A note on Voghlin from someone who lives in the northernmost north
This is not a criticism, simply an observation: I'm not sure what kind of knowledge the developers have on the subject, but the fact is that Voghlin doesn't sound "northern" at all. Comparisons to real life are obviously rather silly, but since we've already heard agonizingly clear Californian surfer dudes in BG2:EE, I would like to point out that Voghlin doesn't sound Nordic, or even northern, at all. Not one bit. He's a parody of what a German might sound, if you don't know what you're doing. His "non-English" utterances are also German, not Nordic.
Make Voghiln a proper Northman instead of a Luskan dog!
I don't think it was supposed to be Earth's north. Faerun is in a different universe.
Obviously, Germanic is more northern than Hispanic, for example, but since a skald is supposed to be a northern guy, he should really be Nordic.
Also, why would you assume the accent of a Faerunian Northerner would be the same as that of a European Northerner? We cannot make that supposition...
Filthy Saxons, almost as bad as the Bavarians! >:(
Somebody tell me, please.
I'll create a few too.
"A note on Rasaad from someone, who has been doing various martial arts for most of his life" (we don't fart flames and some of us can take a joke)
"A note on Khalid from a coward" (we don't get to marry a hot half-elves and I think that's pretty unfair)
"A note on Flaming Fist from someone, who's fists were on fire once" (it was an accident. It did not make me march around with a buckler and shout 'I am the law!' )
"A note to Nuber from someone, who has been deemed too annoying by everyone" (...)