Please Trent & Co: do Enhanced Editions of ALL the Infinity Engine games!

Please Beamdog and Overhaul games, I am begging you: do enhanced editions of all the Infinity Engine games, not just the BG series! I have Torment and the Icewind Dale games touched up and redone with correct interface scaling as well as hardware acceleration (especially for Torment and Icewind Dale 2) would be a dream come true! Not only that, but doing an enhanced edition of Torment, you could consult with Chris Avellone about finishing up some quests and content that they never got around to (I am certain he would be thrilled by this) that would be a dream come true for me and I imagine for so many other fans of this cult classic. The same for Icewind Dale series, I am sure Josh and crew would be more than happy to give a little time to assist in polishing these gems for an enhanced edition (I love the Icewind Dale series). I will keep spamming these boards every month or so in the hopes that Trent or someone else from BD/OG sees this (going to mail Beamdog/Overhaul games about it as well)! This project to release enhanced editions of the Infinity Engine games is like a dream come true to me, please do all of them for they are all masterpieces to me! And also: thank you so much for making this happen Trent & Co.
One final thing: please do consider releasing these enhanced editions on GOG as well; they are such awesome guys and many gamers (especially the old school ones) that dislike intrusive DRM aspects will greatly appreciate such a gesture. Again, thank you for what you are doing.
One final thing: please do consider releasing these enhanced editions on GOG as well; they are such awesome guys and many gamers (especially the old school ones) that dislike intrusive DRM aspects will greatly appreciate such a gesture. Again, thank you for what you are doing.
Torment, more specifically IWD 2, are quite different than BG1,2, and IWD1. These two would require a lot of work to make happen, possibly as much work as BG:EE has taken (18 months). You then estimate how many copies would sell, and since it was originally questionable as to whether BG:EE would even sell well, I think it's safe to say IWD2 or Torment will not happen, as neither were anywhere close to popularity as BG.
From the start of BG:EE to the finish for BG2:EE, plus finishing all promised post-ship features, you're looking at 3-4 years. I don't think they are going to want to start another overhaul project and will instead want to focus on a totally new game, BG3!
I, myself, would rather see all of the currently existing IE games be "enhanced", and to see clear market success for such "golden age" rpg's being sold, before there is any attempt to produce a "BG3".
If the sufficient market for "enhanced" IE games is not existent, then there is no market for new "golden age", "turn-based", "difficult/challenging" rpg's, and true rpg's are indeed dead.
We need to support any and all efforts to "reproduce" any "golden age" rpg whatsoever, if we ever want there to be a "platinum" age of rpg's that sees the light of day.
I intend to support any new IE updates Overhaul produce, though. Hence why I'm buying BG:EE twice.
Torment is simply a masterpiece (nothing more needs to be said) begging for a nice enhanced edition. IWD, many people dislike because of no companions, but I find it refreshing and actually love using my imagination for my parties personas (which is more akin to true roleplaying imho anyway). And I love being able to create my own party from scratch, not having to be forced to take certain companions just because of their stats/roles. At the same time though I love BG/BG2 for the exact opposite. In short: IWD series and BG series complement each other perfectly. BG focuses more on companions and story with medium level combat whereas IWD is really a paradise of min/max awesomeness focusing on adventuring/combat and it does a damn good job at it. For me, IWD also has the most beautiful and exotic locations/areas in any IE game. The atmosphere in IWD games is also exceptionally well done in my opinion.
I also think that sales for Torment and IWD will be decent given the amount of exposure these games have received over the years (especially on places like GOG) and also due to the BG series (people pick up BG and ask "are there other games like this" and go find IWD and Torment and potentially becoming fans of all IE games, not just BG).
Either way, here is to hoping we get both BG3 and all infinity engine games as enhanced editions! With that and PE on the way...well let's just say I think I would be in heaven.
Having access to the source is crucial, they have BG source, just not the art.