Member Posts: 634
Post edited by Yulaw9460 on
Which is better than how it works in PnP, where iirc you literally lose years off your life.
Luck impacts your attack rolls, your physical damage rolls, and your enemy's spell damage rolls. With enough fatigue, your fighter with Lilarcor will be landing hits for 1 damage, and taking maximum damage from incoming Fireball spells. Unlike in vanilla IWD and IWD2, luck in BG does not affect critical hit or critical miss chances.
In vanilla BG2, Haste added 6 to your fatigue score, so it just barely avoided fatiguing you with one casting. In vanilla IWD, it added 7, automatically fatiguing you. Righteous Wrath of the Faithful had a devastating fatigue penalty of -16, or a -10 penalty to luck, crippling your ability to fight.
In BG2:EE, though, it apparently only adds 4. This means it is much safer to cast Haste twice per day, as the penalty is far less severe (-2 instead of -6).