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Was version 1.3 for multiplayer very stable?

fisab68fisab68 Member Posts: 12
Some friends and I purchased BGEE last month. I have a copy of the version 1.3 GOG files before they were updated to v2.0 and v2.1.
Will be playing multiplayer at the weekend. Is v1.3 very stable - infrequent drops and crashes?

Many thx in advance for any help on this.


  • Nummer5Nummer5 Member Posts: 6
    I played through the whole Story of BGEE 1.3 with 5 friends online.

    We rarely had crashes when there were narrative szenes about the main character dreaming or when we had to load the game while already playing.
    But we had much fun and played through the whole story.

    I would call it quite stable and playable.
  • fisab68fisab68 Member Posts: 12
    Nummer5 said:

    I played through the whole Story of BGEE 1.3 with 5 friends online.

    We rarely had crashes when there were narrative szenes about the main character dreaming or when we had to load the game while already playing.
    But we had much fun and played through the whole story.

    I would call it quite stable and playable.

    Really appreciate you taking the time to reply.
    I tried it with a 4 friends last night (1.3). Players got dropped out quite a bit over the evening. I did notice that it happened more often if someone joined an ongoing game (rather than everyone going out and coming back in together). We have another game scheduled for Sat night coming so I'm going to watch out for that.

    Anyone else spot that as being a problem (someone joining an ongoing game). Any more info would be helpful.
  • fisab68fisab68 Member Posts: 12
    Just to add further information. I had a 4 hour session on version 1.3 with 5 friends last night.

    Forwarded the correct ports and turned off the firewall and antivirus for the whole session. Was thrilled with the stability for the first 3 hours. Very few drops from the game. But the last hour was very unstable. I couldn't understand why. The firewall was still off. But players kept dropping out every few minutes. It was as if the instability had crept in via the saved games. It didn't make any sense to me. Don't think the Internet connection had anything to do with it.

    Anyone else experience anything like this?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    There was a multiplayer bug in patch v1.3 which, if triggered, made the game unplayable after a while. You can read more about it in this post and this bug report.
  • fisab68fisab68 Member Posts: 12
    Wow- thx for the reply @argent77. I read your links but didn't see any solution. I would be happy enough to reinstall a clean version of BGEE before each game session if I could replicate the stability of the first 3 hours (and import the saved games). Would that get rid of the triggered bug?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    There is no definitive solution (except updating to patch v2.1, which has its own problems).

    If your save is already infested then your only solution is to clean the save manually in a resource editor (which is a very time-consuming task). You'd probably notice something like that, because of the numerous creatures that would appear on the maps.
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