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Caelar NPC mod (Can contain SOD Spoiler)



  • nysinysi Member Posts: 60

    Just a quick update.
    I'm still planning to release the mod, but can't tell when as I have less time available. I'm still working on it.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,894
    @nysi - could you let us know what is written / coded and what is not? I was wondering is it's like 50% finished, 10% or maybe 80%...
    It would be nice to see her in BG2. I bet many people would enjoy the mod.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited August 2016
    nysi said:

    Shining Lady of the Aster

    Pros :
    - May use Lay on Hand like a Paladin of the same level once per day
    - May use Detect evil and Protection from evil like a Paladin of the same level
    - May use Paladin weapon and item
    - May achieve Grand Mastery (5 slots) in any weapon class
    - May achieve specialization (two slots) in any fighting style and allocate three slots in Two-Weapon-Style

    - Gain the Shining Bolt ability at level 8, and another use at level 16 and 24

    Channel a bolt of divine energy to the target. Instant cast.
    Creature stuck suffer varying damage, depending on their plane of origin.

    That sounds like normal fighter with HUGE amounts of advantages and no disadvantage.
    Furthermore, Caelar was always more Tank than mad DPS.
    And Grand Mastery with ability to use Carsomyr...

    You should add some meaningful disadvantages.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,894
    edited August 2016
    I have to agree with Edvin here. That's super overpowered. I think you should just make her a warrior and then add a mini-quest to change her to paladin. Or even not a quest, but a series of talks, where CHARNAME may decide what to tell her and possibly to restore her faith a bit (by talking about gods or Aun Argent or the results of Crusade's actions - there are many possible topics) what would make her a usual paladin with one additional, personal inate ability (like "shining aura" that gives her +1 movement for 30 seconds and kill all nearby shadows) or "discourage her" and make her stay as a warrior.
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    Any news?
  • nysinysi Member Posts: 60

    I'had some personal issue, and I'm no longer working on the mod for the moment... And instead working on myself.
    I still plan to work on it, when I will have time (and motivation).
  • ratamoratamo Member Posts: 16
    nysi said:


    I'had some personal issue, and I'm no longer working on the mod for the moment... And instead working on myself.
    I still plan to work on it, when I will have time (and motivation).

    What's up? Have you been able to return to the mod?
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    @LavaDelVortel are you planning for a Caelar mod? In that case, I think you should think about it given that this mod will never see the light of the day.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Arthas said:

    @LavaDelVortel are you planning for a Caelar mod? In that case, I think you should think about it given that this mod will never see the light of the day.

    it's Artemius_I doing the caelar mod not lava.
  • darkphoenix77darkphoenix77 Member Posts: 10
    It's a shame this mod was never finished....I always thought given the right dialogue choices from Siege of Dragonspear that Caelar should have made an appearance in BG II and the upcoming BG III possibly as well...
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    she was never gonna be in baldurs gate 3. she is not even mention in the prequel module.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    megamike15 wrote: »
    she was never gonna be in baldurs gate 3. she is not even mention in the prequel module.

    For the best, imo.
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