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Do you feel unsafe when roaming the Sword Coast?

Do you feel vulnerable?
Do you fear losing control?
Or losing control of fear?

Fret not, for Mighty Spell Combos can protect you from the perils of The Sword Coast and save your day. Try this Mighty Combo™ already today!:

Mage: Cast Luck (+1 to saving throws)
Druid: Cast Barkskin (+1 to saving throws*)
Cleric: Cast Chant (+1 to saving throws)
Cleric: Cast Aid (+1 to saving throws)

This Might Combo™ provides you with no less than 4 bonus points to your saving throws! No longer shall you live in fear of fearing fear. Enjoy a more fulfilling and safer adventure life with The Mighty Combo™, today!

*: applies to all saving throws!**
**: without exceptions! ***
***: (apart for saving throw versus spells)


  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    And don't forget Bless to have the BEST DAY EVER.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    psssst....... there is a level 1 cleric spell that makes you immune to fear...

    although that combo could help you against all those winter wolfs and ankhegs....
  • magisenseimagisensei Member Posts: 316
    lol but a fireball might be more useful - if you are scared wandering around the Sword Coast - have the handy dandy fireball to dissuade those pesky monsters and bandits from eating or robbing you and on the up side on a cold night it also keeps you warm. Or perhaps a lightning spell for some shocks plus it can light up the night.

    And if you are a really scared pants just go invisible as it lasts 24 hours.

  • ThorgaazThorgaaz Member Posts: 46
    edited May 2016
    Whats fear? My Mainchar is Chavallier.
  • GrawrzGrawrz Member Posts: 3
    Thorgaaz said:

    Whats fear? My Mainchar is Chavallier.

  • ThorgaazThorgaaz Member Posts: 46
    A knight. It was called Chavallier in another Games version.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    I sure do feel unsafe while wandering the Sword Coast! There are SO many creatures that try to kill you on sight! If a country today was anywhere NEAR as dangerous as the Sword Coast, people from across the world would probably be saying that the country's government was violating human rights by not making the country more safe. Think about how crazy it is that simply traveling from Nashkel to Baldur's Gate will more often than not result in multiple attempts on your life!
  • ThorgaazThorgaaz Member Posts: 46
    Well it all seems to depend on who you are. A normal person... OMG pee myself, an Highlevel Hero not soo terrible, but still more than exited. An fool who has no sense of fear (like a knight) perfect sunshine and rainbows.
    In the real world, I guess some big citys slums or the Border betweenn north and southcorea might reach that level of Danger or even top it.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Thorgaaz said:

    Highlevel Hero not soo terrible, but still more than exited.

    Pictured: Gossamer more than exiting.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    The only thing to running out of Resist Fear spells and forgetting to rest, because silly.
  • SeldarSeldar Member Posts: 438
    I remember the first times I played BG1... oh yes I was totally scared each time I saw a gnoll, hobgobelin, war dogs etc...

    "Don't leave the roads" he said, that's a good tip
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    At least it was a good tip until you ran into ogrillons (or was it ogres,) on the road on the way to Nashkel. Or RNG decided to put a bunch of bandits (with bows!) on the road.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Do aid and bless stack?
    Luck is still really short in duration :).
    Spell/Potion of invisibility is probably better ;).
  • ArgasArgas Member Posts: 174
    Aid and bless stack a general rule is they stack with other spells but not by itself. I got 5 luck spells stacked though with sorcerer but you know what, its not aoe. It's ment for some combat situation and for invincible things if that's what you ment and lockpicing no not lockpicing pick pocket. I'm supposed to use it for my skald along with pots and items. Casting is 1 besides i had like on another spell the duration continued even when paused luck is not a simple spell i hope not.
  • ArgasArgas Member Posts: 174
    think ill 'move' in with a evil balckguard named Jason..?
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