Elves with beards. Yay or nay?

Despite wether or not it's "true in canon" (whichever canon that may be), how do you feel about bearded elves?
Some examples of bearded elves:
King Balor (Hellboy 2: The Golden Army)

Círdan (Lord of the Rings; Artwork by Moumou38)

Bearclaw and Treestump (ElfQuest)

(There is also apparently a female bearded elf in Witcher 3, but I haven't play that one yet.)
Some examples of bearded elves:
King Balor (Hellboy 2: The Golden Army)

Círdan (Lord of the Rings; Artwork by Moumou38)

Bearclaw and Treestump (ElfQuest)

(There is also apparently a female bearded elf in Witcher 3, but I haven't play that one yet.)
- Elves with beards. Yay or nay?69 votes
- Yay!27.54%
- Maybe?18.84%
- Nay.53.62%
Like The Elder Scrolls Mer, especially the dwemers.
And then there is also Elrond's depiction in the 1977s animated Hobbit movie:
On the matter of D&D, from Ed Greenwood via The Hooded One: On the topic of Lord of the Rings / Middle Earth: So as a general rule, I'd say 'maybe.' Depends on the franchise. 'Yes' in some cases, 'probably not' in others. On the topic of "yes or no regardless of whether it's canon," I see no reason why not.
Yagrum Bagarn approves of beards on elves!
I'm surprised you didn't mention Terry Brooks' "Shannara" setting as a prime example of bearded elves in a setting. I'm told he does mention the beards on some of them in his in-book descriptions, and of course now, there's the casting for the TV adaptation.
I find these elves to be *extremely* attractive, but then, I like bears, otters, and wolves in real life, too, so there's that.
And elves need to be sophisticated, gods blast it.
Unless the stubble knife ear wants to be the but end of dwarven jokes everywhere.
They also tend to have pointy beard as are their ears.
Btw, that's not me.
May have been Golarion (Pathfinder's setting). Unsure.
Even their females started growing beards like the beautiful dwarven ladies!
Preposterous! What next? Human skalds grooming red beards and drinking ale? Bah!
That's my interpretation anyway.
Which is all to say: if elves are androgynous rather than simply feminine, maybe those femme looks would be better served with beards on 'em!