at 20%
Paw does 1d6 piercing damage
For the greater werewolf:
You Were Supposed to Receive...
THAC0 of 6
Saves 1/1/1/2/1
Base elemental resistance of 50%
Base magic resistance of 40%
Immunity to normal weapons
Paw is +3 weapon
Paw does 2d8 slashing damage
Regeneration of 3 HP per second
You Actually Received...
Elemental resistance locked at 50%
Magic resistance locked at 40%
Paw is +2 weapon
Paw does 1d6 piercing damage
I am not sure if the G3 tweak pack will work with this version as the engine, infinity engine is being heavily updated with SOD..
Only search I found related to this was for the general discussion area...but thought since SOD released would put it in the SOD forum.
thank you!
EDITED to fix formatting, did not show up correctly on first post.
zolop said:
This is where the confusion was with me, I missed part of the text (in bold)...
Shapeshifter Rebalancing (Weimer)
"Shapeshifter Rebalancing (Weimer)
Please note that this is a legacy component from Wes Weimer's Ease of Use mod. Wes typically designed for balance under the assumption that people would have the Tactics mod installed, so this is probably overpowered for most normal games. The rest of the description is from Wes: " from...
Thank you for pointing this out Tresset!
Rest of the old thread below....
For the Werewolf
You Were Supposed to Receive...
Base magic resistance 20%
Immunity to normal weapons
Paw does 1d12 slashing damage
You Actually Received...
Magic resistance locked at 20%
Paw does 1d6 piercing damage
For the greater werewolf:
You Were Supposed to Receive...
THAC0 of 6
Saves 1/1/1/2/1
Base elemental resistance of 50%
Base magic resistance of 40%
Immunity to normal weapons
Paw is +3 weapon
Paw does 2d8 slashing damage
Regeneration of 3 HP per second
You Actually Received...
Elemental resistance locked at 50%
Magic resistance locked at 40%
Paw is +2 weapon
Paw does 1d6 piercing damage
I am not sure if the G3 tweak pack will work with this version as the engine, infinity engine is being heavily updated with SOD..
Only search I found related to this was for the general discussion area...but thought since SOD released would put it in the SOD forum.
thank you!
EDITED to fix formatting, did not show up correctly on first post.
Post edited by zolop on
First: Weapons changed to slashing damage.
Second: Lesser werewolf does 1d8 base damage. Greater werewolf does 2d8 base damage.
Third: Lesser werewolf counts as a +1 (I may raise it to +2 though) weapon. Greater werewolf counts as a +3 weapon.
Fourth: Made the weapons have the correct icons.
And that is about all I did really. I may restore the super constitution bonuses to the forms now that I think about it, because I miss that...
In any case, I personally find some of what you are asking for extremely unbalanced. The lesser werewolf being immune to normal weapons would completely and utterly destroy BG1 (at least pre-SoD). I do take requests, though, so if you want a mod that doesn't involve weidu (I suck at syntax and such) I would definitely try to whip something up for you.
As similar it was done in Pillars.
Shapeshifter Rebalancing (Weimer)
"Shapeshifter Rebalancing (Weimer)
Please note that this is a legacy component from Wes Weimer's Ease of Use mod. Wes typically designed for balance under the assumption that people would have the Tactics mod installed, so this is probably overpowered for most normal games. The rest of the description is from Wes: " from...
Thank you for pointing this out Tresset!
The mods do allow for incredible cheese, such as putting the created paws both in your main hand *and* your off-hand, which results in the regeneration from the Greater Werewolf form stacking. That being said, even with the mods, the kit is still weaker than your average fighter/druid, except for perhaps at the very beginning of BG1 and BG2. Spellcasting is still disabled in werewolf form (in SCS by default, and it's trivial to mod into the BG2Tweaks version), and for a pure caster class, that's a huge trade-off.
Ideally Beamdog would have taken the opportunity to fix the problems with the kit, but given a choice between the laughably gimped vanilla Shapeshifter and the potentially cheesy modded version I'll take the latter and simply not indulge in cheese.
Out of curiosity, what does your mod do with the kit?