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  • CelebCeleb Member Posts: 14
    But Dragon Age is a sequel to Baldur's Gate!

    I remember the times when I was playing with my older brother. He used to attack me with no warning in random places. Once, near entrance to Friendly Arm Inn, he started to cast spell on me. Half of our party died there. His half of our party, hehe.
  • trivtriv Member Posts: 1
    I do remember well from BG2 especially some early parts. BG2 was the 1st PC RPG game that I played (I had played before FF7 from which I still remember Emerald Weapon too well. The 1st time I went underwater... instantly a battle started against it... took a month before I got a courage to go underwater again. It was so scary as a kid.).

    At some point my inventory became full in the Irenicus's Dungeon... and I read all of the books which I couldn't carry with me as I believed they hold some "secret knowledge" in them. The same process happened when I sold the books... disappointly you got only one piece of gold from each book, eh. I also sold the blue gem (crafting item for a special long sword)... which I realised when browsing the manual and it cost like 1000 gold to buy back, sigh. Also when I explored the 1st city section I ran to this other adventure group in Den of Seven Vales tavern (perhaps my favourite type of battles in BG games). As I was getting my ass kicked I ran out... to my shock they followed me outside... I spend probably a half hour running circles in Wakeen's area and used nearly all of my distance weapons to survive these guys. Specially the guy who had the +3 cursed two handed sword was fatal to my guys. Never really used it as I found cursed items are too annoying.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    except for maybe the claw of kazgaroth, that's an awesome cursed item, especially if you are a class that only benifits from 16 con and you 18 for the claw's draw back ( plus the save vs death penalty, but the bonuses are sooooooooooooooooooooooo good)
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @Weecraig But Dragon Age is a sequel to Baldur's Gate!
    @Celeb Hah, good one, good one ;)
  • WeecraigWeecraig Member Posts: 4
    But Dragon Age is a sequel to Baldur's Gate!
    A "spiritual" sequel perhaps. It has fancy graphics and dwarf-on-witch action but it has nothing like the gameplay.

  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    I have one great BG memory that stands out more than the others, though technically it's BG2. I was turning in Neb's head and managed to ask the wrong person. She had a reaction to it pretty much like we all would if someone showed up with a head.
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    edited July 2012
    One of the best BG2 fights of my life had to be stumbling back into Athkatla from the Underdark, straight into Waukeen's Promenade and excited to buy new stuff at the Adventurer's Mart, only to have the gith show up looking their silver sword. Of course this was fine; I could kill them easily. But when I cast a spell, a Cowled Wizard group showed up to punish me. But not just a Cowled Wizard group; the final Cowled Wizard group. Themselves, the gith and I started firing spells left right and centre across the Promenade. It was an INCREDIBLY long and difficult fight. Completely loved it.
  • willmcclure72willmcclure72 Member Posts: 16
    I remember when i started, it was my uncles game, i took it and played it. It was halloween the night i was playing and was so f****ng scared when some gibberlings or what ever would like jump out and murder me. ahah.

    and when i finally got to Arm i walked around killing every one, then i got thrashed by the Flaming Fist. GOOD TIMES :D
  • XasilXasil Member Posts: 47
    In BG1 when I killed the ogre with the belt of feminity/masculanity I put it on without looking at it and I was like... OH DAMN!!! And in BG2 there's a small town with a hidden room to lead to a lich grave where you can loot a anti-undead sword, it has a clicking ability 3x per days that could crit undead for 1k+ damage. I still have no clue if it was a bug but the first time you crit a skeleton for 1043 dmg is epic!
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Daystar sword and its Sunray ability? That's one of my favourite swords :D
  • XasilXasil Member Posts: 47
    Yeah that's the one! I was always using it with the sword that let you cast mirror images too. I soloed almost all of BG2 with my paladin at max lvl with mirror images and the red dragon armor which you can get almost right at the start if you go talk to the "noble" in the tavern.
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