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What kind of roleplayer are you? (SPOILERS for BG newbies)

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  1. What kind of roleplayer are you? (SPOILERS for BG newbies)98 votes
    1. Hardcore Roleplayer
    2. Inbetween Hardcore and Medium (Specify please)
    3. Medium Roleplayer
    4. Inbetween Low and Medium (Specify please)
    5. Low Roleplayer
    6. Other (Specify please)
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  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    edited October 2012
    I can suppress metagame knowledge for roleplaying purposes, separate gameplay from story to a good extent, imagine that journeys take hours, and assume that life necessities happen offscreen. But I have a very hard time going against story details whose depiction cannot be attributed to game balance or technology. For example, pretending that a cutscene battle was more epic than shown is easy. Pretending that my character is the opposite sex or has a completely different starting party in BG2...impossible.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    I'd say I can roleplay most anything and usually do so no matter what game I play - though in many cases I also prefer when the game doesn't force you to by way of one-sided design. Unlike games such as Fable 1 and Diablo 2 for instance, BG lets you choose your character's sex, which is a good thing.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    I have never, and never will, imagine whether Minsc poos in the woods. That's his business. (And maybe Boo's).

    I try to work around meta gaming as much as possible, ie I don't make a beeline to Beregost to pinch Algernon's cloak and I don't head for the Gnoll Fortress immediately just to get those gauntlets. If something is referenced in-game, in-dialogue, then it's fair game.

    I also don't buff characters with spells or potions before big fights that I know are coming, but the party members don't.

    The hardest trouble I have is *not* manipulating rep so that I get some meta benefit, like better shop prices or maintaining a mixed-alignment party.

    For the PC, I'll usually come up with some backstory to explain any stats at the far end of the scale (super high DEX or super low CHA, for instance) and why he or she chose a particular weapon profiency.

    That's about the extent of it. Bioware games don't really allow open role playing because the story demands are so completely rigid.
  • NecdilzorNecdilzor Member Posts: 279
    The example of the road between High Hedge and Beregost is the only one I don't roleplay that much. But, for the other things, I always do it.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2012
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  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    edited October 2012
    Shandyr said:

    @Brude Damn... I never thought of that...
    This would be metagaming... oh dear...

    Seems like next playthrough Baldur's Gate may be a bit harder for me xD

    OR! I could just roleplay in my head that my party has got some hints of a hard upcoming battle...
    In a twisted-cheating way fo roleplaying I could thus justify my party buffing up before a battle, couldnt I?

    Heh. Install SCS with smarter AI and mages that pre buff if you want an even better challenge. Your guys go into the fight naked while the enemy makes instant cast Stoneskin and Mirror Images on themselves. :D

    You can come up with a role playing rationalization for anything. For instance, if I really want Algernon's cloak early on, I can just have Montaron in my group and have him sneak upstairs alone on the theory that he's a scumbag and would likely do something like that anyway.

    But .. It also kinda violates the spirit of my overall goal in not meta gaming at all.
  • RajickRajick Member Posts: 207
    I'm sum times hardcore some times medium and some times I'm something way better super hardcore gamer where in my head my bow that I'm using is actually a plasma blaster and the whole bhaal spawn story happens in space. And saravok is an evil alian from the Gorthak nebula. I have a lot of free time.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    As per PnP rules, I always memorize at least one spell from my Necromancer's specialty school per level, even though it's not necessary in BG. I also never memorize a spell more than two at a time. Otherwise, I might as well play a Sorcerer. (Come on, filling all of your first level slots with Magic Missile when you have the Ring of Wizardry is lame and oozes with cheese!)

    And I almost never imagine who's having sex with whom while my party's resting in the Royal Room at Feldepost's Inn. :P
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    I admit to a certain amount of metagaming. Can't really help that I know I'll need a +3 weapon for some of the creatures in the Planar Prison, so I never do that quest until I have one.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited October 2012
    I'll be honest, despite RPGs being my favorite genre, my roleplaying is almost non-existent; the only reason I put myself in low-medium rather than low is that I'm not bothered by lack of eating, sleeping, etc. in games. I think it may be because I'm fairly young so by the time I started gaming enough to identify with a genre, the term RPG had pretty much come to mean any game that involved completing quests, slaying monsters, getting XP and leveling up, without necessarily having any role-playing elements (ie Diablo). I honestly never even gave much thought to the meaning of the acronym for years.

    Also I'm just really not a terribly creative or imaginative guy. I actually kind of struggle to understand how some people can just make believe whatever they feel the game needs; if I did that I don't think I'd be able to shake the feeling that it's just something contrived that I made up. In the last few years I've made a bit of an effort to try and play with at least an idea of what kind of personality and alignment my character will have (usually pretty generic) but even then I usually cave after a little while and fall back on my usual combination of doing whatever gets me the best rewards and/or is the most entertaining and/or whatever I feel like at the moment, usually trending towards a good alignent.

    Edit: based on the revised definitions the OP has given for the different options, I probably belong in the "Low Roleplayer" category.
    Post edited by TJ_Hooker on
  • TetraploidTetraploid Member Posts: 252
    I don't know where my level of roleplaying would fall according to your scale, but there are some things I do. With regards to buffing before big fights, I only do that if my party would have reason to expect it. Which often, they do! For the final battle, for example, it's pretty clear when you've got to the right place even if you've not played before. They know they are expecting a fight, so some preparation seems sensible. For others, such as various assassin ambushes, I try not to buff.
    Another thing I did in my last playthrough was let people die permanently. It always seemed unlikely that a PC would carry someone's body for miles to get them ressed at a temple, when traipsing through monster/bandit infested wilderness. As a result, my party changed frequently over the course of the game, and was somewhat sub-optimal towards the end, but that added variety and challenge.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    edited October 2012
    Well, as an actor it kinda happens... Although when I'm tired or when I play a game for multiple times and want tog get through a part quickly I snap out of it. Times like those I'm sometimes very superficial and I don't RP at all :)
    I also never had to roleplay any of my characters being the opposite gender... But it would be fun :)

    edit: ok, now that I read the posts, I admit doing some metagaming... mostly with item stats. But most of the time I just figure out while trying. And I only prebuff my party if they know that there's a tough battle coming up (specific buffs only when they know what they are facing exactly), or if I just can't tackle a hard fight otherwise (but in these cases I play it in my head as if they didn't... :D)
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    Wow, well, based on your definition of each criteria... I guess I'm a hardcore roleplayer even though I don't see myself that way. :-s

    I actually do pretend that the battle between Gorion and Sarevok is an epic battle, that the Solar is lying about my mother to make me do what she wants me (as I mentioned in another thread, I actually feel she's lying to shape your perception of yourself and make you either become a good deity or an evil mortal) I was never bothered by the High Hedge - Beregost thing. I can play with Xzar and Monty, Dynaheir and Khalid because I like their different personalities. I don't think I managed to complete a playthrough with Edwin because he's considered the 'better mage'... not even on an evil playthrough. (He's far too arrogant to fit in with my PC's personalities so he never stays with me even though he has the bonus spells.)

    @Brude Even on my first playthrough I was buffed with long and medium lasting buffs all the time and had the debuffs memorised on my mages. The... let's say...paranoid personality quirk transferred to all the other PCs I played. I guess I couldn't imagine playing a PC who isn't at least a bit paranoid. After being ambushed by a maniac who murders their guardian, after being ambushed and trapped by a demented mage who tortures them... it makes sense. I noticed that even when I was just walking through Athkatla I always had (at higher level) Chaotic Commands on at least one character who could Dispel from other characters.

    I will say that I don't see playing an opposite gender as proof of being a hardcore roleplayer. :) I can write men and I've been told that my characters behave in a convincing manner. But I take no pleasure in playing a male character in games where I can play a female and if the game only provides the option of playing as a man then I see no reason to play him as a female.
    There was probably a very good reason the writers chose to make him a man and I feel that I'd be saying "I can write the story better than you can" if I make such a change. For me, changing the gender of a pre-defined character borders on self-insertion. Being a woman and forcing my male character to act the way a woman does would seem like I was trying too hard to immerse myself in the story as myself instead of roleplaying that character. I hope this makes sense. :)
  • CandramelekhCandramelekh Member Posts: 109
    I had expirience, when my "roleplay" was far away from "real roleplay", as some people told me (and i think the same about their roleplay). It all depends on your meaning of roleplay, so, i don't know if there's a objective meaning of roleplay, so i chose the last option, while i think, i'm medium roleplay person in your description
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2012
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  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    This classification system makes hardcore roleplaying a virtue and casts people who don't roleplay as totally unable to roleplay whereas realistically, roleplaying is just a gameplay choice.
    It just doesn't make sense. Nobody is unable to use thier imagination to fill in the gaps of a computer game.
    This just seems like an excuse for people to act superior about how others choose to play the game.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2012
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  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Shandyr said:


    I'm sorry if you get this impression by this poll.
    In my OP I said I did not wish to judge other people for how they roleplay
    ("Note: This poll is not to judge anybody about his/her roleplay-ability. ").

    This classification system is of course made up by myself.
    It is my own defintion of what "hard" and "low" roleplaying is.
    So I do not intend to offend anyone.

    In the end you should play the game in the way that is the most fun for you and
    not in the way that you think other may or may not judge you for.

    I do not think anybody is "unable" to fill the gaps of a video game.
    I think everyone can choose if they want to fill them or not, and how far they want to go.

    This is what this poll is about.
    Sorry for any misunderstandigs.

    Actually, that came off harsher than I thought when I wrote it. It was just supposed to be a criticism of how the categories were described, not the question as a whole
  • Lord_GayLord_Gay Member Posts: 94

    For me, changing the gender of a pre-defined character borders on self-insertion. Being a woman and forcing my male character to act the way a woman does would seem like I was trying too hard to immerse myself in the story as myself instead of roleplaying that character. I hope this makes sense. :)

    I do this all the time in terms of orientation; I unfortunately HAVE to. All my life I've had to play video games without the slightest hint of any gay content. No cameos, no side characters, no minor elements and CERTAINLY no gay main character. As such, I have to redefine the orientations of all the PCs I play as being gay, and redefine all the NPCs in the game this way, and reinterpret all the relationships and interactions I have in this light. "You say you're offering me 100 coins for this mission quest-giver, but your eyes tell me your real reason, you hunky piece of pixels you..."

    One could argue I'm inserting myself and not playing the character the devs created, but the fact is devs will NEVER create a character for me, never allow me to play a pure gay game, or a gay lead. It's an unfortunate reality of being gay so for me anyways, I have to alter all the games I play in my head, because I know the bias of my society will never provide me the entertainment I so desperately crave. In my mind, there are tons of people in games, movies, stories etc. who should be gay, but have been made straight to pander to a straight audience. As such, I have no problem fixing that and switching them back. It's silly IMHO to stay true to devs intentions when those intentions will never respect you.
    Shandyr said:


    So how would you roleplay the situation with Aldeth Sashenstar and Seniyad the Druid?

    In this event what we have is clear:

    *) Nobles who think they have the right to hunt where they please
    *) Druids who oppose killing animals for fun

    Being gay, my personality generally favors the underdog... those struggling against "the power." I'm also quite partial to druids. As such, I strongly lean towards the druids, and usually kill Aldeth on the spot. Not only does he arrogantly think he and his buddies have the right to kill creatures in somebody else's area (how outraged would he be if he had a private hunting ground and people came and told him what he could do in HIS area), but he's so arrogant that he's even willing to stick around to see them get theirs. Further, we know that the druid has tried talking to him before, several times, and it's only now, when all dialogue has been exhausted that Seniyad has to show up in force to end this issue once and for all.

    I see Aldeth as a cocky, arrogant, pampered bastard and poor Seniyad regretfully having to answer violence with violence. On occasion I've played PC as more of a city person, and thus unable to see what Seniyad's problem is with a bit of hunting, but for the most part I side with the druids. On the occasions I've sided with Aldeth and he rewards me after, I've always felt dirty inside.

    As a parting thought, we might infer that the druids don't even have a problem with hunting just for sport in and of itself. They apparently didn't have a problem with the nobles building a cabin here, which would presumably include hunting, and not just hunting for need, like food and furs. Further, once the hunting became too much, they didn't burn it down while the nobles were away. Rather, I get the impression that Aldeth and co. don't just hunt, they hunt EXCESSIVELY, and it's their over the top, non-stop "massacre" of forest folk that has pushed Seniyad to the breaking point.

    To me there are multiple indicators that Aldeth is the bad guy here, yet the devs themselves seem to view druids as tree-hugging hippie Greenpeace losers who deserve to die. Ah well.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    After killing Sarevok, before heading for Durlag's Tower , I usually ditch Kivan, Viconia or Edwin . After all, for some reason Kivan separated from us after obtaining his revenge, and the Vicky or Edwin departed because they apparently had something better to do.

    If I don't take jaheira or minsc in my BG1 party, in BG2 I simply ctlr+y them , assuming they were "anonymous prisioners who were tortured and killed".

    I do roleplay my character's alignment , along with its freedom and limitations, but playing the opposite sex is a little harder - my females usually end up a little manly =D
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231

    "It's silly IMHO to stay true to devs intentions when those intentions will never respect you."

    @Lord_Gay I understand your opinion but I will respectfully disagree on the topic of a developer's intentions. I don't think that not covering your interests is done from a lack of respect. If that were the case then what am I to think of all the early PnP roleplay games where the only class for a woman was high-class prostitute, where women couldn't have the same attributes as men, level the same, etc.
    I will say that they made those games for a different market segment and move on. You shouldn't feel personally offended. Even in BG2 the only male romantic interest is an arrogant prig with misogynistic outbursts. I just installed mods and that was that. :P
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    I'm more of a medium, but I do notice things like eating or bathroom. They don't bother me, but I take note of it and find it amusing.
  • Lord_GayLord_Gay Member Posts: 94

    "It's silly IMHO to stay true to devs intentions when those intentions will never respect you."

    @Lord_Gay I understand your opinion but I will respectfully disagree on the topic of a developer's intentions. I don't think that not covering your interests is done from a lack of respect. If that were the case then what am I to think of all the early PnP roleplay games where the only class for a woman was high-class prostitute, where women couldn't have the same attributes as men, level the same, etc.
    I will say that they made those games for a different market segment and move on. You shouldn't feel personally offended. Even in BG2 the only male romantic interest is an arrogant prig with misogynistic outbursts. I just installed mods and that was that. :P

    I apologize for perhaps being unclear. I was actually using "respect" here in a less common sense. I meant respect as in "reflecting" or "in regards to". IOW, "...when those intentions will never represent you." However, I don't see how your examples would not be seen as disrespectful.

    The thing is, for me, ALL games are made for a different market segment. It's not as if there are a million OTHER games full of gay content for me to choose from. Rather than playing all games as a young hetero white christian male, which most devs seem to be and what the presumed player is and what the designed PC is, I just redefine the characters and their interactions to other things in my head. It's the best I'm ever gonna get.
    Awong124 said:

    I'm more of a medium, but I do notice things like eating or bathroom. They don't bother me, but I take note of it and find it amusing.
    Bathroom usage? Jump to 11:40.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2012
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  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    I pretend I am a Yeti from a lost tribe of Yak herders...

    That has somehow fell in front of a computer, that is running BG.

    That is why I play a hairless elf... who shaves his head to feel more hairless... Oh! The liberation of hairlessness!!!!

    The only reason I have Minsc in my party is because he is BALD!

    Yeah, REAL hardcore roleplaying for me...

    You hairy imbeciles don't know what roleplaying is...

    Oh well back to the real world, the hairy wife and those yaks...
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    This is Anduin's wife... He really needs to take his special pills now...
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  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Sounds like you've got BG to work with wine, Anduin.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Me? Low roleplayer. Sadly I am cursed with Powergaming. I WANT ALL, ALL, AAAAALLL, BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! >:D
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