Make Durlag's Goblet unsellabe and therefore unrechargeable

it's an incredibly powerful item (instant full heal) and you can get infinite uses out of it because it's cheap to recharge (~1k gp), since it's "cursed" (panics the user), but it doesn't do anything to protected characters (for example Dorn who is the prime candidate anyway and is immune because of his kit)
there are several solutions:
1. make the goblet unsellabe
2. make the goblet very expensive
3. make the undesirable effect harder to avoid (make the ordinary protection from fear not work against this form of panic, change it from fear to berserk or maybe even stun etc.)
The game stops being fun if you're powergaming at all unless you're playing at obscene difficulty with mods.
This is a lot like saying you think difficulty should be rebalanced around your core difficulty solo k/t.
The latter include the now fixed APR bug with spent weapons like darts or MMM as well as (for me) the faketalk thing, which I sometimes trigger by mistake. Those need to be fixed, the first category is fine in a mostly singleplayer game.
lets apply some logic here:
1. buying a useful weapon costs = x
2. buying a useful weapon creates utility = y
3. buying a useful weapon is never an exploit (explanation not needed...i hope)
4. an exploit is when you get a disproportionate amount of utility for the investment made, contrary to how the game was intended to be played by the developers
5. recharging a wand costs ≥ x (i don't count weak wands here, they are irrelevant)
6. recharging a wand generally, on average creates utility < y (can on occasion create more utility but generally gain more utility from a new shiny axe and other weapons you buy)
7. being able to recharge wands is WAD
recharging a wand is also not an exploit - because how can it be an exploit if it costs more than bying a weapon and produces less utility when buying a weapon is not an exploit?
edit: but tell me @joluv - is recharging a wand using an exploit?
do you have an opinion about Durlag's Goblet?
it very cheap to recharge, just around 1000gp and you get 20 charges of instant healing to full health. it's the best wand (practically it is) and it's strangely cheap compared to the rest of powerful magical items you find.
shouldn't it cost something like 10-20k?
The exploit is to get wands recharged in mundane shops who are not run by high-level spellcasters for a cheap price. IMO going to Thalantyr, paying a reasonable price and having to wait a day or two (just like the wait until the Ankheg armour has been forged) until he´s finished would be o.k.
See p. 134 of the old Book of Artifacts for the conditions set there to recharge something in that archive: D&D (unsorted)/
please make the undesirable effect on this item something that actually debilitates a character. the ordinary fear doesn't cut it anymore. it worked somewhat in the original BG1 but it doesn't function well anymore.