Do dwarves dream of magical shotguns?

Yes, Phillip K. Dick title pun intended
If you ask me there is some place for the steampunk realm hidden somewhere in Abeir-Toril.
What do you think of binding the 19th century Victorian steam engine era with fantasy in Forgotten realms ?
Imagine the battle with a rogue lich on zeppelin powered by magicaly infused steam engines which is crashing toward the mountain range. You need to figure it out how to survive the fight and the crash. Or,
fix the engine with the spell and make your fighter knock down the lich with the broken steam pipe.
The endless question which gives me sleepless nights is:
Do dwarves dream of magical shotguns? And by that I mean pixie powder infused shotguns.

EDIT: Sorry for grammar error in second option but I can't fix it.

If you ask me there is some place for the steampunk realm hidden somewhere in Abeir-Toril.
What do you think of binding the 19th century Victorian steam engine era with fantasy in Forgotten realms ?
Imagine the battle with a rogue lich on zeppelin powered by magicaly infused steam engines which is crashing toward the mountain range. You need to figure it out how to survive the fight and the crash. Or,
fix the engine with the spell and make your fighter knock down the lich with the broken steam pipe.

The endless question which gives me sleepless nights is:
Do dwarves dream of magical shotguns? And by that I mean pixie powder infused shotguns.

EDIT: Sorry for grammar error in second option but I can't fix it.
- Do dwarves dream of magical shotguns?41 votes
- Yes, magical shotguns and spell infused zeppelins everywhere. Rejoice!46.34%
- No! Have you lost thy marbles? These two does not mix!34.15%
- Other19.51%
Post edited by brus on
Though it may be more in the form of a nightmare...
But I certainly appreciate shotgun-wielding dwarves in zeppelins!
And Latan was destroyed for a reason.
Somewhere down the line is magical shotguns.
Warcraft steampunk is fine with me.
Treasure Planet steampunk is a little too much.
My reasoning for this is mixing technology and magic gets kind of confusing. Introducing high rate of fire, high-powered, accurate guns either makes high level characters (especially spell casters) irrelevant or the guns unrealistic and immersion-breaking. It's also difficult to present realistically dangerous starvation and freezing dilemnas to your players in world where there are manufactured microwaves and ovens everywhere.
I tried mixing technology and magic in a world a few times, and every time I did the players (separate groups) managed to use technology to overcome with ease what I had thought would have been difficult challenges. Maybe that's just because I am a moron, but its honestly just difficult to anticipate everything your players will do in a fantasy-only world, let alone when introducing all the potential variables that technology brings. Making something challenging can be...challenging...regardless of the setting. Techno-magic introduces more variables to that challenge.
Making minor technology dangerous, like a low-powered gun that is liable to blow itself up and kill you, is a perfect way to balance out this issue. It introduces risk without introducing overpowered, under-leveled characters.
So in P&P I steer clear, but everywhere else it's awesome...including video games, to which I believe your post is referring.
FR has it's own bunch of steampunk inspired stuff, lot's of automatons and such. I do love steampunk but I think think turning FR into Arcanum\PoE would completely ruin it for me.
Now expanding on the Arcanum universe that is something I could get into.
So, I concur that valid question could also be
Do gnomes dream of pixie powder-infused shotguns?
Who really knows what Gnomes dream about. They're weird little beings. I mean, are they fey, or are they relatives of the dwarves? Are they forest hermits or cozy hill dwellers? And why the heck do Svirfneblin not have daylight sensitivity like Duergar and Drow do? How have they not turned evil like just about everything else in the Underdark? They must be seriously unhinged if they could avoid that.
And yes, I am rambling.
A magical shotgun will most likely blast off and incinerate its wielder, if it functions at all.
If it is purely magical:it is a wand of magic missile or wand of fire.
If it is purely technical:a normal shotgun.
No mix of the two IMHO.
However, I do think I would enjoy an infinity engine game set in a 19th century Victorian Steampunk setting.
I just did a quick Google search and it seems that followers of Gond might have access to "smoke powder" aka gunpowder.
While I don't see them creating guns like we have them today, I could see dwarves or gnomes manufacturing something like a musket. Poor range and accuracy, slow to load, but if it hits that poor orc is gonna get blown away
On a somewhat more serious note, that makes a lot of sense. If the gods are actively working to keep technology under wraps, it seems plausible that the setting with more passive gods would have more technology.
Why invent the steam engine when you can cast haste on a steed and get their much faster.
Why invent an airplane when there are flight and featherfall spells.
Why invent a gun that has a chance to miss when a wand of magic missiles always hits.
Why find the cure for cancer when restoration and resurrection exist.