Shoal the Nereid and the Leave No Friend Behind achievement

Shoal the infamous sirine automatically kills the character whom you speak to her with. Now, the Leave no Friend Behind achievement requires you to complete the game without any party members dying. This seems to be in direct conflict with doing Shoal her quest.
Normally I could just kill her before she gets the chance to talk to me, but the half-ogre mage she spawns after talking/dying to her drops an awesome helmet that stays good for the rest of the game (and probably SoD as well?).
I was wondering if anyone has already tried and found out if getting killed by Shoal ruins the achievement? If so, does anyone know if there is a mod out there that gives you at least a chance to not die a horrible death? I am using BG1NPC and I was hoping that would help, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Even talking to her in story mode ends with you dying, since it is a scripted event.
Normally I could just kill her before she gets the chance to talk to me, but the half-ogre mage she spawns after talking/dying to her drops an awesome helmet that stays good for the rest of the game (and probably SoD as well?).
I was wondering if anyone has already tried and found out if getting killed by Shoal ruins the achievement? If so, does anyone know if there is a mod out there that gives you at least a chance to not die a horrible death? I am using BG1NPC and I was hoping that would help, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Even talking to her in story mode ends with you dying, since it is a scripted event.
Post edited by Nildar on
You're going to have to face the fact that the Helmet of Defense won't be yours' this play through. *Shrug* A good item, yes, but it's not a catastrophic loss.
I know of no such mods, but I also don't have great knowledge of the mod-base.
It still stings and is a pretty lame way to die though, since normally I use my PC to talk to NPCs and this is the only forced exception.
She can also be convinced to revive the party member she killed in this way if you help her out afterward.
I managed to survive this by blind luck my first time she tried to kill my protagonist, but you can absolutely save-scum the initial encounter if you don't want anyone to die.
I am glad to hear that you only need to survive the Sarevok battle though, because Neera got killed by the final boss of the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion while it was "Near Death" and I decided to just eat the loss and finish the boss off. I'm glad I'm still in the running for the achievement after all.
On that note I have a question regarding the achievement: If it only checks to see whether your party members are alive or dead, does it also check to see if a party member has been disintegrated or "chunked" by a critical hit? I ask because this removes the party member from your party entirely (and from the game, permanently) and it would be kind of funny if the achievement triggered anyway.
This has been true at least since version 2.5; I don't know when the second version of the spell was implemented.