BG1: Fighter/Thief solo no reload: what items/path/thief skills are best?

Inspired by the no-reload thread, I will try to do a trilogy no reload run. Will also try it without arcane casters, as otherwise I know I will just spam the usual tricks instead of learning to use a fighter/thief. for BG1 I will go mostly solo, I think.
Now, what is the best path to take? Sure, Basilisks first, but then? Which items are a must have (greenstone amulet, wand of sleep, ring free action)? What thief skills should I improve and up to which point? What about weapon proficiencies?
Hoping to learn from the collective wisdom :-)
Ah, it is a core difficulty EE run, unmodded
Now, what is the best path to take? Sure, Basilisks first, but then? Which items are a must have (greenstone amulet, wand of sleep, ring free action)? What thief skills should I improve and up to which point? What about weapon proficiencies?
Hoping to learn from the collective wisdom :-)
Ah, it is a core difficulty EE run, unmodded
The green scroll of Protection from Petrification can be bought from a merchant in the carnival.
With these two you can get a lot of XP from early encounters and the Basilisks.
I strongly suggest you to play either a Dwarf or an Halfling for the shorty saves.
Find Traps is a bit unnecessary at first, my solo F/M/T only has 40 for the moment and it's enough for the traps in the cave located in the Sword Coast (with the Tome of Constitution) and the traps in Nashkel mines.
50 in HiS / MS can be enough early on if you are patient and play mostly during the night.
Find or buy a green scroll of Protection from Magic to fight Davaeorn.
Once you have enough spare money don't hesitate to buy the Greenstone Amulet and to use it liberally.
Candlekeep - Shoal the Nereid (just kill her) +5000 XP = you're not a 1st level dummy any more
Beregost: Marl and Firebead Elvenhair. Get Zhurlong's boots - they greatly help with your stealth
Head to Nashkel Carnival - sell the diamond and other stuff, buy the green scroll of Protection from Petrification
Go to the Basilisk area, with the help of Corax destroy all the basilisks here, careful with Mutamin (as a fighter/thief, reveal him invisibly and attack with Corax so that your ghoul paralyzed Mutamin)
You're no longer low on your levels and HPs
Gather some money for the wand of Sleep and go Ankheg hunting. Hunt them till you ran out of charges. Sell Ankheg shells in Beregost, go buy the Greenstone Amulet and steal the ring of Free Action in Ulgoth's Beard
A fighter/thief is such a wonderful character. I would concentrate on HiS/MS only for the first 3 levels, then put points into OL till 65 (just because I like opening containers and taking loot), then put points into DT till 65.
The XP from basilisks and ankhegs should be enough to get all these thieving points.
After that you're ready for anything this game can throw on you. It's worth to also buy Shield Amulet and the necklace of Missiles in Nashkel Carnival before advancing in the story, get the ring of fire protection and collect all wands available (especially, of monster summoning (area with the exit from Nashkel Mines), of paralysis (a golem cave))
For a head start on money you can just sell the ring of memory from the fai zone for 9k.
You sure you want all this help? Game isn't as much fun for most once you know it all by heart.
Backstabbing also remains effective against most low hp enemies, illithid, casters etc.
Anyway, I know the basics (wand of sleep, fireball items, etc) but it seems to me it is difficult to deal with groups inmune to sleep due to level without running very fast to hide. I guess I need to stock up potions of speed until I get the boots?
Oil of speed is great but one of the main reasons missile weapons rock in the early game is that they offer a natural 2 attacks per round (long and short bows or daggers) or 3 for darts. X bows only offer 1 though. That plus the fact enemies tend to have low health, as do you.
In summary, consumables i.e. potions and wands and ranged weaponry are your best friends in bg1. In 2, with fighter thief you will be able to do a lot more with back stabs and traps (when skilled), you also get some pretty amazing weapons, items and jewellery to assist you... If you make it to the late game, the thief hla's are some of the best, especially the traps.
I've solo'd all the thief kits though the entire original games using tutu using no munchkin mods like rogue rebalancing and would say its a lot of fun. I got a fair bit of good info from Chris Lee's thief guide on gamefaqs too.
One. Ankheg. Worst advice ever! :-D Will resurrect him and run through this mp without engage
Also, I never let the beast attack me if I see it doesn't fail his saving throw. I retreat, wait till my aura is clean again (that is, I'm able to use the wand again) and wait for the ankheg to appear and use the wand. Repeat if needed.
Actually, playing no-reload, I find managing aura to be one of the most important things.
Everything else in his extensive post is lower risk, but here's the thing... You're going to get xp and gold just from doing all the usual side quests obtained in FAA, Beregost and Nashkell and you can still farm ankhegs afterwards. (basilisks are ridiculously safe and big xp tho, deffo do them).
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid! Or Faerun's own Bonnie and Clyde!