Would tweaking the familiar make Beastmaster worth it?

Trying the Beastmaster, sure, you can have a familiar, but if it dies, it's the same Con penalty as Mages. If there was no Con penalty to death, and you could just re-summon another one, do you think that would make the Beastmaster worth it?
If you use ranged weaponry then it does not matter whether your hp decreases. You still had that d10 to roll with, it just gets reduced a bit so after a few deaths you have the hp of a priest then rogue then arcane then less... might be important to you, might not be. In any case you will still be very good at ranged combat.
If you go melee you can always use constitution increasing potions and gear and draw upon holy might for a while when you get your powers.
I use familiars a lot. The dragons actually have good abilities. Just be careful how you are going to use them. Flanking or picking apart foes that get into your backline is very feasible in my opinion.
A beastmasters familiar should not be a small little dragon but a huge creature with power.
Imagine a beastmaster with a greater dire lion that levels along with the beastmaster - not only does it get the stats of a dire lion it is also magically protected (imagine armor for lions - magical weapon to hit) - it does slashing + crushing damage (with its claws) and teeth - giving a minimum of 3 attacks/round with a strength of 20. The claws and teeth hit as +1 weapons (max +3) which improves as the beast master gets leveled up. The lion is immune to charm and hold animal/monster abilities. The familiar also regenerates at a rate of 1hp/3r.
The mere presence of the familiar gives the beastmaster +1 vs all enchantment spells and all spells/abilities that hinder movement and any type of morale/panic.
1/day per 2 levels of the beast master - the lion is able to roar - all creatures within a 30' radius must save versus fear and morale failure at -1 (improves at the lion levels) if they fail to save the monster flees in panic (5 rounds); casters must also save vs breath weapon or be deafen for 2 rounds; allies gain +1 to attack roles (to hit) and morale (this bonus lasts 5rounds). This ability is non cumulative (after the end of 5 rounds it may be used again to effect creatures)
1/day the familiar may summon a pack of dire lions (regular) - the pride consists of 3-5 dire lions.
1/day - share life - the familiar is able to give up to 20% of its HP to the beast master in times of need - this sharing also removes all effects from poison, disease, and enchantments.
(sod has resized dragon animations)
Level 1 Beastmaster summons a kitty cat and uses a mind link spell (opcode 177) to make it stronger. By the end of the game, it's a massive lion with Ironskins, Improved Invisibility, and +4 claws.
No scripts necessary; just a single spell.
It could in fact be done with a single spell; it's just that the spell would be more complex than normal. No scripts; no .2da files; no .cre files. Just one spell with a lot of 177 on it.