Returning throwing axe +2 in BG1?

Loaded up the "Mission Pack Save" out of curiosity because I never had before, and noticed this item just chilling in Edwin's backpack.
I didn't even know BG1 had a returning throwing weapon at all coded into it, let alone an axe. This is NOT BGtutu. It is BG1, no mods installed.
Anyone know where to get this axe or is it just a hidden gem thrown into this save file? Pre-lim googling says it's in Candlekeep Catacombs but I don't recall ever running into it before.
This is a huge find. I always make my Cavaliers take a pip or two in axes because it's the only ranged weapon they can use and I make good-aligned Kensai do the same (any other alignment, I prefer throwing daggers).
I didn't even know BG1 had a returning throwing weapon at all coded into it, let alone an axe. This is NOT BGtutu. It is BG1, no mods installed.
Anyone know where to get this axe or is it just a hidden gem thrown into this save file? Pre-lim googling says it's in Candlekeep Catacombs but I don't recall ever running into it before.
This is a huge find. I always make my Cavaliers take a pip or two in axes because it's the only ranged weapon they can use and I make good-aligned Kensai do the same (any other alignment, I prefer throwing daggers).
I'm just about there right now in my playthrough with the fighter I plan to dual-class to druid in BG2. Maybe I'll notice it this time, now that I'm actually looking out for it.
It's in the third level, the guy "Prat" drops it.
Anyone know?
But yeah, I know which fight this is. I just don't remember ever using that axe. You think I would because even if you switched it to melee, it'd be just about the best weapon for Kagain. Definitely means it's worth throwing at least a single pip in axes if you roll Cavalier or Kensai.
Edit: @_N8_ I tried a throwing dagger fighter once, he was fun, he couldn't carry anything but throwing daggers though since he burnt through them like hell.
If they don't, I might make a fighter who specialized in Darts. I really would be the fastest dart thrower in the west.
I've thought about having a fighter use darts before too, they'd be much better in BG1 (though in BG2 with improved haste and critical strike they'd be effective for alot of battles). My issue with them is that the Crimson Dart is only +3 and doesn't offer any further benifit. Much better throwing weapon options arround - Fire Tooth, K'logarath.
It's a Shame it can't be upgraded. Something BG2EE might address, I'd certainly like more recipes.
Bastard Sword
Two-Handed Sword
These could all use some new items, having only one option or less just is sad.
One of the easiest to get +3 weapons in the game, even at +3 is one of the best weapons to use against dragons if not the single best one, the entire series long.
Harmonium Halbred
Purchasable from one of the CE vendors they unlocked in whatever patch it was. Not like your fighters, paladins and rangers are really gonna care about int/wis, so if you're sporting high STR already this weapon is amazing.
Dragon's Breath +4
You get this in the Underdark and it's pretty awesome. Hard to argue with that diverse a spread of elemental damage.
Blackmist +4
Obtainable if you're an evil dick at the tail end of the Underdark.
Halbred +4: Wave
Forged by Cromwell once you find all the pieces. SO GOOD WEAPON Ravager +6
Quite possibly the deadliest weapon in the entire game. SO GOOD Two-Handed Sword
[spoiler]Sword of Chaos +2
Doesn't matter this sword is only +2 because it still hits really damn hard and the fact it does a minor heal on you per hit (not shown in the image) makes is freakin' great. Best part? You practically begin the game with it.
Joril's Dagger +3
Got the dosh? Excellent weapon. Hard to argue with +4 damage and a significant chance to cause a really serious CC effect on hit.
Everyone's favorite talking sword, look at those equipped bonuses. Immune to two incredibly devastating effects. He's also obtainable super early and as part of a really easy quest.
Psion's Blade +5
+5 weapon, check. Makes you immune to the devastating abilities of arguably the most difficult enemy type in BG2, check.
Silver Sword
+3 sword, 25 percent chance of straight up killing enemies that suck at saving throws. SO GOOD Soul Reaver +4
I actually utilize this sword against most the bosses in Throne of Bhaal. Its debuff stacks with itself, meaning you can totally make a target worthless when you trigger improved whirlwind. One of the best and most underrated weapons in the game.
Gram the Sword of Grief +5 (improved)
Even in it's natural state, it's among the best weapons in the game. The improved version is godmode.
Two-handed swords, pretty bad-ass from start to finish and lots of utility weapons. I listed 6 weapons here (not going to count the first one, it was just to prove a point) and didn't even bother mentioning the Holy Avenger because not everyone is going to roll paladin.
Quite possibly the best weapon in BG1, obtainable in either this form or as a totally identical item you can buy from Ribald. Easy to pick up, solid weapon to begin with.
Aegis Fang
People cream all over Drizzt's gear loadout and often overlook his buddy Wulfgar's items. Aegis Fang is a throwing hammer too. Just has a really high strength requirement, but that's easy enough to overcome for your PCs and Anomen/Korgan both already meet it.
Crom Faeyr
Why hello there, arguably the most powerful weapon in the saga. How are you doing?
Runehammer +5
Why hello, another arguably best weapon in the entire game.
At least one excellent item you can gain early, returning weapons meaning ranged weapons that inflict your strength bonus in damage as well so you can snipe better with them than with bows in many cases, and your choice between two of the best +5 weapons in the game for Throne of Bhaal. It is a lot more limited than some other choices, true. But god is it worth it in the end.
Flails/Morningstars (it's the same proficiency so we're gonna count them as one)
Quite possibly the best off-hand weapon in the entire game, depending on if you value defense or not. It's better this than a lot of shields in many cases.
The Sleeper +2
If this weapon had higher than a +2 enchantment on it, it'd be freakin' broken as hell. It already is, honestly. Randomly making targets sleep? Stupid. Totally silly.
Wyvern's Tail +2
Easily obtainable, big pay-off for little effort. I hate how people discount excellent weapons just because of the low enchantment value on them. When you need a +3 weapon to damage something, switch to it! And use the +2 weapon with the OP as hell on-hit effect the rest of the time!
Ice Star +4
A lot of people overlook this weapon. 20% fire resist + Red Dragon Scale alone nets you 110% fire resistance. Throw the Ring of Fire Control on top of that for 150% total. This mean when you lob that fireball at your dude geared out that way, it hurts all the enemies around for 10d6 and heals your guy for half that damage. And that's just regular fireball. Real mages are throwing around Incendiary Clouds at this stage of the game and it's even better having a fire blanket heal your dude as it burns the rest.
Flail of Ages +3
Hey there, contender for best weapon in the entire game. Remember how I forged you after the first major quest outside of retaking the Copper Coronet, were the best weapon in SoA and then got even better in ToB? I love you too, Flail of Ages.
Arguably the best offhand in the game, two of the best top-tier weapons, and two really good ones obtainable really early and with little effort to fill in the gap in-between.
I guess I understand to an extent wanting a little more variety out of the two blunt weapons we're talking here, but they still have a lot of versatility and even if they did add a bunch of gear to Warhammers and Flails, we'd all end up using the same 2 end game broken-as-hell items anyway.
God I need to play more, some of those Items i've never even come across!
but damn if I'm greedy and want more! I also tend to run flavor builds and have very specific gear in mind when I make them often forgoing the top end game fear in favor of gear that makes sense for what I'm building.
Which Is why I'd like more variety for some types as some of them feel like different versions of the same weapon.
Exceptions are clubs, spears, bastard swords (Purifier does not count because f*** you Paladins), and maces.
Not saying anything about bows though because Tuigan is quite formidable, but right now, the only thing classes like Archers *want* to do if they want to at least have any damage done by the end of the game, is going with slings, which is all but optimal.
Storm Star & theres a couple of other (alright) maces in BG2 but as with bastard swords, clubs & spears I totally agree with you when it comes to them in BG1 (with clubs & spears theres few choices in BG2 as well).
Arrows of Piercing, Biting, Detonation, Dispelling suck all sudden? Sure granted the elemental arrows got Nerfed a bit in BG 2, but the others are still strong.
Bolts still have Lightning, but granted not much else from there..
Then you have the best Bows/XBows don't use ammo
The Skullcrusher is the only +3 Mace til you get the Storm Star, too. If it wasn't for the serious awesomeness that was Mace of Disruption +2, it'd be a pretty bad weapon type.
Also agree with @Cheesebelly about arrows. Shame the Quiver of Plenty only goes to +2. Would prefer if it and all the other unlimited quivers went to +3 with Cespenar's upgrades, and there were +4 arrows and bolts to purchase. I'd fill up ammo pouches with them suckers.
In BG1 you're able to get four copies of that sword (stealing, stealing, stealing, reward).
You're able to get a +1 Halberd down in the Cloud Peaks in a cave in the area with the Dryad.
you forgot to mention the dwarven thrower.
The spell Enchanted Weapon provides a +3 axe, mace, longsword or short sword.
The Mace of Disruption +1 has a +3 enchantment, the +2 version a +5 enchantment.
And I didn't forget the Dwarven Thrower. I just left it out because not everyone will be a dwarf, same reason I left out the Holy Avenger and Purifier.
The way I see it, racial or class restricted items should be stuff in addition to alternate, viable choices already, because obviously anyone not that specific might still want to use that weapon type, you know? As is, there are very few incentives to pick up Bastard Swords outside of for Paladins.