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Have you/will you pre-order BGEE?

Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
Just curious as to how many people have or plan to pre-order and on what platform. Feel free to share why you made the choice you did.
  1. Have you/will you pre-order BGEE?142 votes
    1. Yes I have/will pre-order for Windows
    2. Yes I have/will pre-order for Mac
    3. Yes I have/will pre-order for iPad
    4. Yes I have/will pre-order for Android
    5. No I have not/will not pre-order


  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    You can't pre-order the game for Android or iPad, so you ought to remove those options.
    I am gonna buy BG:EE for iPad the minute it's released, but since it's a 1 vote pool, I chose Windows.
  • Vonbek777Vonbek777 Member Posts: 135
    2 copies for windows for preorder, plan on buying at least 2 more windows copies, and a couple of tablet copies for gifts.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    @Bytebrain Crap! It won't let me edit the pole, only the discussion.
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    Nope, I don't really see the point.

    I don't have much expectation of the game and I would rather wait for a couple of working mods (Tweakpack, Level 1 NPCs) before playing.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    edited October 2012
    Can you pre-order for Mac? I was strongly under the impression that you couldn't, otherwise I would have done so long ago.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Kristie83 said:

    @Bytebrain Crap! It won't let me edit the pole, only the discussion.

    Hey, no biggie.
  • zynstudioszynstudios Member Posts: 5
    Nope. Not sure if I'm going to be able to afford the PC version right away, and not sure how well it'll run on my first gen iPad yet.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    I pre-ordered my PC version in September shortly before the original release date for my birthday, but right as I was about to buy it I noticed the date had changed :( It didn't stop me from ordering though. The screenshots look good and I'm really looking forward to diving in.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited October 2012
    You can only preorder it on Windows so far.

    I have preordered that. And I will get the Mac version ASAP.
  • NecdilzorNecdilzor Member Posts: 279
    I preordered to save 2 dollars ( I was going to buy this anyway ) and later, I'll spend those 2 dollars and some more preordering BG:EE2
  • NightfallRobNightfallRob Member Posts: 43
    Definitely pre-ordered it, can't wait to play it again. Just reading through the forums I can see how much I've forgotten and will get to re-enjoy once it's released.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Windows will be a near unanimity here as it's the only version you can preorder.

    As Quartz above, I preordered the Windows version, but I will probably buy the Mac version as well. I'm just waiting to see how well the mod community will support Mac OSX.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    Quartz said:

    You can only preorder it on Windows so far.

    I know, Bytebrain told me that but I can't edit the poll...I'm such an idiot...

    Here's a question though, why get it on both Windows AND Mac? I understand getting it on, say Windows and ipad because of the touchscreen, but isn't it the same on PC as it is on Mac?

  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Preordered about four hours before the update that the date is getting pushed out two and a half months -_-. That was a sad day.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Kristie83 said:

    Here's a question though, why get it on both Windows AND Mac? I understand getting it on, say Windows and ipad because of the touchscreen, but isn't it the same on PC as it is on Mac?

    Multiple computers and gifts? Especially for people you want to play BG with.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Kristie83 said:

    Quartz said:

    You can only preorder it on Windows so far.

    I know, Bytebrain told me that but I can't edit the poll...I'm such an idiot...

    Here's a question though, why get it on both Windows AND Mac? I understand getting it on, say Windows and ipad because of the touchscreen, but isn't it the same on PC as it is on Mac?

    I don't own a Mac, but if I did, I would buy it for both Windows and Mac, as it will be possible to play Co-op multiplayer on both computers.

    Another reason would be to support the Developers, they're selling the game very cheap, IMO, and need all the financial support they can get, working towards making the next installment in the series.
    AND they have to split their take with the IP holders.

    As I wrote earlier, I've pre-ordered for Windows and will buy the game + DLC's for my iPad.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602

    Nope. Not sure if I'm going to be able to afford the PC version right away, and not sure how well it'll run on my first gen iPad yet.

    I can't find the quote, but I distinctly remember Trent mentioning that the game runs fine on the first generation iPad.
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    Wow, this game will be popular on iPad it looks like. /sarcasm
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    edited October 2012
    Zeckul said:

    Wow, this game will be popular on iPad it looks like. /sarcasm

    I don't see where the sarcasm comes into it??
    It most certainly will be popular on the iPad.
    The reason no one is voting on the iPad here, is because the OP made a mistake as its only possible to pre-order for windows, not iPad, Android or Mac.

    It would maybe be a good idea for someone to make a poll where the wording was different, eg.:
    "Will you buy the game for more than one system"

    If so chose:

    1. Windows + IPad
    2. Windows + Mac
    3. Mac + iPad
    4. Windows + Android
    5. Mac + Android
    6. iPad + Android
    7. iPad + Android + Windows
    8. All of the above
    9. No, I'm only buying the game for one system.

    It would be quite a lengthy poll, but it would be more accurate, assuming more members voted...
    I'm following a couple of iOS gaming sites, and the iPad version of BG:EE is very anticipated.

    This is NOT a new poll, nesting here in another poll, just an example for one that might've worked...

    I'm not going to make a new poll myself, as I'm writing on my iPad, and I don't believe it's possible to do it on the iPad, as the forum is using some archaic code work that disallows a lot of features on the iPad.
    Examples are the "Like", "Insightful" and "Agree" buttons.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    i'd like to, but i'm buying for the mac
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Kristie83 said:

    Quartz said:

    You can only preorder it on Windows so far.

    I know, Bytebrain told me that but I can't edit the poll...I'm such an idiot...

    Here's a question though, why get it on both Windows AND Mac? I understand getting it on, say Windows and ipad because of the touchscreen, but isn't it the same on PC as it is on Mac?

    Nah you're not an idiot it was a valid assumption that those pre-ordering systems were in place.

    For me it's because I cross-over all the time. I have Macs that have Boot Camp to run Windows XP. Yes I switch operating systems on a single machine, frequently. Pretty awesome. So, it would be a nice bit of work to be able to play whichever I'm on at that moment. I'm not crazy about buying multiple copies of games, but that's for games that are like $60 ... this is $20 and I adore it. So somehow it's more worth it to me.

    Plus, as mentioned, mod support will likely not be as good on Mac. So my Mac version may be a vanilla BG:EE whereas on PC I will probably install some mods.

    Oh, and then on top of my two copies I'll be getting my mom an iPad copy and my sister a Mac copy. Good fun!
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I'll be getting the iPad copy, and then a Mac copy a bit later. Sadly cannot pre-order either.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    Ok, I get why people are buying for both PC and Mac now. But, in the back of my mind I have this humorous scenario playing where someone is playing multiplayer with themselves on two separate desktop computers, but the person lives in a huge mansion and the person has to run up and down like five flights of stairs. I guess if you could afford the mansion you could at least afford a couple of laptops though eh?
  • Vonbek777Vonbek777 Member Posts: 135
    I have a computer lab in my house basically. In a former life I was a hardware monkey and used to build machines for business and pleasure. My wife is a programmer by night masquerading as an IT manager by day. So between two servers, 4 workstations, multiple home and work laptops, tablets, and other ip sucking devices....our household needs multiple copies. I have two boys that can't wait to be introduced to crpgs, and I think at least for the eldest, BG1 will be it, though his eye is currently enthralled with Final Fantasy Tactics and HOMM 3. I know the days of network parties are long gone, but there was something about playing a game together in one location that still appeals to me more than the anonymous online play we have now. My two cents.
  • FelixFelix Member Posts: 39
    I Pre-ordered it in late August already =) Now we wait for awesome to arrive. Hope you can still pre-download in November sometime, that be cool.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Vonbek777 said:

    I know the days of network parties are long gone, but there was something about playing a game together in one location that still appeals to me more than the anonymous online play we have now. My two cents.

    I completely agree!
    Playing a good multiplayer game in the same room as your family and/or friends is incomparable better than playing with some anonymous or friends over the web.
    They can't hear you curse at them and they certainly won't share a size of pizza with you... :)
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    I've never done the whole multiplayer rpg thing but I think I would like to give it a shot. For one, I don't actually have any friends or family that are interested in the rpg genre like I am. (I have thought to myself before that maybe I should've been born a boy so I could've had more friends with similar interest in rpgs, not that girls don't like/play rpgs, but I think its just a more common interest for guys.) Also, since I don't know anyone who plays these games I would have to play with strangers, and since I've never done the multiplayer thing I can see myself making mistakes and breaking all sorts of unspoken rules of multiplayer etiquette and then I would be cursed at and booed until I sadly hung my head and exited the game...forever...
  • Vonbek777Vonbek777 Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2012
    I really don't know how big the women's market is for rpgs anymore. At one time I thought it was growing, but WOW and the iphone sort of cut into that. My wife was the only girl in our group back in college. Serious programmer, she was writing software for the university before she graduated full time. But still found time to play all night sessions of Warcraft 2, Quake, Tribes, all the infinity engine games, and FF series and Zelda games on consoles. She also was a big reader, including comic books and fantasy. So there are a few out there. As for being born a boy? Just be yourself....and keep your eyes open, there are people out there, just not a lot. I don't know very many hard core crpg males anymore either. Most gamers are first person shooters that don't require reading. Truth is non reflex based games are on decline because of culture changes in general regardless of sex. Entropy in motion. ;)
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Kristie83 said:

    I've never done the whole multiplayer rpg thing but I think I would like to give it a shot. For one, I don't actually have any friends or family that are interested in the rpg genre like I am. (I have thought to myself before that maybe I should've been born a boy so I could've had more friends with similar interest in rpgs, not that girls don't like/play rpgs, but I think its just a more common interest for guys.) Also, since I don't know anyone who plays these games I would have to play with strangers, and since I've never done the multiplayer thing I can see myself making mistakes and breaking all sorts of unspoken rules of multiplayer etiquette and then I would be cursed at and booed until I sadly hung my head and exited the game...forever...

    Once the game is released, you may be able to find someone to play with on these forums.
    Just explain that you're a newbie at co-op multiplayer, and you'll be able to find some nice and patient people, I'm sure.

    Good luck . :)
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    Vonbek777 said:

    I really don't know how big the women's market is for rpgs anymore. At one time I thought it was growing, but WOW and the iphone sort of cut into that. My wife was the only girl in our group back in college. Serious programmer, she was writing software for the university before she graduated full time. But still found time to play all night sessions of Warcraft 2, Quake, Tribes, all the infinity engine games, and FF series and Zelda games on consoles. She also was a big reader, including comic books and fantasy. So there are a few out there. As for being born a boy? Just be yourself....and keep your eyes open, there are people out there, just not a lot. I don't know very many hard core crpg males anymore either. Most gamers are first person shooters that don't require reading. Truth is non reflex based games are on decline because of culture changes in general regardless of sex. Entropy in motion. ;)

    When I was young and playing games on the old Commodore 64 and NES I don't think there were very many "girl games" The games that I remember playing were like Ghostbusters or Ninja Turtles, then eventually Zelda and the like. These days you find all sorts of games marketed toward young girls like dress-up barbie games and crap like that. You're very lucky to have a significant other that can also be your gaming buddy! I don't ACTUALLY wish I were male, more like I wish more females enjoyed and appreciated the genre. As for non reflex games being on the decline, I think our society doesn't value reading and use of imagination as much as it once did. Its sad, really.

    @Bytebrain, Once the game is released I plan to do a solo playthrough first so I can savour the story and really know the game. After I may try to recruit some poor patient saps to play with me. Although I feel like one of those poor, unpopular kids on the playground that has nobody to play with asking like that, lol...

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