Iron Man Run

I'm was on my 6th iron man run (where I can save games and do not reload) and wiped out my whole party in the Candlekeep dungeons because of a lightning trap. I had my rogue at 100% disarm traps but still couldn't disarm some of those damn traps and had to carefully manuever my party around so as not to set anything off. Stupid Xan hit a trap and a lightning bolt wiped out my whole party after it bounced off the wall a dozen or so times. Stupid unfair traps.
Side Question: Would the Boots of Speed give a thief a chance to outrun trap effects like that? Then you could just run away and have your thief far enough in front of the party that they' be out of range too 'cause you know your thief is fast enough to run back for help.
I just looked up armor check penalties for 3E, and studded does have a -1 penalty. So perhaps you get a very small penalty for wearing studded leather in BG as well.
There's a couple of current tweaks mods out there that incorporate a more 3e style, ie you can wear heavier and heavier armor with an increasing penalty to skills.
I'm being really cautious, truly. I've avoided picking some fights here and there, and I've actually bothered healing Kagain on occasion, heh...
The other ironman one that got close to the end was when a arrow of detonation with a quickly cast fireball smacked my leader(Fighter Cleric) two blocks from Sarevok's Keep. That one I wasn't happy with.
I've attempted about 19 other times, only 4 others getting past Candlekeep #2.
The problem with streaming these things is that most end before you get to Chapter 2.
Another thing you should be aware of is that the thief has to be aligned at the center edge of the red area of trap. With some of the more oddly-shaped ones, it is quite possible to step on the trap trigger while walking toward the center disarming area. I always inch my thief up to the edge of the red area before clicking on disarm. If you click to disarm from too far away, the toon will walk up to the trap too fast, and can very often step on it before disarming.
There's kind of a technique to trap disarming in BG that is unique to the game. You've got to pretend like you're on a bomb squad. Walk on eggshells, hold your breath, and move very, very slowly.
It's really only difficult at the start of BG1 when you're L1 and very weak, once you get some levels you can protect yourself with spells against pretty much every detrimental effect in the game. I'd watch it. I'd like to see a full party run though, solo runs get incredibly boring to watch (use the same 2 broken tactics over and over to kill everything).
And of course it's not true Iron Man unless you use random hitpoints on levelup, chance of failure to scribe scrolls etc. For extra credit, generate your PC's stats using one of the approved 2nd Ed methods instead of rerolling until you get 18 in everything
I'd be interested in seeing someone provide concrete evidence that different armour types (available to thieves) give penalties to the other thief skills such as pickpocketing, lockpicking and trap disarming.
Also, as for that lightning trap in Candlekeep, aren't some traps in the game meant to be un-disamable (hahah, terrible grammar).