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The Black Pits, Kensai, Blade, Skald, Or Swashbuckler?

In a class build, which is best? Would Kensai, Blade, Skald, Swashbuckler, Cleric of Lathander, and Dragon Disciple be the best class build?


  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    As in, all characters are the same class? Skald, one to sing, the rest to kick backside, with spells as needed, because of those stupid things that need fire in order to be killed.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    For only one class: monk

    Magic resistance, fighter HLAs. No need to endlessly repeat fights for items
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    I like the idea of Skalds as well. Each one can fill a different role effectively, because of the flexibility of having six Jackjacks-of-all-trades.
    Blades would work about as well or better I suppose, I'm just averse to the kit.
    So you know, bias.
  • iNtuiNtu Member Posts: 37
    I soloed with a Blackguard without dying, basically a breeze... ripped everything to shreds with Two-Handed Sword. Drank few potions throughout the entire game, used War Hammer on occasion.. I think a fighter with grand mastery in 2H swords can have a similar success ;)

    Dragon Disciple was also easy, insane AC = class bonus ac+spirit armor+stoneskin+mirror image+blur, breath weapon, skull trapped everything to pieces... magic missile vs mirror image, spook undesired attackers, melf's meteors for attacks in-between casts or finishing off.

    I personally haven't soloed with Kensai, Blade, Skald, Swashbuckler or Cleric of Lathander, but I don't think they are any equal to a Paladin, Fighter or a Sorcerer in Black Pits...

    Maybe I didn't get your question, I just realized that you might have asked about a full party of same particular class.. o_O In that case Dragon Disciples with mass breath weapons+skull traps.. not even funny ;/
    6 fighters/paladins with 2H Swords for most of the fights, no need to do anything rly, just use script to attack enemy, drink coffee and watch. Maybe monks, yeah...

    Best class for me is about how easy it is to complete Black Pits. Am I right?

    Btw, I think Skald songs can be stacked, I don't remember, but it's a cheat in my book)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    The skald song definitely used to be stackable. I don't know if it is anymore.

    A few years ago, I played through the Black Pits with a party of five skalds and a dart-throwing fighter. All the skalds turned invisible and sang, giving the fighter a total of +10 AC, damage and THAC0. Those darts really hurt! It actually turned out to be quite challenging.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Skald song doesn't stack in my testing.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Which is why you only want one to sing while the rest unleash destruction.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited June 2016
    I might very well be wrong, but since the OP @GandalfPortraitGuy use the word "and" instead of "or" I interpret his questions as "what would be the best 6 man party if I only use single classes?", meaning he is asking for if the suggested 6-man party of a Kensai, Blade, Skald, Swashbuckler, Cleric of Lathander, and Dragon Disciple would kick ass in BP2.

    If that's the case, I'd say the Blade would be redundant and should be replaced by another SC you want to use, like a paladin or berzerker.

    Edit: Just realized it says "or" in the subject title but "and" in the actual post, but I'm gonna leave this here anyways.
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