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Ancient Greetings

Revisiting the Sword Coast in the Enhanced Edition. Don't really play online a great deal, but came to the forums to get a little help with mod advice and can add that to the "Quests Completed" file. Very helpful and responsive getting this Adventurer back on the path. Was like running into Elminster all over again.
Wanted to say thanks again, and hello to all.
your humble servant,

ancient clown


  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
  • ancientclownancientclown Member Posts: 15

    Hat and beard, good combo.
    Welcome welcome!

    Thank you Buttercheese...I also have a cowl (pictured above). Funny thing is they aren't part of any costume.
    That's just me.
  • ancientclownancientclown Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2016
    We just have to make sure to teach ALL our young...nothing compares to you.
    We are all leaves on the same tree, unique and still connected.
    I also teach them the "ancient tree lessons".
    Many lessons come with learning ancient tree lessons, beyond just how to make a tree, including lessons on Wisdom and Truth themselves. Lessons that would serve any young gnome well starting off on their adventures...or older ones taking a rest between them.
    "To give a person a tree is to give them a present, but to teach a person how to make a tree is to give them a GIFT for life."
    - ancient clown
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Are you Maple Willow Aspen's dad or something.
  • ancientclownancientclown Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2016

    Are you Maple Willow Aspen's dad or something.

    something...i just like to help folks be rooted in the Truth so they can branch out as need be when it's time to leaf.
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