What other games you playing right now?

I recently got IWD1&2 from GOG as I couldn't wait for some D&D long enough till BGEE release date. Also downloaded Black Mesa for free and thats another great old game that got a revamp (its half-life 1).
Other thatn that BF3 and Skyrim are sitting on my PC on the slow burn, after many hours investment. I like to mix game types for fast/slow action.
Other thatn that BF3 and Skyrim are sitting on my PC on the slow burn, after many hours investment. I like to mix game types for fast/slow action.
WAIT A MINUTE, I got a life, right @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud? XD
Nah, just kidding.
I'm currently switching between the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim and Torchlight 2 (which can be really addicting at times!)
The Infinity Engine ones:
Icewind Dale, Classic Adventures (a mod using the BG2 engine to recreate a series classic PnP adventures all in one game) and I started Planescape Torment but it fails to captivate me. Everyone says it's awesome, but I've just escaped the Mortuary, standing on the city square, 'I feel stronger' and now I just keep hesitating, not knowing how I want to level the Unnamed One, what class and stats, playing IWD instead.
Other franchises:
Fallout 3 and Dragon Age:Origins (wonderful games, but I find 3D perspective tiring to the eye and play it only few and far between, it over-stimulates my senses too much). Also Drakensang - the Dark Eye, but I've only just finished the introduction story and am now at the point where the main plot will kick off, but again, it's one of those keypoints in a game where I keep forestalling continuing.
RPG/Strategy crossover:
Heroes of Might and Magic IV and V. I like V for the visuals, I like IV because the heroes are actually ON the battlefield, fighting it out, just like in an RPG, with a real chance to die and the challenge thus to keep them alive.
Company of Heroes, but it's another game I'm forestalling. I have to stop an armoured attack on Carentan with my paratroopers and feel afraid of the onslaught - my senses get easily overwhelmed like I said (due too my mental disability, medication helps only part-way, if I'd choose more numbing by upping the dose, I'd turn into a zombie)
Edit - Ah, I think it's a perk.
Big PC - Shogun 2 : Fall of the samurai; Dishonored;
As someone who has never played a TW game before, I adore Shogun 2. I wish Steam wouldn't track the hours played because it is downright embarrassing how much tome I've devoted to it.
After BGEE got delayed I went on an RPG binge playing both Dragon Ages and KOTOR. Since there is another month to go I might play through the Quest for Glory series, which just so happens to be on GOG since I know all of you are super interested. http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/quest_for_glory
Currently, I'm playing Dishonored. Guild Wars 2 should theoretically be in my rotation but I haven't actually logged in for awhile. I also am a permanent on-again, off-again Dota 2 nerd. The only other game that is somewhat on rotation for me right now is Rocksmith, but that's mostly because I use it to practice guitar. It's not really a "game."
Honestly the last few weeks, I've just been hanging out at this store called Game Haven, playing M:TG with that crowd. It's been really rewarding. Besides the fact I've managed to score more money's worth of cards than I've spent, it's just nice to interact face-to-face with people. I've also been assembling my Space Marines. I think I've got all of my Dark Angels army all assembled. Gotta do my Chaos Marines now, then time to prime, then time to paint. Can't wait. I'll definitely be posting my figurines on here once they get painted.
Gotta play my FPS's to get that fix outta in order to build up my addiction for BG:EE. Had to uninstall my BG & BG2 in order to not get tempted... XD
Borlderlands 2, which came as a bundle with my new Geforce 660Ti - hating it.
Legend of Grimrock - yes, still not finished it and i'm not in a hurry - liking it.
Civilization 5 Gods&Kings - a few games here and there.
Icewind Dale - encountered a bug that prevents ice salamanders from recognizing my killing of slave rebels, which discourages me from finishing the game.
Also want to finish the latest addon to Tropico 4, but cant bring myself to that at the moment.
Outside that i'm playing Legend of Dragoon for psx, final fantasy III Snes version (VI in psx) and Dead Island, that became a bit boring in the Jungle by the way.
But i'm staying only a few times on those games, so hardly i will end any of them atm.
- Fallout 1 and 2
- Diablo 2 and 3
- The Witcher 2
- Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus