Fighter/Mage - best weapon profs & styles?

I'm now thinking of running an evil elf fighter/mage multi-class through BG:EE (and hopefully into BG2:EE) and was wondering what weapon proficiencies and styles to focus on. I'll be picking up the new Blackguard NPC, who I guess will be wielding two-handed swords, and will probably use Kagain as a tank (axes).
For my elf I was thinking of starting with two pips in long swords (for Varscona etc.) and two pips in long bows (or would short bow be better? Though I'll probably have a thief using the best shortbow). Then putting pips into a weapon styles next - either single weapon (AC buff, more attacks, better crit, no swapping out shield to use the bow) or sword and shield (better missile AC and better AC generally from use of shield, but annoying to swap out for bow use). Most of the time I probably won't be using armour after the first few levels, so will likely need all the help I can get to enhance my AC!
Also, at some point is it worth taking any proficiencies in staves (perhaps in BG2?)
What are your views on the best proficiencies for an elf fighter/mage multi?
Also - which evil alignment has the best familiar?
For my elf I was thinking of starting with two pips in long swords (for Varscona etc.) and two pips in long bows (or would short bow be better? Though I'll probably have a thief using the best shortbow). Then putting pips into a weapon styles next - either single weapon (AC buff, more attacks, better crit, no swapping out shield to use the bow) or sword and shield (better missile AC and better AC generally from use of shield, but annoying to swap out for bow use). Most of the time I probably won't be using armour after the first few levels, so will likely need all the help I can get to enhance my AC!
Also, at some point is it worth taking any proficiencies in staves (perhaps in BG2?)
What are your views on the best proficiencies for an elf fighter/mage multi?
Also - which evil alignment has the best familiar?
For BG1, I think your answer is going to depend heavily on your play style -- whether you see mage skills as an avenue toward mostly self buffing your melee fighter *or* the fighter side giving your mage better ranged thac0 and HP.
Either way tough choices as I'd assume a nascent fighter would want to go for Mastery in a specific weapon profiency before anything else.
Agreed, such a character would probably want a TWF focus in BG2 where ranged weapons become afterthoughts to other tactics.
As @Oxford_Guy says unless you mod the game somehow F/T characters are limited to two pips in any weapon so can't really aim for mastery.
Warhammer is always a good choice as there are a couple of good ones floating around. Maces or Flails are also good, though more for BG2 than BG1.
If I was planning on taking this character through all of the BG series, I wouldn't bother with any pips in bow. I would just use the bow from a distance and switch to melee when close. A an elven F/M will still hit pretty well with a bow.
I just never use ranged weapons in BG2 so I hate having spent pips on them when I would rather have the ability to wield a broader range of melee weapons.
As for weapon proficiencies, I was going to do two weapon fighting with dagger and short sword.
Longswords - 2 pips (Varscona in BG1, lots of options in BG2)
Flails - 2 pips (plenty of +1 flails in BG1, even a +2 I think, and lots of good flails in BG2) - a blunt weapon option is always handy
Then putting the next 3 pips into dual wield, then axes after that in BG2 (Azuredge would give me a decent ranged weapon if I needed it)
Does this sound plausible, or would it be better to go for long swords and dual wield first, then flails?
Also remember that you don't speed through the pips.
For a multi-class F/M:
0 XP - LVL 1 F - 4 pips (for example, 2 in dual wield and 2 in long swords)
64K XP = LVL 6 F - 6 pips (for example, 3 in dual wield, 2 in long swords, 1 in flails)
500K XP = LVL 9 F - 7 pips (3 DW / 2 LS / 2 FL)
3.5M XP = LVL 15 F - 9 pips (now you can add a specialization in third weapon)
6.5M XP = LVL 21 F - 11 pips (now can have a 3rd weapon specialized)
You can see there are some big gaps in that build. You can basically have 1 weapon dual wielded for BG1; 2 weapons dual wielded for BG2; and a third weapon for TOB. If you are going to be doing whirlwind attacks, you might want to have a 2 handed weapon in there (2H sword, halberd, spear and staff are all viable with top-end TOB weapons for the end game).
On the topic: I know calculating the best possible setup is a good and popular thing (I do it myself on some occasions too...). But I would like to stand for the role players here
I would definetly go with long swords and single weapon style (Gandalf-style
ANother option could be to stick with a staff and go two handed weapon style. I think there are quarter staff +3-s in the game, +4 in SoA, and I don't have to write anything to sell you the Staff of Ram in ToB, do I?
And short sword?? Good for backstabbing, but nothing else really! Are you planning on being a Gnome fighter/illusionist and RPing?
For BG1 pure? Honestly it doesn't even matter. The best weapon of any type is +3. Hard to top the Spider's Bane, IMO. Free Action on a fighter/mage means more web spam, which is already one of the best spells for you to utilize. Plus you're an elf so you gain a bonus thac0 with it because they got +1 with anything qualified as a "Large Sword."
If we're talking the entire saga...
Katanas and Scimitars. Hard to top Dak'kon's Zerth Blade for a fighter/mage. Yeah okay it's got a low enchantment value so there are a lot of things immune to damage from it. But you're a mage. That's what spells are for. Spectral Brand's usable abilities sync really well with Mages. Nice thing about comboing it with Katanas is you can use Hindo's Doom in your other main hand slot for when you decide to use Spectral Brand's floating sword property.
Opinions vary, but I don't like longswords at all. For a dual wield build, I like scimitars (you can get good ones in BG1 if you take out Drizzt for both hands and the best off-hand weapon for BG2 is a scimitar (belm) so then you are looking at your next weapon for BG2 and katana, flail, and axe all make good choices to add to scrimitar for a dual wield build.
I am looking at this from a BG2/BGEE perspective. I would look at it as deciding on what your off-hand weapon is going to be (for me that is going to be either a short sword or a scimitar since those are the weapons that get you the bonus attack per round with belm or khudane) and go from there to decide what your main weapon(s) choice(s) will be. As sandman points out, there is a nice katana that gets you a bonus to AC and bonus spells and there is obviously a great katana for the main hand. I don't love anything for my off hand, however, that doesn't give a bonus to my attacks per round.
Scimitar is great because it gives you a good main and off-hand weapons for BG1 and gives you a weapon you can use in your off hand through the end of the game. As sandman correctly points out, it also gives you a solid choice for the end game with spectral brand for your main hand and you have a fine d8 weapon right off the bat in BG1 and great weapons for BG1 end game. Short sword does give you a second useful off hand weapon (in BG2 you can have free action ability with a short sword in your off hand slot in addition to the added attack per round off hand choice for short sword) but there isn't a single short sword I like for the main hand.
Scimitars / Quarterstaffs / Katanas are solid for fighter / mages. Even better if you use a dual class instead for a kensai / wizard - Kai + staff of striking or anything else = Trololololol.
Heres a video of my grabbing the +2 Scimitar early on, its simple to do but the video is dark because it was night time:
(removed EXP cap, farmed to level 10 Swashbuckler / Level 11 Mage pretty quickly).
With the XP cap you probably have to dual around level 5 or 6 which is crappy because you miss out on the level 10 swashbuckler bonuses.