Fondest Memory of BGI?
Member Posts: 8
The most hilarious was when I used an amazing unidentified girdle that changed my sex afterwards and cursed me :1.
Needless to say, half an hour later I was killed by a wolf and a gibberling. This was the moment I became fascinated by the game. So hard on the player, not like many of the hand-holding games at the time or currently out now.
Still fascinates me to this day.
Hands down, best memory of BG1
BG2 was great, better even, but lost out a bit on the climate. Or maybe i just got older.
PS. was 15-16 when BG1 was issued.
The main theme from "Exploring the Plains".
The thrill and suspense of running away from Candlekeep via the underground dungeon.
Oh to be young again... :P
When I finally hit level 2 with one of the characters in the Nashkell mine I felt extremely powerful, like nothing could stop me
Also, when I met Elminster (when he introduced himself that is) I felt really important and a part of something very big.
The point where I first entered the Baldurs Gate city was also very epic. So many quests, so much going on, Baldurs Gate still remains one of the most detailed citys ever created in a video game to me. Baldurs Gate definitely wins over Athkatla, which is nice but lacks detail and looks more like snapshots of a city than a complete and living town.
...and talking to Cyric in ToB was awesome.
BUT the best sensation was throwing my first fireball at a horde of gibberlings. Very satisfying, even to this very day. I hope they keep the old BG1 wall-o-flame graphics for fireballs...
but probably my fondest moment and biggest surprise was wandering around Nashkel, running away from Noober, raiding the farmhouses...errr I mean conversing with the goodly farmers about crop conditions, yes...and tripping over that hidden cache in the fields with the Ankheg armour. had never found it before, and took me many times after in subsequent games to stumble across it again...
I don't do stuff like that anymore though.
I also really enjoyed the overall outdoor scenery and ambience. The trees. The exploration...
I was very poor, in a cold apartment, with the old PC fired up, smoking a pipe and playing BG.