I found this awesome thing: Link to artist: http://artastrophe.deviantart.com/gallery/4028371#/d5es15n Pretty boss all around. The only problem is that the zip file attached carries portraits configured to the old dimensions, so I have to cut them out of the preview if I want to use them in-game.
Also, no Minsc or Boo :C
I guess it's a work in progress, so we might have to send in our 100,000 gold to commission more.
@belgarathmth - The Jaheira is 100% @Syntia13. She was working on Jaheiras and was kind enough to make modifications to her portrait that matched what I was hoping for. That's why I credited her in the post that showed the original link.
The Viconia is @trinit, I think; it came from the topic re: alt portraits.
The others came from images I found and tried to properly crop. Anyway, I'm glad you like it; I just don't want to hog the credit due to people that really did art (and didn't just crop/resize/adjust).
It's the symbol for the player character in Rogue. You know, the first roguelike game? ASCII graphics? predecessor of pretty much all modern dungeon crawlers? I'm really shocked that so few people get the joke.
@DarkDogg I don't like the style of new portraits either, but I wouldn't call them ugly. Just... not to my taste (which is horribly frustrating considering that I find the designs excellent. Just not the style). As for adding fan-made portraits to the game, well, you can already do that, and you can add much wider selection than 3-5 pics, all of them hand-picked by yourself according to your own taste. *glances at her own overflowing 'Portraits' folder*. Yeah. *Shoves the folder out of sight* Hee, the last time BG included a fan cameo, it was Lanfear. I'm not sure she was too happy about it. ;D But art contests are always good. I'd support this idea.
Ever heard of the Wasteland 2 project? From B. Fargo and some other guys from original BG and Fallout team. There will be a lot of FAN concept, NPC names, credits and etc. Why not to do this in BGEE? Just with portraits and maybe!maybe! with new NPC names in BG2EE...
@LadyEibhilinRhett Ah, I see. Released in 1980, huh? That makes it my peer. Considering that the computers/consoles where items of luxury, smuggled and/or imported at great price and only available to few in my country until around 1990, and the first computer appeared in my house sometime around 1995, (wasn't even mine, and I had to fight for my turn to use it ]:P ), it comes as no surprise to me that I've never heard about it. Thank you for the background info. I think I'll go to give a 'like' to Poputt now.
@Syntia13, thanks for the links. I've learned how to work with the new portraits system now.
I'm not sure where to report this, but the Plutocrat/Enkida folder in the dropbox is missing Plutocrat's Imoen set. I'm using his portraits, so I'd love to know where to find his Imoen.
Hair gel and conditioner must be freely available across the realms.
Heh, I sometimes give that some thought but at least for mages/sorcerers I have a way to roleplay that out. I take kind of a "The Witcher" stance on looks there.
Its to assume that most if not every magic user fairly early on learns how to alter thier appearance magically. Either by illusion, some form of mild shapeshifting, charm spells or more. They are able to control things like thier looks and they can halt or slow the signs of aging. Maybe, hiding scars or flaws also.
On a somewhat related side note. If forgotten realms was real, Charm person would be the date rape spell.
@TiaxRulesAll I wonder where "Friends" would fall...
So i got a bunch of new soundsets. Including "Annah" from Planescape Torment. Fits perfectly into BG and is a great accent. She has a kinda sassy Irish accent. You can download it here if you want it or in my Dropbox collection. http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/dl.php?s=BG2&f=BG2/Annah.zip
But then I needed a character to fit the voice. I did a simple recolor on this "Tashia" pic and turned it into a proper Irish accented "Annah" substitute
Both the .bmp's and soundsets can be found in dropbox in the (TiaxRulesAll) folder and soundsets folder, if you are looking.
@TiaxRulesAll Since you rule all, hopefully you can point me to a way to implement soundsets for the technically challenged. Is it as easy as implementing custom portraits?
@TiaxRulesAll Since you rule all, hopefully you can point me to a way to implement soundsets for the technically challenged. Is it as easy as implementing custom portraits?
Well, sorta. Normally, If you have a completed soundset, you just drop the files into your "Sounds" folder. I forget the exact path but there are more detailed instructions in this forum. After that they will just be in the selection menu in game.
The problem is that the EE is not working correctly with custom sounds. It is a known issue and I wouldn't doubt that it'll be patched shortly. I believe somebody mentioned possibly making the process even easier. Right now you have to do a few tricky things to get it to work in the EE. I'm waiting for the fix personally.
It feels very refreshing to be called a kid at 32. ;D
Enjoy it while it lasts. Doesn't happen so much at 42...
You both are making me feel young. Thank you!
Ha! Same here. I'm around people who are 2-4 years younger
@Poputt that's some quality work you've linked there. I wish the artist can really finish the portraits; he said he will. I hope he could make the same quality for Neera's portrait
On a whim I searched my old email account for some baldur's gate stuff I had backed up over the years. Was pleasantly surprised to find a portrait collection that had the one imoen picture I was looking for for ages but couldn't find anywhere. Figured I'd put it up here in case anyone shares my tastes.
Been playing a Blackguard for a bit, quite like the class. Not really happy with any of the portraits I have though. Was wondering if any of you skilled artsy people could do a recolour of Anomen's portrait? Make the armour black, darken the leather (possibly turn it reddish?) and maybe make the facial expression slightly less cheerful if it's not asking too much.
There's probably some recolours of that portrait allready so if there's allready a similar one, let me know I'll mosey around the dropbox a bit and see if I find anything similar...
Well there is this version of Anomen in the dropbox. Maybe not evil enough but slightly darker. I may attempt a re-color to your specs for ya in a few hours, if i find the time.
There is this re-color in there as well. Quality not the best though...
Link to artist: http://artastrophe.deviantart.com/gallery/4028371#/d5es15n
Pretty boss all around. The only problem is that the zip file attached carries portraits configured to the old dimensions, so I have to cut them out of the preview if I want to use them in-game.
Also, no Minsc or Boo :C
I guess it's a work in progress, so we might have to send in our 100,000 gold to commission more.
This is seriously the most awesome thing on this thread.
I guess I'm just too hardcore.
@LadyEibhilinRhett and @Poputt - @ ? Is that an injoke or something? I don't get it. *scratches head*
The Viconia is @trinit, I think; it came from the topic re: alt portraits.
The others came from images I found and tried to properly crop. Anyway, I'm glad you like it; I just don't want to hog the credit due to people that really did art (and didn't just crop/resize/adjust).
It's the symbol for the player character in Rogue. You know, the first roguelike game? ASCII graphics? predecessor of pretty much all modern dungeon crawlers? I'm really shocked that so few people get the joke.
Here. Here's a link to the wikipedia article. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_(computer_game)
There will be a lot of FAN concept, NPC names, credits and etc.
Why not to do this in BGEE? Just with portraits and maybe!maybe! with new NPC names in BG2EE...
I'm not sure where to report this, but the Plutocrat/Enkida folder in the dropbox is missing Plutocrat's Imoen set. I'm using his portraits, so I'd love to know where to find his Imoen.
*sigh* Someone must've dragged and dropped it to their desktop. Anyone have a copy to upload? It's the only way I know of fixing it.
EDIT: or are you saying it was never in the dropbox to begin with?
I added all 3 sizes of each to the folder in the dropbox
I wonder where "Friends" would fall...
But then I needed a character to fit the voice. I did a simple recolor on this "Tashia" pic and turned it into a proper Irish accented "Annah" substitute
Both the .bmp's and soundsets can be found in dropbox in the (TiaxRulesAll) folder and soundsets folder, if you are looking.
The problem is that the EE is not working correctly with custom sounds. It is a known issue and I wouldn't doubt that it'll be patched shortly. I believe somebody mentioned possibly making the process even easier. Right now you have to do a few tricky things to get it to work in the EE. I'm waiting for the fix personally.
that's some quality work you've linked there. I wish the artist can really finish the portraits; he said he will. I hope he could make the same quality for Neera's portrait
There's probably some recolours of that portrait allready so if there's allready a similar one, let me know
There is this re-color in there as well. Quality not the best though...