Jaheira in ToB

I've never played through all of ToB but just finished SoD and am confident in going the distance this time.
Those of you who have played through the whole game, how does Jaheira play in mid-late ToB and how do you build her?
I usually go for quarterstaves, followed by spears with her. This keeps in "melee," meaning that due to the range she's not quite as in the thick of things as say Korgan or a fighter PC.
This time I'm considering two points in quarterstaves (Staff of Rhynn), one in two handed fighting and then the rest in scimitars and two weapon fighting for dual wielding in the late game.
Is this a good idea? Her hit points aren't very impressive - does she scale well enough with her druid buffs to become a melee power house with something like Belm and Spectral Brand?
TLDR: If you've played through all of ToB with Jaheira, how did you play/build her and how did you like it?
Those of you who have played through the whole game, how does Jaheira play in mid-late ToB and how do you build her?
I usually go for quarterstaves, followed by spears with her. This keeps in "melee," meaning that due to the range she's not quite as in the thick of things as say Korgan or a fighter PC.
This time I'm considering two points in quarterstaves (Staff of Rhynn), one in two handed fighting and then the rest in scimitars and two weapon fighting for dual wielding in the late game.
Is this a good idea? Her hit points aren't very impressive - does she scale well enough with her druid buffs to become a melee power house with something like Belm and Spectral Brand?
TLDR: If you've played through all of ToB with Jaheira, how did you play/build her and how did you like it?
The build you suggest (staves & scimitars) is how I usually rig her.
You need a tank? Give her a scimitar and a shield, buff her with a couple of spells (Iron skins etc...) and you'll have a tank
You need a damage dealer? She's not optimal (compared to Anomen, for instance), but give her spectral brand in mainhand and Belm in offhand and she'll be your damage dealer
You may even have her use Firetooth (the dagger) or a sling and deal a lot of damage from afar while casting spells in the meantime.
I usually don't use Spears (low base damage+ the ultimate spear has an annoying free action effect) but it works as well.
Basically, once you have your team comp in mind, you just have to build Jaheira accordingly.
To be honest, I don't find she needs a shield to tank. Iron Skins is sufficient.
All that said, she is solid and can hold her own up to the end.
If all you want is a fighter then a pure fighter is going to be better than Jaheira. Be warned that because she is a Druid multi-class she will gain druid levels very slowly even in ToB, so she wont be a great spellcaster until you really grind her some extra experience. You will still have good access to her Druid HLAs, though.
Because Jaheira is a druid, she must use a sling as her ranged weapon. There are many good slings in the game, and they can be quite deadly when combined with a girdle of giant strength. As slings can be used with shields, Jaheira is usually the only fighter with a shield in my party. Therefore she will use a scimitar in melee. I usually give Jaheira the armor/helm/shield set from Windspear Hills, which grants her immunity to fire and nice resistances to electricity and cold for most of the game.
My favorite spells for Jaheira are Insect Plague, True Seeing, Mass Cure, Conjure Fire Elemental, Heal, and Greater Elemental Summoning. I rarely even memorize Iron Skins, because Jaheira doesn't get hurt that often anyway.
But a boss will only land a few AA per round, typically 3, while lesser enemies will be much more numerous, and thus land many more blows, and the best way to mitigate their damage is to lower your AC.
Ironskins + AC is a very good combo to mitigate hits for a long time, and these are surely neither incompatible nor redundant.