Clerics and godhood

"Clerics are elite agents of gods, sworn to follow and obey the tenets of their deity's dogma in ways that the average mortal cannot." —
Considering this, do you think a cleric would ever choose to ascend to godhood? If so, what do you think would become of his relationship with his god?
Considering this, do you think a cleric would ever choose to ascend to godhood? If so, what do you think would become of his relationship with his god?
By the way, @Zafiro i truly don't understand the concept of a cleric being forbidden to kill or harm, except for the followers of Illmater that, a cleric is the enforcer of a god's will in the planes, based on the portfolios of his/her god kill and harm isn't an option but an necessity.
Maybe people mistake the actual medic oath of non-harm with the figure of a cleric;
Mentioning I'm not saying atheists are murderers.
I should make an addition - joining a battleground or raid, or just plain adventuring to heal people is fighting for a good cause, but not harming.
Good Character - Would sacrifice himself for others, HOWEVER, they would also try to sacrifice evil instead of themselves.
Neutral Character - Would sacrifice whoever needs to be sacrificed or simply not interfere.
Evil Character - Would sacrifice others for numerous reasons, would only sacrifice himself out of fear.
The three cases would represent true faith.
Hell, even a pirate! I'd love to see the option of role-playing a pirate.
"Hell, even a pirate! I'd love to see the option of role-playing a pirate."
This can be easly done if you get what i mean XD!
Examples would be the demi-god Uthgar, who worshipped and now rules under Tempus.
Another is Deep Duerra (psionic demi-god of the duergar) who ascended and now rules under Laduguer (duergar god)
What I'm saying is, in the game, the god you choose for your cleric should determine what weapons he can use, and Use Any Item should not allow your character to use an item he would normally refuse to use, but only items he normally wouldn't be able to use, such as a scroll or a wand.
At a time when Armour was able to deflect most bladed weaponry, and nobles needed live captives to ransom. Whacking your oponnents armour so that it was so dented that he could not move was the favourable option. Then Robin Hood appeared, (inspired the archer kit... well a load of archers anyway) some idiot said that peasents couldn't ransom nobles, meaning that they would kill them (Check out what happened at the battle of Agincourt, Crecy etc etc) and the whole, you can't carry this type of weapon because... went up in a flash of smoke (did I mention gunpowder...) as the warrior cleric suddenly became outdated, although the ban on the weapons continued, you gotta be a traditionalist if you serve the church...
What has this got to do with the real world we all live in being Baldur's Gate... Absolutely nowt.
Just for the record: I like Walter Scott; Ivanhoe was great.
First, you are absolutely right. We don't need to pick up swords and fight. No one needs to kill.
However, artworks, such as a well written book or something more visual, will often show you the opposite way, for the simple fact that you have to show symbolic violence (symbolic , only) in order to care about peace.
As for being true neutral... well, let's just say that whoever knows himself as a whole won't be true neutral.