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Josh Sawyer, Tim Cain and Chris Avellone comment on BG:EE

ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
From the PE reddit thread (

How do you feel about Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition?

JESawyer: Personally, I think it's cool. After playing Battleheart on the iPad I started to think that the IE games would probably be pretty fun on a tablet with a stylus. I know there were already some places emulating/running those games on tablets, but it's cool to see an official re-release to those platforms.

Tim Cain: I am looking forward to it, but I think I will have to buy a new tablet, since I have an original iPad.

Chris Avellone respectfully bows:
I'm really glad Trent (Oster) is bringing it back, and it can't have been easy to make it happen. Looking forward to playing it.



  • Infern0Infern0 Member Posts: 44
    That's nice I hope both do well, I think competition is healthy too.

    Imagine if EE and EE2 do well enough to greenlight BG3.

    In a dream world, imagine if they combined the teams!
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    @Shandyr agree. I know I'll be playing both BGEE and PE :). Although its a long time to wait for PE, Im really looking forward to it.

    Really happy with the state RPGs are in at the moment, with Wasteland 2 as an old school post apocalyptic, Grim Dawn which frankly looks 10x better than Diablo, and now project eternity which is a new IP but inspired by the old IE games. AND of course BGEE, which may potentially lead to more old school D&D games :D.

    Not to mention the banner saga and dead state.
  • Infern0Infern0 Member Posts: 44
    just wondering guys, do you like any of the modern RPG's?

    I do like Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but that's about it.

    I don't think anything has recaptured that golden age of RPG's yet, but PE and BG3 hopefully will
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    @infern0 I really like Skyrim but I don't think it quite manages to have those little gems where you are rewarded for spotting little clues in the dialogue, that allow you to adventure on your own initiative.

    I remember in Oblivion there was some quest where I was asked to murder a woman for a guy in prison and bring back her ring. As a thief I decided to steal it, the game decided this would not be allowed :/ and I was forced to follow some improbable plot line rather than just follow common sense.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    That's an awesome reaction from them! They are all awesome people so I feel awesome while reading such awesome things :')

    @Infern0 : it depends on what your definition of modern RPG is I guess. If it's something that includes indie games like Terraria, Binding of Isaac, Half Minute Hero, and such, then yeah, I guess I love Modern RPGS :)
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    I like most modern RPGs as games, but I think most of them are bad RPGs. DA:O was decent, so was New Vegas and the Witcher games. Mask of the Betrayed was really good. Those are the only modern RPGs I can think of that impressed me with good RPG-itude.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited October 2012
    @Shandyr I have to agree with Shandyr. I don't see Project Eternity as competition for the enhanced editions or a future BG3 or whatever it's called. If you're interested in the genre you'll probably buy both and all expansions as well.

    It's really good to see interest in the classic isometric RPG with strong storylines growing once more. It had been reduced to a very small niche Market, where only small developers showed any new products, such as Spiderweb Software with its Avernum series.

    Now I will wait for the future to see if any of the BIG publishers will follow. I wonder what kind of cRPG we could have with the kind of money invested in a FPS, for instance.

    With 3.5million dollars, Obsidian seems to be developing a wonderful game, what would we see with a 10+ million dollars investment in development?

    The question is if there is a market to make a return for this kind of investment even possible.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Not going to get the big bucks without consoles in the mix which means lots of things that could be done on PC go out the window to fit within console limitations and things go downhill from there as your CRPG becomes an ARPG and all that implies...
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    Not that there's anything wrong with ARPGs. Publishers just to realize that ARPGs and RPGs are not the same thing much in the same way that a movie is not a book.

    On topic: it's good to hear them speak well of BGEE, but let's be honest. Would you really expect them to say anything else? This isn't Cliffy B or some other trash talker being interviewed here. I would expect professional courtesy no matter what opinion they held.
  • NightfallRobNightfallRob Member Posts: 43
    Infern0 said:

    just wondering guys, do you like any of the modern RPG's?

    I do like Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but that's about it.

    I don't think anything has recaptured that golden age of RPG's yet, but PE and BG3 hopefully will

    I liked ME 1 and 2, but then came ME 3. Dragon Age and Witcher both start strong, but get incredibly old before the end. And of course I liked KOTOR and KOTOR 2, but now there is SWTOR, and it's awful. It seems like the makers of RPGs have forgotten how important storytelling is. Even though BG 1 had a level cap around 9th level with the tower expansion, it's still better than most current RPGs because the people who built it realized a story has to end at some point, and end well. The current RPGs are built to go on ad nauseam, and by the time you reach the end you don't care any more.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    I'm not so sure they forgot how important storytelling is - I suspect they may have just paid too much attention to some of the vocal minorities out there who don't seem too interested in storylines. :-(
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    Probably more the massive percentage of people that don't finish games.
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