Dead party members, XP and solo run charm protection

Anyone knows whether:
- dead party members get XP (my google fu says yes, but always good to confirm)
- If you have only a dead party member, charming charname (or mazing him) is game over?
- dead party members get XP (my google fu says yes, but always good to confirm)
- If you have only a dead party member, charming charname (or mazing him) is game over?
If you have all other party members dead, getting your charname charmed and mazed will be a game over.
according to this logic, if the tables are turned and you charm a lonely enemy, they should automatically suicide too.
bioware probably made this because they didnt want people to wait it out and do nothing, and they thought reloading was "far more fun".
im going to assume that its the bg2 engine that makes it so you die if you are a single character getting charmed or mazed, could just be one of those weird things that the engine does not necessarily something that is implemented intentionally
It must be moddable somehow I think put probably a huge amount of work.