Lack of spoiler alerts

I cant believe that lack of spoiler alerts in this forum. I have never actually completed the game and it seems that every corner I turn its like BAM! spoiler, KABOOM! spoiler.
Serioulsy though its not difficult to type this, ***SPOILER*** before desclosing plot points. Come on people think before you type.
Serioulsy though its not difficult to type this, ***SPOILER*** before desclosing plot points. Come on people think before you type.
You're right, @Icallhimlecobra. And actually, the [spoiler ] tags do an even better job of concealing "sensitive" information.
Anyway I wouln't call adding spoiler alerts 'going out of your way' when it takes practically no effort to add them in.
It's more that you have to take the time to remember to spoilertag your posts. The community started being active with just players who had played the game before, so we all got into the habit of being pretty up-front about the plot. It's going to take some doing to get everyone to spoilertag their posts simply because they haven't been doing it.
I'll try to remember for myself, though.
Thanks, that all I ask
BG3 will depend in large part on sales of EE: lots of money for devs = they'll prolly make it; no money for devs = they won't make it. If new gamers come here and have their fun ruined by spoilers everywhere, their enjoyment of the game will be dampened and they might not buy the games and prolly won't recommend it to their friends. That means less money for devs which means less chance for BG3.
While not a direct link, being indifferent to whether new gamers enjoy EE and casually posting spoilers everywhere, including in thread titles, will IMO play a role in reducing the likelihood of a BG3.
There is not that much to spoil tbh for most people.
When BG:EE is released however, I imagine that people would want to change to rules on the general forum so that discussion of the new content is in spoiler tags.
With regards to the topic, I think the best thing I ever heard regarding spoilers and BG/BG2 is that "Just because a game is old enough to drink doesn't mean that spoilers aren't spoilers anymore"
Besides, no matter how much you announce a no-spoiler policy short of sending people with guns to the houses of all forum members, there will still be those who miss it and post spoilers anyway. If you really want to be on the safe side, just don't visit the forums until you've played the game yourself. It's a tried and true tactic, and there's very little essential info on these boards that can't also be found elsewhere.
There's a spoiler free area in the forums and of course anyone who posts spoilers there would be automatically wrong and should change their posts or have them edited by a moderator. In other areas of the forum? I think everyone should feel free to discuss the game.
The only new thing left to be spoiled for everyone is the story of the three new NPCs.Everything else is old knowledge available all over the Internet.
If I'm playing a new game and enter a forum for it, the topic name is more than enough for me to decide if there may be spoilers in it. No tags required.
Maybe color coding the forums would be even simpler... Make spoiler free forums have blue titles, for instance.
Sorry :{
I also think the new player forum should be moved up to just under General and renamed "Spoiler-Free Help and Discussion." It would encourage more people to post there.
(Not being born early enough is no excuse, just you being lazy)
In essence what @kilroy_was_here said. As BG, in spite of its qualities, was never a huge mainstream game, there's always been a certain acceptance for people who didn't bother playing it, because every BG player knows it's relatively rare to find someone else who feels the same way about it. What do you think would happen if you went to a Diablo 2 forum and got annoyed with the people there spoiling the plot?
Still, it's not enough reason to not be considerate, but as has been stated, a clearer compartmentalizing of the forums would be needed for this-
But generally, people want to discuss the upcoming changes. :P
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