Shady Figure Ambush ( Minor Spoiler)

How do I kill this rouge? I can't use magicks, I have some wands, but not a cloudkill one. He always go for my weakest members and kill them permanently. He goes invisible as soon as he hits me, I can't use my inquistor abilities to detect him either.
Help please?
Help please?
That very well might be a bug though, so I'm not entirely sure if it's a legit way to take him down. I won't spoil what he drops, so I'll leave that as a surprise.
In most playthroughs you don't want to have two rogues in your party anyway, so feel free to dump your less favorite one's points in illusion (100) and take him with you, when you expect the ambush. Gank on him with the rest of your party, ignoring his henchman, or else he'll flee after two or three of them are dead. If you manage to pull it of, you're rewarded with
Best of luck.
EDIT: With the spectacles of spectacle you only need 75 % in Detect Illusion. One of the few situations where you want to wear them asides from their related quest.
"Dead magic" areas are cheap as hell. I compensate by being even cheaper.
Other than that though, you're SOL. Dead magic means not even potions work, so outside of an extremely lucky crit by someone wielding, say, World's Edge or the Sword of Ruin, he will scurry away. That's his schtick, btw.
Took a couple of reloads though.
The second time I did the encounter Denaheir kept dying so I just ... turned around. Your companions tell you it's a dead magic zone and you're walking into an ambush, so I listened to them. You can avoid the encounter altogether.
This is a very hard fight, since you cannot cast spells and that thief always targets the weakest member of the party (in my case, it was Dynaheir).
After many loads, I just left Dynaheir behind the rest of the group, so that she was out of the his sight, and I killed him.
I do not enjoy killing, but that death... Ahhh... So delightful!
Did you design this battle? I really like it!
All of the unique random encounters were designed by me.
Should you guys plan to develop new content to the Baldur's Gate saga, I hope you will add other random encounters like the ones we can enjoy in SOD