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  • SarevokokSarevokok Member Posts: 171
    Hey Winthal, when fighting Atc'Letac, if you have potion of mirrored eyes or w/e it's called, that stops his gaze 100%. It wont affect you at all, potion last 10 rounds. There's some for sale at the tavern and some in the magic shop in Baldurs Gate, the big colorful dome thingy.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @Sarevokok Ahhh, so it's a gaze attack like the basilisks, should have guessed that from the animation.. doh, should make the fight much easier yeah, good tip :)
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436

    Forsooth! Methinks you are no ordinary talking chicken!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @Winthal if you have a cleric at level 8 with 21 wis and a ring of holiness, you can have up to 6 level 4 spells, plus there is 2 scrolls of protection for evil 10' radius in durlags tower :)
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    gotta play cleric with you main then I guess? the highest wisdom of a cleric NPC is 16 (Yeslick, Branwen) I'll definitely try this on my first BG:EE run tho, should help tremendously since I wanna avoid dying at all costs :)
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited June 2012
    Isn't what you're talking about a bug? I don't think ProEvil is supposed to stack. Talking about this spell I'm pretty sure even in BG2 it doesn't work as advertised and actually grants AC/saving throw bonus against all alignments (and hasn't been fixed yet by any mod AFAIK).
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    didn't even consider that, never tried stacking them before :) it does sound a tad OP if the AC and saves stack indefinitely, as far as I know a normal protection from evil spell does *not* stack tho...
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    yeah in bg II it doesnt stack, and it actually give you a +2 bonus to AC/saves against evil, and only evil still a VERY effective spell in bg II, i would rather have bossess miss with 2s and 3s then have it they can hit with 2s and 3s :)
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Considering that BGEE is going to be using the BG2 engine, it looks like this tactic won't be possible on BGEE.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @Tanthalas Good point, seems like the bug fixes itself :)
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited June 2012
    According to this thread on SHS, in BG1 it grants AC/ST bonus (and protection from charm!) regardless of attacker's alignment; in BG2 it only grants AC but not ST againt evil alignment. @Demivrgvs or @aVENGER can probably confirm.

    Also worth reporting I believe, I looked through @Ascension64 pdf file he made for the devs and it's not in there.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @Iansounet in bg II it does grant a saving throw bonus from evil, im 100% sure, i've tested it out with mind flayers, or the most hated illithid :) and even in bg II i think it still blocks charm, not 100% sure on that one though, since so few enemies uses the charm ability
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited June 2012
    I mean in BG1 it grants AC/ST/ProCharm against all alignments (I just checked with NearInfinity). Try it against some mage that isn't evil-aligned (Go on Thalantyr) ^^ in BG2 there's only attack roll penalty (-2) for evil opponents (and protection from creatures of type SUMMONED_DEMON, whatever that gives, I think it makes them ignore the protected char).

    Back to memories though!
  • Ascension64Ascension64 Member Posts: 560
    Also worth reporting I believe, I looked through @Ascension64 pdf file he made for the devs and it's not in there.
    I deal with the BG2:ToB engine only, so any BG1 engine bugs don't make it on my list.

  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    It would be an issue of BG2 missing the Saving Throw bonus on that spell, or even missing effect opcode akin to "Saving Throw vs. Creature Type Modifier", need to check that on IESDP but I think that's what Demi was asking for in ToBEx requests
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    edited June 2012
    Alright, more BG memories then :)

    The first time I came across Xan (again, I had no clue what the classes were, after all, my first character was a wizard with minimum intelligence but maxed wisdom, because logically, I thought wizard's should be these wise old men :P) I thought he was some kind of badass elven prince/warrior type, what with his shiny sword. So I put him up front with the rest of the fighters! It was glorious, he charged into battle... "Onwards! To futility..." and died from a single hit. Oh Xan... how right you were...
    It took me a while to accept the facts and finally give Xan a sling and place him in the back out of harms way :P
  • GeldridgeGeldridge Member Posts: 21
    I remember playing an eleven thief with a bow, and exploring those first maps was an exercise in hide in shadows and then creep forward so I could get the first shot in. Like a real sniper. It was that early map where the hobgoblins are all gathered around their campfire and I hid myself and crept along until the first hobgoblin came into my field of sight. He almost had time to wonder what the sudden breeze was before I shot him down. The others fell too, although some of them wildly set out to hunt the invisible assassin that was taking down their fellow grunts. That one small encounter took me about half an hour, but the feeling of elite shadow-killing mastery stayed with me for so long after it was all over. I remember thinking how great this game was, not realising that I was only in the beginnings of Chapter One and had many more hours to go!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @Winthal, @Geldridge, good stuff *thumbs up*
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited June 2012
    Well my gameplay just reach the end of BG so agin i loot Baldur's Gate Castle Tesaure Chamber:) (BGT installed here, that's why the BG is running with BG2 engine if anyone want to know).

    Door Behind Sarevok:


    Uploaded with

    Baldur's Gate Tesaure Chamber (there's even a movie when you enter in this area)


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  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I never knew this area existed.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    Yeah I had no idea this area existed either... although I think I've wondered about that door a few times while fighting off dopplegangers.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    this area was actually re-used for the BG2 tutorial where Xan shows you around the duchal palace :)
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    i was a teenager when i got to BG and it was the second rpg i played (first being the Silver) and i had no idea whatsoever about d&d or what i was getting myself into.

    well my fond bg memories were- finding tomes of con/str/cha... i was so excited about those i delayed a moment to use them until the very endgame :/

    - meeting that ilmater worshiping guy in the wilderness. i played a neutral good mage, and that guy crept the hell out of me. so i killed him, thinking he was some king of demon preaching his sick ethos... O.o when i later encountered an ilmater priest in bg city i was still very suspicious of his motives :/

    - xan complemented my pary perfectly (i was invoker) but after reading manual again and seeing the morale bonuses concept, i somehow came to the conclusion he was affecting my party morale negatively with his whining. naturally, afraid my party would fall apart from depression, i exchanged him with dynaheir. two invokers... that really limited playing tactics, let me tell you :/

    - killing that ogre mage in wilderness- 3000 XP?! are you kidding me?! thank you lord for these gifts! (i was very easily lured by xp, which leads us to...)

    -killing that hedgewizard guy because he yielded nice xp, effectively blocking myself from any archmage robe that i wanted really bad at the time. i thought archmage robes would be lying around in heaps in bg city! sadly they only had potions and trinkets in sundries, as i had the pleasure of finding out MUCH later :P i was very pissed of about this one, but i guess it was fair reward for my greed.

    hm, this is it for now. there were many other glorious moments, these are just the ones i can remember outright. :)
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Well i have a criticism now that is by nature a memory of BG.

    One of the final tests on the pocket plane create a unconformity with BG history.

    When main char goes back to Candlekeep in BG and acknowledges his genetic background that is wrote on Gorion's note on his room, there is told that he was a He was a lover of main char mother and take care of main char after her death.

    However in ToB, gorion's spirit says that main char mother was a priest of bhaal, one of the womans he possessed to generate progene, and she itended to kill main char when he was a children in a ritual, what was interrupted when Gorion and the Harpers invaded the temple and killed main char mother (leaving Sarevok behind in the process).

    So which background is truth? The 2 can't be true cos they oppose each other, so does Gorion lied on the letter left in candlekeep? Does gorion spirit lied to main char in ToB (with solar at his side i really don't think he lied there but who knows)? Maybe Solar fooled the main char?

    Well i know the original content can't be changed, but i really hope that the original mistakes have an upgrade and a review.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    I've wondered about this as well. I mean, I suppose it's possible that Gorion could have had a relationship with the main character's mother before she became a priestess of Bhaal... but that seems unlikely so it does seem like a bit of an oversight.
  • TROUBLEMickyTROUBLEMicky Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2012
    My guess would be that Gorion didn't want to tell protagonist that he killed her. He probably knew of Alundo's prophecy, and was afraid of invoking fear and anger in the protagonist turning him to the dark side and Imperial Starfleet, consequently making him a Sith. Uuhm... Lord of Murder... What I'm saying is; Solar equals truth, don't believe in the lies of Gorion! lol
    Post edited by TROUBLEMicky on
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @trinit that is kahrk the ogre mage in the firewine bridge area, and he gives 3500 xp actually :)
  • Girth_WargearGirth_Wargear Member Posts: 10
    I have fond memories of my BG2 "comedy" play thru. Party was:
    Main CHAR: Human wild mage
    Second CHAR: Halfling Barbarian

    ...many reloads...
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @sarevok57 "Give us the jar Carsa... just give us the jar!"

    @TROUBLEMickey Yeah, Gorion strikes me as the "a contingency for every situation" type of guy so that's more than a little likely (also, I could swear I heard him whisper "If you strike me down now I will become more powerful than you can imagine" right before Dar..I mean Sarevok killed him)
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Inconsistencies probably have more to do with the fact that the developers has no idea there would be a bg2 or that bg1 would be such a hit. ;)
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