Awesomenauts, Bastion, Modern Warfare 1, Castle Crashers, Din's Curse, Dragon Age: Origins, Final Fantasy VII, Firefall Beta, Street Fighter IV, and StarCraft 2.
Only thing i got going game wise besides BG at the moment is Far Cry 3, a nice change of pace from BG, quite enjoy it tbh. Saw some are playing civilization, god.. havent played that since i had Civilization 1 on a 386, half tempted to give it another go, but im terrible at most strategy games
Icewind Dale 1&2 - I play both at least once per year Neverwinter Nights 2 - well, mostly to test my mods Heroes of Might & Magic VI - just love the Sanctuary faction XCOM: Enemy Unknown - couldn't resist Legend of Grimrock - if you ever played Dungeon Master, then try this!!!
Besides BG:EE, Planetside 2 has currently been sucking all my remaining free time. Never thought I'd be playing an MMO again, but they sure are nothing like a tradition grind fest MMO.
So... it is currently holidays for university... which means PLAY ALL THE GAMES.
League of Legends occasionally. World of Warcraft occasionally. Final Fantasy X-2 and XII, whenever I am at my partner's house for the PS2. Dragon Age: Origins occasionally. I also have Warcraft III and Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War installed to play with the BF occasionally.
And when the very infrequent mood strikes me, one of the following; Left 4 Dead 2, Counter Strike: Source, Civilization V, The Binding of Isaac, Darksiders, Team Fortress 2.
World of Warcraft, because once you have it, you can never escape the itch for more than 6 months. "Legion" hits on Tuesday, and it is heavily focused on class identity and lore, which has always been my favorite part of the universe, and has actually inspired me to get all 12 classes to 100, which wouldn't be possible, except for the fact that there is a pre-expansion Invasion event that makes it doable. I won't get all of them to max level, but I'll have about 7/12 with the other 5 right on the cusp if I keep grinding the next two days.
My most played gamed recently isn't a roleplaying game, but a shooter game with lots of free-roaming possibilities, Far Cry 3. I like it for immersing myself in a different world where, if I'm too tired to advance the story, you can keep yourself busy with driving around the island, hunting animals and foraging plants and searching for hidden away ancient relics.
I'm looking forward to getting a new videocard - I've ordered an RX 460 (because of it's low power), which even though not a very fast card, will allow me to play Far Cry Primal. I'm very much in love with the mesolithic. I used to work in an open air museum, where near a small lake with reconstructed mesolitic dwellings, dressed in clothing made of deerskin, I told visitors of 'our' live in the mesolithic. Will be fun to play a mesolithic hunter/gatherer in a videogame.
I'm mostly playing Age of Empires 2 HD. Just bought it a month back having never played the original and I'm having a blast. I'm trying to get better so I can play multiplayer without getting humiliated
Dark Wizard, a fantastic old-school hex-grid, turn-based fantasy strategy game for the Sega CD system, first released in 1994. @JLee and I once played concurrent runs together a couple of years ago.
Also I've gotten into Grim Dawn (Diablo style aRPG from the makers of Titan Quest), and I'll probably go back to finish with that after I get Dark Wizard out of my system.
One of these days, I want to try the new, updated version of Divinity: Original Sin, and the newest version of Pillars of Eternity, both of which I first played on older versions. (The newest versions are supposed to be better than what I experienced.)
I still want to finish Might and Magic X, too. I restarted so many times when I played it before, I've only gotten almost through the first area.
So many great games available nowadays, so few hours in a day.
I had my doubts, but I am really enjoying the new Master of Orion game. I just wiped out the Silicoids, a favorite past time of mine. Not as good as MOO2, but much better than the horribleness that was MOO3.
I tend to re-play old games, figuring out how to screw around with the game engine. I tool around with Smash 64 a lot, created a Link's Awakening hack at (, and have done some weird stuff in other games in the past:
I invented the Fortify Fatigue trick in Oblivion, in which you multiply your weapon damage by dozens or hundreds by boosting your current Fatigue after reducing your base Fatigue to 1 (you have to damage your Strength, Agility, Willpower, and/or Endurance with Alchemy, and Absorb Attribute spells let you push them into the negatives). If you modify a base Fatigue of 1 with a 100-point spell, you'll do 101 times as much damage as normal.
I've played through Paper Mario without using items, then without using badges, then without gaining any levels, and then without using the all-important Action Command.
I've beaten Sans in Undertale over a hundred times (I never deal the final blow, though; I always let him win in the end), and twice came within inches of doing it without getting hit once.
And after trying a no-grinding run of Dragon Warrior Monsters, it turns out the strongest monster in DWM for most of the game is a dumb-looking Florajay... ...because it has such an incredibly fast growth rate, combined with surprisingly high stats, and is so easy to get. Other notable contenders include the Grizzly, Floraman, Cactiball, Wyvern, Madgoose, and Shadow. It's actually much faster to get strong monsters by breeding fast-growing loser types than by trying to get high-end critters like Goldgolems, Goldslimes, and Deathmores.
No Man's Sky mostly. Also a tiny bit of Banished for when I'm eating something and want a game I can mostly just watch if I set it to 1X speed. I had just started my first Pillars of Eternity game and was part way through a BG playthrough but then NMS was out and I had to stop both...I figure by the time I go back to them I'll have to start them both again from that special case of restartitis you get from being away from a file/character too long.
Both games on PS Vita. Bought on PSN.
Saw some are playing civilization, god.. havent played that since i had Civilization 1 on a 386, half tempted to give it another go, but im terrible at most strategy games
8/10 - Dragon Age: Origins - Playing through for the tenth time, love this game, but 3D is confusing.
5/10 - Runes of Magic - This kind of sucks, but it was fun to try it.
5/10 - D&D Online - This was disapointing
10/10 - Icewind Dale - This is my favorite game, and i just started a new game, must be my 20th playthrough
9/10 - Neverwinter Nights - Well I'm playing with the toolset, doesn't really count
Neverwinter Nights 2 - well, mostly to test my mods
Heroes of Might & Magic VI - just love the Sanctuary faction
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - couldn't resist
Legend of Grimrock - if you ever played Dungeon Master, then try this!!!
*Looks away in shame*
Also, just got done playing the demo for Age of Decadence. I can't wait until the full version is released.
League of Legends occasionally.
World of Warcraft occasionally.
Final Fantasy X-2 and XII, whenever I am at my partner's house for the PS2.
Dragon Age: Origins occasionally.
I also have Warcraft III and Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War installed to play with the BF occasionally.
And when the very infrequent mood strikes me, one of the following;
Left 4 Dead 2, Counter Strike: Source, Civilization V, The Binding of Isaac, Darksiders, Team Fortress 2.
Left 4 Dead
Four years later and I'm still playing Crusader Kings 2
Just picked up the newest DLC. I have to say its probably the best one they've released in years. Plagues are just a devastating (but fun) mechanic.
So what other games are people playing these days ?
I'm looking forward to getting a new videocard - I've ordered an RX 460 (because of it's low power), which even though not a very fast card, will allow me to play Far Cry Primal. I'm very much in love with the mesolithic. I used to work in an open air museum, where near a small lake with reconstructed mesolitic dwellings, dressed in clothing made of deerskin, I told visitors of 'our' live in the mesolithic. Will be fun to play a mesolithic hunter/gatherer in a videogame.
Also I've gotten into Grim Dawn (Diablo style aRPG from the makers of Titan Quest), and I'll probably go back to finish with that after I get Dark Wizard out of my system.
One of these days, I want to try the new, updated version of Divinity: Original Sin, and the newest version of Pillars of Eternity, both of which I first played on older versions. (The newest versions are supposed to be better than what I experienced.)
I still want to finish Might and Magic X, too. I restarted so many times when I played it before, I've only gotten almost through the first area.
So many great games available nowadays, so few hours in a day.
I invented the Fortify Fatigue trick in Oblivion, in which you multiply your weapon damage by dozens or hundreds by boosting your current Fatigue after reducing your base Fatigue to 1 (you have to damage your Strength, Agility, Willpower, and/or Endurance with Alchemy, and Absorb Attribute spells let you push them into the negatives). If you modify a base Fatigue of 1 with a 100-point spell, you'll do 101 times as much damage as normal.
I did a speedrun of Link's Awakening once, doing an all-Instruments run in 25 minutes with the screenwarp glitch (most runners using screenwarping just skip right to the final boss). My account on Youtube no longer exists, apparently, but you should be able to see it at ('s Awakening Speed Run All Instruments Non-TAS, 25.54.wmv?dl=0). It's not tool-assisted, and it shows.
bobmario511 did an earlier, tool-assisted run with similar routes here:
I've played through Paper Mario without using items, then without using badges, then without gaining any levels, and then without using the all-important Action Command.
I've beaten Sans in Undertale over a hundred times (I never deal the final blow, though; I always let him win in the end), and twice came within inches of doing it without getting hit once.
And after trying a no-grinding run of Dragon Warrior Monsters, it turns out the strongest monster in DWM for most of the game is a dumb-looking Florajay...
...because it has such an incredibly fast growth rate, combined with surprisingly high stats, and is so easy to get. Other notable contenders include the Grizzly, Floraman, Cactiball, Wyvern, Madgoose, and Shadow. It's actually much faster to get strong monsters by breeding fast-growing loser types than by trying to get high-end critters like Goldgolems, Goldslimes, and Deathmores.