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smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
edited September 2016 in General Modding

S9 BGEENPC Tweaks for BGEE / SOD / BG2EE / EET

by Smeagolheart

S9NPCTweaks is a mod that alters NPCs in the BGEE trilogy. I made this at first for my personal enjoyment but I figured some folks might like it too. Most of the effects are geared towards BG1EE including the Siege of Dragonspear expansion.

What are the components?

COMPONENT: Consistent NPC Portraits
Applies to BG1EE, SOD, BG2EE, EET
This component sets NPC portraits to a consistent portrait. For example, IMOEN can use the same portrait
throughout the entire Baldur's Gate Saga. These alternate portraits are contained in a folder called
NPC_Portraits that that will be applied to all instances of an NPC. If this component is installed on
BG1EE and Siege of Dragonspear installation, it will change both versions of an NPC (if applicable).
If this component is installed on a BG2EE then that version will get their new alternate portrait.

If you have another variation of a portrait and you'd like to replace the included portrait to use one
you like better, feel free to do so and install this component (or reinstall it if necessary) in order to
enjoy your portrait throughout the trilogy.

This component also sets Viconia's colors to allow you to Siege of Dragonspear colors to give a consistent appearance to the character. This effect is more pronounced on some NPCS than others.
If you have spawned any of these NPCs in the world already, they will not be affected and
the effects will only be noticeable after starting a new game.

See the bottom of this readme for Portrait Credits

GROUP: Convenient NPCs
NPCs, mainly in the first Baldur's Gate, are in locations that make it impractical to find them until your
adventure is well underway. For example, Alora is not recruitable in BG1EE until you accept an easy to miss
quest in the city of Baldur's Gate (which you can not even access until Chapter 5). Other NPCS such as Dorn
are introduced in a somewhat mystifying way, specifically, in BG1EE to get Dorn to join you have to talk to
him at the Friendly Arm Inn - where he won't join you - and then you will "randomly" meet him when going to
the Nashkel Mines and after a short encounter you can get him to join. This component moves NPCs
and possibly alters them to make their appearance more convenient.

-Applies to BG1EE
Alora is moved from the Hall of Wonders to Gullykin near the door to the winery. This code is reused
from the BG1NPC project, authored and coded by tons of dedicated people from all walks of life.
Her dialogue is altered to adjust to her new surroundings.

-Applies to BG1EE
This component moves Baeloth's appearance from a random tower area in Larswood to outside of the
entrance to High Hedge. Additionally, his introductory cutscene has been trimmed. The requirment
that you must be at least level 5 for him to appear has not changed.

-Applies to BG1EE
Coran is moved from the middle of the bridge on the Cloakwood Forest Map to near the big rock just before
the bridge on the same map. Additionally his quest timer is increased from seven days to eight.

-Applies to BG1EE
Dorn now is outside the Cabin in the Nashkel Mines. Dorn's dialogue is altered to adjust to
his new surroundings and he will ask you to accompany him to an ambush.

-Applies to Siege of Dragonspear
Dorn now is located inside the Three Old Kegs and can be recruited much earlier than previously possible.
If you do not recruit him in the Three Old Kegs, he will be waiting at the expedition campsite.

-Applies to BG1EE
Eldoth is moved from Cloakwood Forest to Red Sheaf Tavern in Beregost near the Bartender. Eldoth's
dialogue is slightly altered in his initial meeting.

-Applies to BG2EE
This component prevents Hexxat from initiating a conversation on her own. If you want to recruit
her, talk to her.

-Applies to BG2EE
This component prevents Nalia from initiating a conversation on her own. If you want to recruit
her, talk to her.

-Applies to BG1EE
This component prevents Neera from initiating a conversation on her own. If you want to recruit
her, talk to her.

-Applies to BG2EE
This component triggers the introduction cutscene in the Bridge District only when you talk to
Neera. She can be found near the place where the Red Wizards cutscene occurs after the townsfolk
talked about the local murders.

-Applies to BG1EE
Quayle is moved from just outside of Baldur's Gate to the Nashkel Carnival near Great Gazib's show.

- Applies to BG2EE
This component triggers the introduction cutscene in Trademeet only when you talk to Rasaad.
He can be found near the fountain.

-Applies to BG1EE
Safana is moved from the Coastal Lighthouse Area to the Jovial Juggler. Her quest timer is
increased from five days to thirty days.

-Applies to BG1EE
Shar-Teel Dosan is moved from Mutamin Garden's area to the South Beregost Road a short distance
south from the northern end of the road.

-Applies to BG1EE
Tiax is relocated from Baldur's Gate to the Beregost Town Square adjacent to Feldepost's Inn.

-Applies to BG1EE
Viconia is relocated from Peldvale to the southwest corner of the Temple Area.

COMPONENT: Add the Priest of Tempus Kit
This component adds the Priest of Tempus kit from IceWind Dale.

COMPONENT: Dual Class Friendly Stats

Many NPCs in Baldur's Gate are tantalizingly close to having the capability to Dual Class but are
just short in an Ability Score. You can give these NPCs a tome (or two) and enable whole
new possibilities for their development. But - do you want to give an ability score tome to a temporary
companion? Those tomes belong to CHARNAME, right? Now, you don't have to make this sometimes difficult
choice, this component will give NPCs an ability score boost. All of these boosts are possible in game
with one or more ability tomes used on an NPC.

Here is what is affected and what is unlocked:
+1 DEX
Branwen can dual class from a Cleric to a Thief.

+2 WIS
Dynaheir can dual class from a Mage(Invoker) to Cleric.

+1 INT
Safana can dual class from Thief to a Mage.

+1 DEX
+2 WIS
Xzar can now dual class from Necromancer to either a Cleric or Thief.

GROUP: Adjust NPC Classes
This group of componenets allows you to change to BGEE NPCs classes and kits.

Make Branwen a Priest of Tempus
This component requires that the Priest of Tempus kit be previously installed.

Make Dynaheir a Sorcerer
If you set Dynaheir's class as a Sorcerer she will be unable to dual class if
you previously set her stats with the Dual Class Friendly Stats component.
This applies to BG1EE and Siege of Dragonspear versions of Dynaheir.

Make Faldorn an Avenger
This kit fits her personality in my opinion.

Make Kagain a Dwarven Defender
When thinking about applying a kit for Kagain, I would say he is not really
a Berserker, he's more of a pure fighter. Still, no NPC utilizes the
Dwarven Defender kit so this is an optional component.

Make Khalid a Fighter/Mage
Khalid's wife is a Fighter/Druid multiclass, I feel that Khalid should be
a multclass as well. He fits the profile as a Fighter/Mage best in my

Make Kivan an Archer
This kit fits Kivan in my opinion.

Make Safana a Swashbuckler
Safana's experience on a Pirate Ship and adventurous spirit make her a

Shar-Teel's Class
Shar-Teel has anger and rage issues.
She can be set as either a Berserker or a Barbarian.
Please note that if you change her class to Barbarian she will be unable to
dual class unless you have unlocked dual classing for Barbarians through
another mod such as Tweak's Anthology's "Expanded Dual-Class Options" component.

Make Skie a Shadowdancer
Skie's biography describes how she is a natural dancer and good as sneaking
off - Shadowdancer is a natural fit for her.

Make Xan a Blade
Xan was originally intended to be a dual wielding Katanas as a Kensai Githyanki*.
I feel that the Blade kit of the Bard class fits Xan's close connection with
his Moonblade while still retaining his spellcasting capabilities.
Yes, I know the Bard class is normally illegal for Elves.



Coding: Smeagolheart

Move Alora Component from NG1NPC Project that was authored and coded by tons of dedicated people from
all walks of life.

K4thos Enhanced Edition Trilogy compatibility code and Priest of Tempus Kit

BG1 NPCs at Beginning (for BGT) 2.2 with individual NPCs moving

argent77 for code from "Disabled Enhanced Edition NPCs" mod.

Dual Class Friendly Stats component inspired by this thread

NPC Colors is inspired by conversations about Viconia's colors on Baldur's Gate Forums
****************************Portrait credits********************************************************
These portraits are my current favorite replacements for the stock portraits. Here's where they
came from to the best of my recollections. If you are the artist and prefer not wanting your portrait
in this free mod, let me know and I'll remove it.
Plasmocat's "BG NPC Portraits in BG2 Style"
KAGAIN (background edited by me I think a long time ago)
Clerics get their Deity Colors
I think:
Beamdog unaltered, included in case you wanted to replace it.
artastrophe's portraits
NiGHTMARE's NPC Beautification Pack
Norimichi Tanaka's Online Portfolio
Portraits by Enkida
from: Rasaad, then and now by Syntia13
from: Portraits alternatifs

Siege of Dragonspear portrait unaltered

Isandir's Portrait Edits

edited by me:
XAN (based on version from here:
Sorry where these came from is lost to time, PM me and I'll add you to the credits here
if you want me to:

v1.1 Released 29 Aug 16
- Added options for Garrick to be Skald and Eldoth to be a Jester
- Bug fix

v1.0 Released 27 May 16
Initial Release
Post edited by smeagolheart on


  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    A suggestion: if you're incorporating BG1NPC components like making Khalid a Fighter/Mage, you might consider adding an option to make Montaron an assassin.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I considered that, and I've used that component in my games, but I don't really see evidence for it from his personality or lore or anything. Maybe it's there but I missed it. Other than the fact that he's an evil thief, I don't see the backing for making him an assassin. I could definitely add it as an option though, if requested.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited May 2016
    shawne said:

    A suggestion: if you're incorporating BG1NPC components like making Khalid a Fighter/Mage, you might consider adding an option to make Montaron an assassin.

    That's not a BG1NPC component. It's a Tweaks component.

    EDIT - @smeagolheart - Do you have files for detecting your components (e.g., so that someone doesn't try to install BG1NPC's move NPC components along with yours)? I haven't looked at the code, but BG1NPC and BGEENPC Tweaks could end up creating two of an NPC, if they don't detect each other. Let me know the files, and I can add them to block the appropriate components if BGEENPC Tweaks is installed.

    EDIT2: Did you incorporate @Domi's dialog for Khalid as a Fighter-Mage?
    Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited May 2016

    shawne said:

    A suggestion: if you're incorporating BG1NPC components like making Khalid a Fighter/Mage, you might consider adding an option to make Montaron an assassin.

    That's not a BG1NPC component. It's a Tweaks component.

    EDIT - @smeagolheart - Do you have files for detecting your components (e.g., so that someone doesn't try to install BG1NPC's move NPC components along with yours)? I haven't looked at the code, but BG1NPC and BGEENPC Tweaks could end up creating two of an NPC, if they don't detect each other. Let me know the files, and I can add them to block the appropriate components if BGEENPC Tweaks is installed.

    EDIT2: Did you incorporate @Domi's dialog for Khalid as a Fighter-Mage?

    I probably need to adjust this but I have this:

    REQUIRE_PREDICATE (NOT ((MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~EE_content_tweaks.tp2~ 2) OR
    (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~EE_content_tweaks.tp2~ 5))) @1006
    FORBID_COMPONENT ~setup-scs.tp2~ 3070 @8
    FORBID_COMPONENT ~setup-stratagems.tp2~ 4130 @8
    FORBID_COMPONENT ~bg1npc.tp2~ 1070 @8

    which won't let you install that component if those other things are already installed. I didn't do the create a dummy file thing that g3 mods do, I think they started that before weidu was able to detect components - but I could be wrong.

    Did you incorporate @Domi's dialog for Khalid as a Fighter-Mage?
    I'm not familiar with the dialogue changes for that. I set Khalid's equipment, stats and so forth but not any dialogue. What does it do?

    I'm open to suggestions...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited May 2016

    Btw I foresee that this thread will be bombarded with requests like "you should add a component to make _____ into a _____" ... which is cumbersome to do. That's why I've already created a mod that is flexible enough to let *any* NPC adopt *any* kit in their class, including mod-added kits. (That mod also has components to change various NPCs' classes as well...)

    I think there's a time and place for both approaches. If you want all the choices, you can go with @subtledoctor 's mod, if you want the choice here and no other - then that's what this is intended for.
    I won't be adding options that I feel do not match the NPC. If you can convince me to add something appropriate then I might do that but I'm going off my gut and what I've seen as suggestions in other threads.

    My mod definitely patches the .cres as far as the class thing goes. But to me the class/kit changing bit is just a small part of the larger mod and not the sole focus. This is meant to adjust NPCs in more ways than just kit/class. Portraits that last through the trilogy, colors, and locations are also addressed.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    That's not a BG1NPC component. It's a Tweaks component.
    EDIT - @smeagolheart - Do you have files for detecting your components (e.g., so that someone doesn't try to install BG1NPC's move NPC components along with yours)? I haven't looked at the code, but BG1NPC and BGEENPC Tweaks could end up creating two of an NPC, if they don't detect each other.

    Do Tweaks and BG1NPC *replace* or *add* .CREs, or do they just patch the existing ones? I would expect the latter - surely it's the better practice. But I admit I haven't looked at their code.
    They edit the BALDUR.GAM file (for BGEE & Tutu; BGT is handled with .BCS scripts). I guess two of the NPC would probably not happen, unless @smeagolheart spawned NPCs with scripts instead, like BGT does.

    Did you incorporate @Domi's dialog for Khalid as a Fighter-Mage?

    I'm not familiar with the dialogue changes for that. I set Khalid's equipment, stats and so forth but not any dialogue. What does it do?

    I'm open to suggestions...
    It's a short dialog between CHARNAME and Khalid about how he came to be a fighter-mage.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited May 2016

    That's not a BG1NPC component. It's a Tweaks component.
    EDIT - @smeagolheart - Do you have files for detecting your components (e.g., so that someone doesn't try to install BG1NPC's move NPC components along with yours)? I haven't looked at the code, but BG1NPC and BGEENPC Tweaks could end up creating two of an NPC, if they don't detect each other.

    Do Tweaks and BG1NPC *replace* or *add* .CREs, or do they just patch the existing ones? I would expect the latter - surely it's the better practice. But I admit I haven't looked at their code.
    They edit the BALDUR.GAM file (for BGEE & Tutu; BGT is handled with .BCS scripts). I guess two of the NPC would probably not happen, unless @smeagolheart spawned NPCs with scripts instead, like BGT does.

    Did you incorporate @Domi's dialog for Khalid as a Fighter-Mage?

    I'm not familiar with the dialogue changes for that. I set Khalid's equipment, stats and so forth but not any dialogue. What does it do?

    I'm open to suggestions...
    It's a short dialog between CHARNAME and Khalid about how he came to be a fighter-mage.
    Yes, mine edits baldur.gam so whatever one changes it last I guess would be what somebody got if they installed both components.

    I'll take a look for @Domi's dialogue then, sounds like something that would be a nice touch.

    For EET support, once a stable version comes out, I think they'll be spawning the NPCs via scripts since I believe runs in the BG2 engine I believe, I'll have to revise the code to account for that once I can see what @K4thos has done. At that time, I'll have to see if more code adjustment is needed...
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Its ok subtle, Baldur.gam stores where the NPCs are spawned in bg1& 2. Mod ones (and bgt) spawn NPCs via area script. In order to not get two copies you have to modify the baldur.gam version.

    Also ee's apparently now only use the lowest level version and give appropriate XP so you don't need to mess with jahiera2, 4, 6 etc just the lowest level one.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,441
    This mod looks pretty nice. The kitting of the various characters has clearly given some thought and seem fitting. Have you considered providing options for the remaining NPCs?

    You've already provided options for Branwen, Dynaheir, Faldorn, Kagain, Khalid, Kivan, Safana, Shar-Teel, Skie and Xan.

    Coran, Jaheira, Montaron, Quayle, Tiax and Yeslick are multiclassed, so they shouldn't receive any kits.

    Baeloth, Dorn, Neera and Rasaad were added by EE with kits already available, so they don't need further adjustments, either.

    That leaves Ajantis, Alora, Edwin, Eldoth, Garrick, Imoen, Minsc, Viconia and Xzar.

    When asked about his past, AJANTIS announces that he is a squire paladin of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart, and that he enforces the power and discipline of Helm.

    He belongs to the noble family of Ilvastarr in Waterdeep and has studied swordplay under such luminaries as Myrmith Splendon. His skill and devotion apparently brought him to the attention of the paladin Keldorn, one of the most respected of the Order, who decided to take Ajantis under his wing as a squire.

    Recently Ajantis has asked for the honor of becoming a full-fledged member of the Order. To accomplish this, he has traveled to the Sword Coast in order to help curtail the increased humanoid activity in the region. If he succeeds in his quest, the Order will vote on his eligibility for membership. He seems utterly devoted to his mission.

    Considering he's Keldorn's squire, it would make sense to make him an Inquisitor, as he obviously followed Keldorn's training. His utter devotion seems to call for Cavalier, but he has ranks in bows, which are forbidden weapons for Cavaliers. There is nothing that points him out as an Undead Hunter, and I doubt Keldorn would train Blackguards, so Inquisitor is the most obvious choice here.

    When asked about his past, MINSC proudly announces that he is a berserker warrior from the nation of Rashemen in the Utter East.

    He is currently undertaking his dajemma, a ritual journey to manhood, and is seeking adventure and glory in battle. It is also his honor to be the bodyguard of a young Wychlaran of Rashemen named Dynaheir, and if anyone tries to harm her, he will beat sense into their heads until they reconsider. He is unsure as to why she has led them to the Sword Coast, but his loyalty is unquestioning. If he serves her well and distinguishes himself in battle, he hopes to be accepted into the Ice Dragon berserker lodge upon returning to their homeland.

    So far Minsc considers his most notable experience in the world abroad to be the acquisition of his animal companion Boo, a creature that he claims is a miniature giant space hamster. Apparently such things do exist in the realms, but Minsc has surely taken too many blows to the head.

    He seems a good-natured fellow, but is all too willing to indulge his berserker nature.

    Two ranks in two-handed sword clash with both the Archer and the Beast Master kits, and other than a single rank in Longbows and his relationship with Boo, there is nothing hinting at either of these kits. The backstab ability and mage spells from the Stalker kit also seem poor fits. The ability to wear heavy armor that only the base Ranger has seems to fit him best.

    Of course, when looking outside the Ranger class, the Berserker or Barbarian kits from the Fighter class seem quite decent fits. In either case, it would make sense to replace his Berserk ability with a Charm Animal ability.

    When asked about her past, IMOEN slaps your shoulder playfully. She says that you of all people should know, seeing as how you grew up together.

    Indeed, some of your fondest memories are of meeting this sprightly young lass. She apparently came to Candlekeep much as you did, though ten years later in life, and she spent much more time with the gruff Winthrop than Gorion. "Puffguts," she would call him, much to the old innkeep's dismay.

    She seems the eternal child, and is quite content to play the part of little sister, though you are both of comparable ages. You can tell by her hearty smile that she will always be willing to travel with you, no matter what path you take.

    Imoen is described as rather cheerful and carefree, something that clashes completely with the serious attitude of Assassin and Bounty Hunter. An expertise in backstabbing or setting deadly traps doesn't seem to suit her at all, nor would there be much room within the walls of Candlekeep for either of those professions.

    Swashbuckler has the happy-go-lucky feeling that matches her free-spirited nature, while doing away with the somewhat sinister backstab ability, and still provides her with all the skillpoints that she needs for her rogueish escapades. Shadowdancer reflects her skills in stealth and perhaps a reflection of her arcane potential, while doing away with setting traps, and limiting her backstab ability. Either could suit her well.

    However, considering the important role that thieves have (only they can disarm traps, and only they can open locks without spending a spell slot on each lock you want to open), and considering this is the first thief you encounter, and the thief that's likely taken along by most people, a bit of metathinking is probably in it's place here.

    A lot of people take one thief along, purely for the thieving abilities, without caring a lot for the other abilities the class provides. Swashbuckler is far away the best option for this, providing the same amount of thieving skills as the base Thief, and some buffs that make her into a bit of a fighter, without having to worry about stealth and backstabbing.

    Therefor, if she is given a kit, it should be Swashbuckler. I know that Safana is a Swashbuckler too, but there are so many thieves in the game, a little bit of overlap doesn't hurt. If multiple options are easy enough to implement (like Shar-Teel), then perhaps giving the user a choice between Swashbuckler or Shadowdancer could be nice.

    When asked about her past, ALORA reveals that she was originally from Iriaebor.

    As a child she was cute, outgoing, and dangerously curious, causing no end of trouble for her parents. They tried to curb her lunatic behavior, and encouraged her to be content with home and hearth like other halflings. Alora found this unbearably stifling, and left to explore the world.

    She quickly found herself falling into all sorts of trouble, going to the wrong places and angering the wrong sorts of people. Eventually she found herself in the city of Baldur's Gate, and it was there that she discovered her future profession: thievery. Wealth was never her chief concern; it's just that too many interesting things are behind locked doors.

    Her unassuming temperament makes it easy for her to hoodwink the authorities, and her sweet nature has saved her from a jail cell numerous times.

    Alora doesn't just have the thief class, she really is a thief in the literal meaning, making the thieving scores very important to her. Since Assassin, Bounty Hunter and Shadowdancer all cost skill points, and don't seem to particularly fit her, these options are out. Swashbuckler doesn't cost skill points, but this halfling seems more suited to sneak around and stab someone in the back, than rely on physical prowess.

    Fighter/Thief could be an option. It does hurt her thieving skills again, but not as much as the kits. However, there's little indicating that she has proper combat training beyond the skills of a thief. Besides, there is a Halfling Fighter/Thief in the game already. Out of all the singleclass thieves in the game, the base Thief class seems to suit her best.

    When asked about his past, GARRICK explains that he was part of a celebrated acting troupe called the Dale Wind Troubadours. They traveled the length of the coast from Neverwinter to Amn and often played to Dukes and other nobility. Indeed, few others could afford the cost of a performance when the group was at its peak.

    Garrick does not speak fondly of this time however, as the direction the group was taking left him dissatisfied with their conduct. He apparently discovered that performances were being used as distractions for thievery and declared he would have nothing to do with it.

    Rebuffed by his comrades, now he wishes simply to travel and play his music for those that will listen. He seems a bit young and naive, and a touch too ready to take the word of a stranger.

    His biography clearly states his dislike for thievery, so the Bard's pickpocket ability is a bit of a misfit on him. Therefor, the Blade and Skald kits seem like good options, as they hurt his pickpocket ability. However, the Blade kit seems quite focused on combat abilities, which doesn't seem to fit him too well. The Skald's focus on the bardic song seems to fit this performer a lot better. Finally, the Jester doesn't seem to fit him, as he wants people to enjoy his performance.

    When asked about his past, ELDOTH speaks as though his every word should impress and dazzle. He really seems to enjoy talking about himself.

    He is apparently from the island kingdom of Ruathym, though he left as a teenager for the city of Waterdeep. His natural affinity for song and poetry was honed to perfection while he trained at the musical college of New Olamn, supporting himself with gold borrowed from any one of his given lovers.

    It would seem that his skill in music is mirrored with his talent in the manipulation of others' emotions. He skims over explaining how he came to leave Waterdeep, but it was apparently the result of an attempted tryst with Aleena Paladinstar. Piergeiron, lord of the city, discovered that his daughter was being used by a manipulative dilettante and likely became quite furious. Eldoth probably had to flee the city, deciding it was time to use his bardic skills elsewhere.

    Unlike Garrick, Eldoth is quite the scoundrel, and a decent pickpocket score fits him a lot better. He also seems to be a lot more manipulative, making the Jester a lot better fit. The Blade and Skald's penalties to pickpocket seem to be poor fits. In addition, the Blade's combat skills and the Skald's focus on buffing allies don't seem to suit Eldoth, either.

    When asked about his past, XZAR has very few coherent things to say. His desire to determine the cause of the iron shortage seems benevolent enough, but his motives remain unclear. His ramblings seem disjointed, but his faculties are obviously in good enough order for him to be adept at magic.

    He mutters something about how he and his associate Montaron are in the employ of a powerful group, but when pressed for details he gets extremely agitated and does not speak for some time. He is obviously at least partially insane, and the network that would hire him must be dark indeed.

    Considering he's a mage, and specialist mages already being available in the base game, there is little reason to specialize him in a school other than Necromancy, as if there was a better fit, Bioware would have given him that. The Wild Mage kit is new, though, and it may actually fit this crazy lunatic.

    When asked about his past, EDWIN sneers that he has no intention of revealing such information and that it is none of your business. He further states that you are lucky enough to simply share his company, and then mutters something about leaving whenever he wishes. He obviously cares little for the camaraderie of others, and seems to take more pleasure in speaking to himself than in interacting with the party.

    His attire brazenly displays the colors of the Red Wizards of Thay, though why a member of that organization would come so far west is puzzling. Edwin does not seem forthcoming with any information.

    Similar to Xzar, there is little reason to swap Edwin from one specialization to another, and considering he's a Red Wizard of Thay, there is no way he could be a Wild Mage, or be any class other than Mage.

    When asked about her past, VICONIA reveals (quite proudly) that she is a dark elf from the Underdark city of Menzoberranzan. She says very little about her reasons for leaving that sunless realm, though separations of such a nature are never gentle.

    She does claim to no longer worship the spider goddess Lolth, a change that even you know is often fatal. Her new faith is in the night goddess Shar, an appropriate choice for a drow, though this is not a firm indication that she has given up the brutal ways of her people.

    She finds the laws of the surface world quaint and more than a little strange, but this is simply because of her lack of experience. Likewise, she seems a bit naive about how her race is viewed by surface-dwellers. Many will not give her the chance she seems to expect, and even being seen with her may affect how people think of you.

    You know that as a drow, she has resistance to magic.

    This mod added the Priest of Tempus kit to give to Branwen, so why not add a Priest of Shar kit to give to Viconia? Priest kits feel quite like Mage specialization kits, in that they are added onto the class, rather than changing the class. CamDawg posted some suggestions of what a Priest of Shar should have access to:

    - Ajantis: Add Inquisitor kit.
    - Minsc: Change to Fighter with the Barbarian or Berserker kit. Swap his innate Berserker ability for Charm Animal.
    - Imoen: Add Swashbuckler kit (or let people choose between Swashbuckler and Shadowdancer).
    - Garrick: Add Skald kit.
    - Eldoth: Add Jester kit.
    - Xzar: Maybe swap Necromancer kit for Wild Mage kit?
    - Viconia: If possible, implement Priest of Shar kit, and add it.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I can understand the reasoning for some of these. In general, I don't mind just leaving the NPCs without kits if it doesn't fit. Also I don't want to completely change class (from Ranger to fighter kit or thief to multiclass) in general.

    I have seen two priest of Shar kit attempts and wasn't comfortable with either. I don't want to reinvent the divine classes like divine remix or something. But wouldn't mind adding a minor power or something. I don't think adding penalties for light or something either is fun - it just feels too different to me from the vanilla experience.

    What I do like would be what the NPCKit mod did which was simply rename the NPCs class so Minsc for example became a Rashemar Ranger and the kit description described his berserk, which is actually different from barbarian and berserkers berserk. That way nothings really changed, just described what is going on a daily added a bit of flavor. I had two problems with that though in that I couldn't adapt the code and it made me feel like I should do all the NPCs like explain why tax can summon a ghoul or something. That rabbit hole of additional kits and descriptions was more than I wanted to mod at the time. And technically I was having issues with the coding.

    I dont see swashbuckler or shadow dancer fitting Imoen.

    Suggestions for Garrick, Eldoth, Ajantis, and Xzar sound ok. I'm not super familiar with the lore of wild mages. Is there anything there that would be missing like wild mages are supposed to train somewhere or something?
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,441
    edited August 2016
    It kinda depends on what you expect people that use your mod to do.

    A ) Press install on all the available options: In this case, it totally makes sense to be conservative and only choose kits if they suit particularly well. Ajantis, Eldoth and Garrick still seem good fits, but I'd leave Imoen, Minsc and Xzar as they are.

    B ) Carefully pick and choose options to install: In this case, it doesn't hurt providing an option for most NPCs, as people that don't like the specific option can still choose not to install them.

    I just don't see her as someone that would go around backstabbing people, which is why I'm fond of seeing her as a Swashbuckler, but that's an entirely personal opinion.

    I think the point about wild mages is that they don't actually train, and sorta fiddle with magic. That said, more or less the same could be said for sorcerers. Both of them channel arcane power without having complete control over it.

    However, I'd only add Xzar if you look at all the components as optional, as there are plenty of people that hate Wild Mages, and would not appreciate the change of kit. The conservative way would be to keep him as a Necromancer.

    This of course depends on the presence of the kit. I have no idea how hard it is to add a kit (I assume Branwen's kit is copied over from IWDEE, and thus less work than setting up a new kit?), but if you'd add one, I'd keep it along the lines of the other kits. The 1/day spell, +1 use per 5 levels, and the 1/day ability, +1 use per 10 levels, with an alignment restriction of TN, LE, NE and CE.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Yeah I'm trying to be conservative here. There are other mods such as subtledoctors that let people do anything you could want to with classes and kits for npcs...

    I'd seen the argument for skald with garrick but left him alone I believe due to the flavor text on the kit if I recall correctly not matching my interpretation of Garrick.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited August 2016
    i'm curious about something. if someone were to use a bg1 character into bg2 mod npc. [ xan, kivan, coran ajantis etc.] will the portrait component detect the mod and change it?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    I haven't seen all those mod's code, but the ones I have seen rename the creature files (and portrait files) so they would not be recognized by this mod as it checks for vanilla creature file names.

    Mod made Xans or Kivans can be made by different people, there is no official version, so they name them different file names.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited August 2016
    so for some reason the neera and rassad npc installation for bg2 is giving me an error. it's only those two the rest installed fine.

    [s9BGEENPCTweaks/dialogue/neera_bg2.d] ERROR at line 6 column 1-12
    Near Text: @10000
    ERROR: parsing [s9BGEENPCTweaks/dialogue/neera_bg2.d]: Not_found
    ERROR: compiling [s9BGEENPCTweaks/dialogue/neera_bg2.d]!
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    [s9BGEENPCTweaks/dialogue/rasaad_bg2.d] ERROR at line 6 column 1-12
    Near Text: @10100
    ERROR: parsing [s9BGEENPCTweaks/dialogue/rasaad_bg2.d]: Not_found
    ERROR: compiling [s9BGEENPCTweaks/dialogue/rasaad_bg2.d]!
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I've updated the original post to fix the error discovered by @megamike15

    Also added Skald as an option for Garrick and Jester as an option for Eldoth as requested by @Thels
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    this new update may have screwed it up even more. when i tried to download the neera rassad companant last night. it did not ask for colors and then it started downloading the classes for bg1. when i tried to download the moving npcs it was not a list just one install like the portraits and it gave me an error as it was trying to download alora even tho it was bg2.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I'll try it when I get home, it was working for me on EET (running on BG2 engine).

    It could be best to uninstall the old version before installing the new version.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    I did do that. if this will help.: when it tried to install the bg1 character classes for some reason it was all gibberish like it was a journal entry or something. again i know something is wrong as this was with bg2 ee. i have not tested it with bg1 ee.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    Ok. I updated the code again and updated the OP. I tested and installed it for BG2EE and it works for me, let me know how it goes.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i wonder if it's just me or if anyone else is having issue getting this to work. you must have done something as it was working fine before the 1.1 update. bg2 i think installed fine but bg1 ee just installs the portraits and skips everything else.

    it's getting to the point where i'm just gonna say screw it.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Ok. Well I updated it for bg2 yesterday and installed it ok, it's still not working?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited August 2016
    it worked for bg2. now it's bg1 that's not working. like i said this mod worked fine when you first brought it up [ besides the neera and rassad thing.}now it's been giving me nothing but install issues.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it seems whatever you did to fix the bg2 issue effected the code for bg1. what happens with bg1: it only allows me to install the portraits and then skips everything else. it says it can't detect bg1ee even tho it's in it's steam folder. it might just be easier just to make two versions of this. one for bg1 and the other for bg2 as something is screwing up the mod when you update.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    it seems whatever you did to fix the bg2 issue effected the code for bg1. what happens with bg1: it only allows me to install the portraits and then skips everything else. it says it can't detect bg1ee even tho it's in it's steam folder. it might just be easier just to make two versions of this. one for bg1 and the other for bg2 as something is screwing up the mod when you update.

    I'll take another look at it when I get home from work. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,441
    @megamike15: Do you have SOD? If so, do you know what Weidu version you are running?

    Weidu version 239 does NOT support the ~sod~ tag. The ~bgee~ tag works on both BGEE and SOD.

    There are newer beta versions of Weidu that DO support the ~sod~ tag. The ~bgee ~ tag works on BGEE without SOD, and the ~sod~ tag works on SOD only.

    Unfortunately, if one of the mods sitting in your BGEE folder uses the beta version, then all the mods will update to the beta version, and therefor, no longer install properly on SOD. This is an unfortunate side effect of Weidu, which was designed around a system that was no longer receiving new expansions.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it says the version i have is 239. i use mod merge and my other mods install fine. could this be what is causing my issue with this one?
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