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Items you never use because of their aged cheddar scent

XanthulXanthul Member Posts: 57
I was wondering what items you people discard in your playthroughs because you consider them gamebreaking. For me, it's quite a few ones - mostly those that confer powerful permanent buffs and weapons with over the top on hit properties:

- Cloak of Mirroring, Shield of Balduran: Permanent reflect makes some of the most potent enemies in the whole saga a joke. I'd rather die 15 times in a row trying to defeat beholders honestly than use these items.
- Staff of the Magi: Permanent invis and a bugged Spell Trap, enough said.
- Carsomyr: Maybe I could live with the MR, but the dispel on hit makes this a no-go for me.
- Vorpal Sword (vorpal weapons in general): Killing things with a random hit doesn't provide me with any feeling of achievement.

Other items are on the line for me but the fun factor makes me use them still, though I might add them to the forbidden items list if I want to run a particularly challenging playthrough:

- Robe of Vecna: Fun times with Improved Alacrity but it makes most casts instant which is kind of dull.
- Flail of Ages, Celestial Fury: Powerful on-hit abilities, these are the most potent weapons that I allow myself to use.
- Ring of Gaxx: I only use one (I never pickpocket, doubly so for items that are supposed to be unique) and it's well earned so I just go with it. Also, it's just an overall powerful item but it doesn't make the character absurdly overpowered in any particular aspect.

Do you have such house rules or do you just use whatever your character can find and equip?


  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited October 2012
    Just use whatever my character find, specially if they're vanilla items. If i want more difficult in the old game i go for the existent mods, what i hope BG EE make needless now. Ascension mod for example or tactics mods from weimer make ubber items pretty reasonable.

    By the way, is your avatar kindred's portrait?
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    I don't really have a problem with cheesey items. The game throws plenty of it's own cheese towards you so it's all fair to me.
  • CyricSpawnCyricSpawn Member Posts: 74
    Nice to read about the items I need to find. :) what about BG1 any cheesy bits there?
  • XanthulXanthul Member Posts: 57
    I don't keep myself from using any items in BG1, the world is remarkably lower magic than BG2 and there isn't a single item that makes your character overpowered - the balduran helm and cloak are possibly the closest but not that big of a deal anyway.

    Regarding my avatar, I can't really remember where I got it from, I know that I used it for the longest time in a NWN server called Soul Forge where my main character was a Barbarian orc but I can't remember anything else, sorry.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    The dagger of venom in BG1 is fairly excessive, though its bugged in BGT and TUTU as has the BG1-only "small swords" proficiency, maybe that was deliberate?
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Xanthul said:

    - Carsomyr: Maybe I could live with the MR, but the dispel on hit makes this a no-go for me.
    - Vorpal Sword (vorpal weapons in general): Killing things with a random hit doesn't provide me with any feeling of achievement.

    Agree on the Cloak of Mirroring and to a lesser extent Balduran's Shield, but Carsomyr is not THAT great. I mean yeah it's one of the best weapons in the game but it's hardly overpowered, and especially for the reasons you listed. The dispel-on-hit effect it has should NEVER come into play because if you're relying on your sword to dispel magic buffs, you didn't prime your wizards properly for whichever fight it is we're discussing. Why is dispel-on-hit a big deal when you can simply cast Breach and demolish most mage buffs with that alone? The dispel on the item isn't even that powerful (it has a caster level, though what exactly I'm not sure) so it doesn't strip a lot of the really nasty buffs you see on later bosses.

    Same goes for the Vorpal sword. Any enemy immune to instant death is also immune to Vorpal Sword and Ravager's death effects. It just makes cutting the chaff a lot easier. By the time you get the Silver Sword or Ravager, anything that the instant death effect would really be useful on is immune to it. It's only really helpful against the fire giants.

  • XanthulXanthul Member Posts: 57
    @SandmanCCL actually you are right, I don't feel Carsomyr is on the same level as the other items but I still don't like dispelling on hit, I guess it's more of a personal preference.

    About Vorpal effects, I guess you're right and it only really helps against normal mobs, I guess I could use them to fight big packs and then switch to another weapon for the bosses. I might give this a try in my next games, thanks for the heads up.
  • BugratBugrat Member Posts: 118
    I don't like certain low enchantment items that have significant passive bonuses. I think all these items are in the +2 range, but they are so powerful that some people like to use them all through ToB in dual-wield setups. I think it's pretty boring to use the same weapon forever just because the passive affix is so overpowered, I prefer to keep upgrading weapons with all the fancy +5 and +6 that you encounter in the late game.

    These are the weapons that I'm thinking of:
    Flail of Easthaven -- I know a lot of people like to use this as an offhand to get that 20% damage reduction.
    (In general I feel like a lot of the "Bonus Merchants" items are tacked on and not very well balanced, particularly this one)
    Also, I think there are two swords in BG2 that give an extra attack for free (Kundane and something else?) which can be abused in the offhand to give the extra attack to your mainhand weapon instead. I think this is because offhand weapons are hardcoded to do just 1 attack per round so the extra attack transfers to the main hand. So you can attack more often with the +12 hackmaster in your main hand.

  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    The other sword you were referring to is Belm. A scimitar.
  • XanthulXanthul Member Posts: 57
    Yeah, I'm not particularly fond of those either, or collecting weapons with per day abilities just to use them once a day without actually wielding them.

    I guess there aren't many weapons that are properly balanced for my low magic tastes.... Examples of weapons I like are Lilarcor, Varscona, Dragonslayer, Blade of roses... Weapons with small bonuses that add a lot of different flavors and choices.
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563

    The original wands of monster summoning were pretty cheesy in BG1.

    I agree, lots of the wands infact.

  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    It's interesting that the wands were so powerful. It sort of hammers home the player's power level that a wand could tip things so far in their favor.
  • KolonKuKolonKu Member Posts: 87
    @Xanthul - Your avatar, to my knowledge, is one of two half-orc portraits that were supposed to be in NWN1, but got replaced before the game was released.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    I never didn't use items because they were too powerful as I felt if they were added to the game they must be balanced. I did have a habit of hoarding potions to use 'some day' but that day never came.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376

    The dagger of venom in BG1 is fairly excessive, though its bugged in BGT and TUTU as has the BG1-only "small swords" proficiency, maybe that was deliberate?

    How is it bugged? It is a dagger in my BGT version and is wieldable with the proper thac0 (i.e., people proficient with daggers are proficient in it, those who are proficient in short swords or other weapons aren't proficient in it).

  • XanthulXanthul Member Posts: 57
    @KolonKu now that you mention that, I think that I got the portrait from NWN hidden files or something like that
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Whenever I've played Pen and Paper games, I try and limit weapons to just raw +1 or +2. Anything beyond that is crafted by the players or is a plot item, and usually when someone crafts their own gear, it's really personal to their character.

    I don't find it "boring" to use the same weapon for a long time. In fact, to me it's a big plus. I feel like D&D characters as opposed to a lot of other fantasy worlds get attached to their weapons. Like, it's part of their character. What would Drizzt be without his scimitar and armor mystically forged by his surrogate dwarf step dad? He doesn't need a new godly weapon every couple of books.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Bugrat said:

    (In general I feel like a lot of the "Bonus Merchants" items are tacked on and not very well balanced, particularly this one)


    Unfortunately, Bioware had the habit of adding ridiculously overpowered bonus and DLC items to almost all of its games (They did the same thing with KOTOR and DA:O, where DLC items allows your party to become very powerful almost from the start). For my money, you're better off without them.

    For the topic, I'll say: I really like the Item Randomizer mod from Gibberlings3. Not being able to depend on the Ring of Wizardry, Girdle of Piercing, Ankheg Armor or Gauntlets of Dexterity early on makes a huge difference and, for me, makes the game more fun.

  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214

    Mmmmm, aged cheddar, a piece of gourmet-baked bread, a glass of white wine, and a game of Baldur's Gate. Heaven.

    @belgarathmth Mind if I join? As I said in another thread, I'm discovering I like virtual cheese as much as I like real one :) It's fun to be cheesy sometimes :)
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Maybe someone can run a No Cheese Item/Equipment Challenge in the BG saga.

    Rules: Use only standardized weapons/armors/items
    -weapon such as short sword+2 is ok, but not the named weapon like Ilbratha+1 short sword that gives mirror images
    -may only wear 2 of the following (ring/amulet/belt/boot/cloak)
    -potion is ok, wand cannot be recharged
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @bbear That would be interesting to watch :)
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @belgarathmth @minevese A game of Baldur's Gate:EE, a hunk of cheese and thou, softly singing in the wilderness. Ah, wilderness were paradise enou! ;)
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    surely it's the abuser rather than the item?

    belm is fine when not abused as a the off-hand cheese, but another example would be:

    sleeper +2 flail and pixie prick +3 dagger in the off-hand

    target must make a saving throw vs poison or fall asleep for 2 rounds (pixie prick)

    & any human/demi-human must make a saving throw vs poison (with +4 bonus) or fall asleep for 18 seconds (sleeper)

    seperately acceptable, cheesy together
  • lakridslakrids Member Posts: 29
    It's known, that fighter are falling behind spell casters after lvl 9. I think that good weapons and items, are a way for the DM, to let the fighter classes sort of keep up with spell casters. Spell casters items are more nice to have, where as fighters really needs magic items to be effective.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    AHF said:

    The dagger of venom in BG1 is fairly excessive, though its bugged in BGT and TUTU as has the BG1-only "small swords" proficiency, maybe that was deliberate?

    How is it bugged? It is a dagger in my BGT version and is wieldable with the proper thac0 (i.e., people proficient with daggers are proficient in it, those who are proficient in short swords or other weapons aren't proficient in it).

    Maybe another mod I have (Rogue Rebalancing, perhaps) has broken it again then...
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    lakrids said:

    It's known, that fighter are falling behind spell casters after lvl 9. I think that good weapons and items, are a way for the DM, to let the fighter classes sort of keep up with spell casters. Spell casters items are more nice to have, where as fighters really needs magic items to be effective.

    Yay for fighter/mage variants in that case!
  • creator1629creator1629 Member Posts: 66
    i agree, i had created a kensai and equipped him with celestial fury, there was nothing i couldn't hit. i felt way too powerful with that weapon. not that it wasn't fun of course
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Want a really overpowered weapon? CLUAConsole Killsw01. It's the one hit chunker sword. Now THAT is overpowered.
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