No Water Elementals in BG:EE´s?

While playing Black Pits 2, I was picking maybe lvl 5 or 6 spells for my sorcerer. When reading the spell list, there are elemental summons for fire, eart and air, but water isn´t available. Is there soem particular lorewise reasoning for them to be left out, or is it just mechanical, as in way back the just didn´t make water elementals sprites due to time limits or dwindling budget or some such reason?
While playing Black Pits 2, I was picking maybe lvl 5 or 6 spells for my sorcerer. When reading the spell list, there are elemental summons for fire, eart and air, but water isn´t available. Is there soem particular lorewise reasoning for them to be left out, or is it just mechanical, as in way back the just didn´t make water elementals sprites due to time limits or dwindling budget or some such reason?
Actually in pnp lore a water elemental can not get far away from a large pool of water for a long time. Not too practical for dungeon-exploring. The water elementals you face in tob are near pool-water areas. They are more watery-shapeless looking creatures that seem like the extension of a large water pool. Iwd games and now the SoD also have humanoid shaped water elementals that I find rather lackluster and too generic. In iwd games there are water elemental summoning spells that summon those humanoid-golem shaped water elementals.
Also, don't pick elemental summonings for a sorcerer, they are terrible, mages can not control elementals instantly and has to spend 3 rounds in mental combat. If you do this in bp2, your sorc will be slaughtered. Druids are excellent elemental summoners, their fire elementals are very strong.
Many dwarves prefer spirits.
Still, they do look really cool.
And I have seen greater water elementals and water weirds with that cobra like features float around too, but perhaps that's from a mod as well. (atweaks, I suspect)
Anyway, it is still quite doable, bg2 just did not want to include water elementals as summons.