@The_Potty_1 Everyone can have a go, if they like. I have the cut-out set of color Deck of Many Things from Dragon 148 (There was also a black and white set in Dungeon Magazine. I have those, too.) These are cut out and laminated. I will shuffle the cards before I pick one for you. Your characters can pick up to four cards at a time. Once everyone has either picked or declined to pick, the deck will disappear.
Quayle looks at his companions. 'I say we head back through the red or black doors, and rest up' he announced. I'm out of spells entirely, Minsc needs healing, Alora's .. gone, we've had a rough time, and a break would be good. Plus I'd like a look at those cards Imoen found, if it's a real deck of many things, it could help us a huge amount. Or it could kill us with one draw, but really, in this place it'll have to get to the end of the line.'
OOC I didn't even realize there was a table in the room. And you said we can pick 4 cards at a time, does that mean each character can pick 4 cards at a time or 4 characters can pick one card at a time?
Quayle looks at Khalid in annoyance and says 'hey, let's get out of the fiery death-room before drawing killer cards ... actually that may not be a bad idea.'
He grabs the red stone, throws it in the fire, opens the left-most door, and says, 'Right, now no matter what happens, I suggest we all be in that room in the next five minutes. Imoen, may I see that deck of cards please.'
[Spoiler]Quayle would like to draw as many cards as he can get without seeming greedy. That is, if we each can have 4, then 4, if we get 4 between us, he would like one.
I suggest we get one each, or this thread is going to morph from death by Ravenloft to Kalesra's House of Fortune[/Spoiler]
Khalid draws two cards. One is of a clawed hand grasping out of the darkness. All of Khalid's Magic items disappear permanently. The second shows a silver moon with two moonbeams coming out of it (Khalid is granted 2 wishes, and no, he cannot wish for his magic items back.)
(Khalid drew Talons and the Moon) (And don't worry, I bought the card set on Ebay. Amazing what you can find there.)
Quayle draws four cards- He gets one showing a flaming copper comet racing across the sky. A Copper Coronet of light scintillates around his brow. Second shows a Thief dressed in dark clothes showing a dagger. His face is filled with loathing. Third card is a severed Medusa's head with a terrible look on its greenish face. Quayle suddenly feels very… unlucky. The fourth and last card shows a small man dressed in Jester's garb juggling four colored balls. He feels that he can either make two more draws from the deck or… something else.
(Quayle drew Comet, Rogue, Euryale and Jester)
Kivan also draws four cards. The first shows a young man in a Dunce Cap, looking foolish. Kivan feels as if his wits have gone "Gluey" and its hard for him to think. The next card shows two demonic-looking eyes staring out of a roaring conflagration.he shivers, as if something has just walked over his grave. Third shows the brilliant sun in its glorious noonday aspect. Kivan feels more experienced, and a pair of bracers engraved with his name on them appear. Lastly is the picture of a door key made of gleaming silver and inset with gems. A map appears, wrapped around a Longbow.
Kivan drew Idiot (Lose 2 points intelligence), Flames, Sun and Key.
OOC What?! I didn't know bad effects can happen! At least I got off pretty easy, just 2 INT points lost. And got two cool new items!
Kivan places the items in his pack. He makes a mental note about asking someone to identify the bracers and longbow, and looking at that map once he's out of the flame room.
Quayle's smile resembles a rictus of death, but he says 'my, what an interesting artifact. i believe I will draw two more cards.'
OK So Khalid lost his stuff but gets two wishes, these wishes are the same as those granted by the 9th-level wizard spell and must be used within two minutes.
Quayle will gain a level if he manages to win the next fight solo (yeah right), also someone in the group now secretly holds a murderous hate for him, and he lost a point to each of his saves. On the plus side he may draw two more cards. Whoohoo!.
Kivan scored. OK yes he lost two points of intelligence, and an outsider will attack him in the next 1d20 days unless a party member is killed, but on the plus side he got XP, an item and a weapon. OK this may be some usage of the word 'scored' I haven't previously heard
OK, more draws. The thing is, the powergamer in me has always seen Quayle here as too low level to affect the outcome of this campaign. So yes, he's drawn two bad cards, and two neutral cards. Even so, without more XP, he will continue to not affect this campaign in any meaningful way. So, bartender, two more tequilas over here.[/Spoiler]
I would say we can heal ourselves, and actually no-one is level drained so no restoration is necessary?
The sword of disruption is a great idea and if you could add level drain protection, that would be even better. If that all falls under one wish, then for your second wish you could boost a stat of your choice?[/Spoiler]
Quayle was just digging through his pack, and brings out a scroll, with a look of horror on his face. Then he looks really shifty, shoves it back in the case, and looks guiltily around to see if anyone noticed.
[Spoiler]I just went back 20 pages to see what Quayle's carrying, and .. well, Alora ( @permidion_Stark ), if you want back in, I found a scroll of raise dead in my pack, and as pennance I am prepared to walk back to that room and raise you.
Quayle picks up a Mace +3 from the floor, and gives it a swing. He gives a nod.
He then walks over to the pile of loot, and selects a Shield +3, Pearl of Wisdom, Ring of Fire Resistance, Ring of Elemental Command (Air), Cloak of Protection +2, Staff of Curing, Necklace of Missiles, Scrolls of Charm Person, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Drawn on Holy Might, Heal, Cure Light Wounds, Aid, & Raise Dead, the Bracers of Defense AC7, and also Scale Mail +1. He equips all but the scale mail.
Alora will take the Luckstone (to take the place of her Lucky Rabbit's Foot, which she rather unluckily has lost)); she will take the Sling of Seeking +2; the Sword +1 Luckblade (Alora is all about being lucky); she'd like the Ring of Protection +6 but is worried about looking greedy so she will put it on pretending she doesn't know what it is and start whistling in an ignore-me-I'm-not-doing-anything-kind-of-way. Finally she will take one of the Ropes of Climbing.
Edit: Alora has also got the Robe of Blending
On the subject of the Jester draw, Quayle should gain 10k XP. Quayle is currently level 3/3, which puts his total XP somewhere between 10 - 12k, half that value in each class. Adding 10k bumps him up to level 4/4, and allows him to cast 3x L1 & 2x L2 spells as a cleric, and because he's a gnome, he can cast 4x L1 & 3x L2 spells as an illusionist.
On the Comet draw, Quayle would like to try and solo the next fight, assuming it's in any way possible. If I succeed I gain enough XP to gain a level. I'm assuming this will only be a level of cleric (C5/M4), but I'll take a level of each too (5/5) [/Spoiler]
@lockmund Jaheira draws a card with an armored man saluting with his sword. A man with that same armor appears before the party. "What is thy pleasure, milady?" he asks, bowing to Jaheira.
"Greetings Sir knight, and most welcome. We are in dire need of your aid, for we mean to do battle with a vampire Lord. Alas, our party consist of a dead halfling, a ranger that takes instructions from his rodent, another one that is a pervert, the vampires unwilling paramour, a warrior without sword or armor..." (Jaheira sighs and takes a deep breath before she continues, voice slightly broken).
"... a gnome that pulls people's hair, a thief that just won't pay attention, a paladin that won't do battle, a corrupted druid and a mage that can manage to make even this place gloomier. And then there is me of course, I'm Jaheira, but my destiny to be a Lady never came to be, so the pervert's statement stands."
Quayle hands the knight a spare +3 mace. He then goes through the left north door to the base of the staircase they came down, sits down, and refreshes his spellbooks.
The Knight smiles. "You may call me Timoneous, milady."
The group is healed and restored. (While there is no sword that kills undead at a touch, I'll substitute something as close to that as can be managed.) A flaming sword appears in Khalid's hand (Hey, a sword +1, Flametongue, is +4 vs Undead).
[Spoiler]http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dmt/dmt.htm [/Spoiler]
He grabs the red stone, throws it in the fire, opens the left-most door, and says, 'Right, now no matter what happens, I suggest we all be in that room in the next five minutes. Imoen, may I see that deck of cards please.'
[Spoiler]Quayle would like to draw as many cards as he can get without seeming greedy. That is, if we each can have 4, then 4, if we get 4 between us, he would like one.
I suggest we get one each, or this thread is going to morph from death by Ravenloft to Kalesra's House of Fortune[/Spoiler]
And yes, Kivan will take 4 cards if it's 4 for each person. Otherwise he'll take 1.
Khalid draws two cards. One is of a clawed hand grasping out of the darkness. All of Khalid's Magic items disappear permanently. The second shows a silver moon with two moonbeams coming out of it (Khalid is granted 2 wishes, and no, he cannot wish for his magic items back.)
(Khalid drew Talons and the Moon) (And don't worry, I bought the card set on Ebay. Amazing what you can find there.)
Quayle draws four cards- He gets one showing a flaming copper comet racing across the sky. A Copper Coronet of light scintillates around his brow. Second shows a Thief dressed in dark clothes showing a dagger. His face is filled with loathing. Third card is a severed Medusa's head with a terrible look on its greenish face. Quayle suddenly feels very… unlucky. The fourth and last card shows a small man dressed in Jester's garb juggling four colored balls. He feels that he can either make two more draws from the deck or… something else.
(Quayle drew Comet, Rogue, Euryale and Jester)
Kivan also draws four cards. The first shows a young man in a Dunce Cap, looking foolish. Kivan feels as if his wits have gone "Gluey" and its hard for him to think. The next card shows two demonic-looking eyes staring out of a roaring conflagration.he shivers, as if something has just walked over his grave. Third shows the brilliant sun in its glorious noonday aspect. Kivan feels more experienced, and a pair of bracers engraved with his name on them appear. Lastly is the picture of a door key made of gleaming silver and inset with gems. A map appears, wrapped around a Longbow.
Kivan drew Idiot (Lose 2 points intelligence), Flames, Sun and Key.
Kivan places the items in his pack. He makes a mental note about asking someone to identify the bracers and longbow, and looking at that map once he's out of the flame room.
OK So Khalid lost his stuff but gets two wishes, these wishes are the same as those granted by the 9th-level wizard spell and must be used within two minutes.
Quayle will gain a level if he manages to win the next fight solo (yeah right), also someone in the group now secretly holds a murderous hate for him, and he lost a point to each of his saves. On the plus side he may draw two more cards. Whoohoo!.
Kivan scored. OK yes he lost two points of intelligence, and an outsider will attack him in the next 1d20 days unless a party member is killed, but on the plus side he got XP, an item and a weapon. OK this may be some usage of the word 'scored' I haven't previously heard
OK, more draws. The thing is, the powergamer in me has always seen Quayle here as too low level to affect the outcome of this campaign. So yes, he's drawn two bad cards, and two neutral cards. Even so, without more XP, he will continue to not affect this campaign in any meaningful way. So, bartender, two more tequilas over here.[/Spoiler]
I wish the entire group is fully healed and restored. I wish to have a longsword that can destroy undead on touch.
OOC The wish for the sword is only to be considered if healed and restored do not count as two different wishes.
[Spoiler]OOC Actually, anybody have any ideas how to figure out what .. something else might be? Oh. Oooh. Right. That will do nicely
AS for Khalid's wishes, niiiice ..
I would say we can heal ourselves, and actually no-one is level drained so no restoration is necessary?
The sword of disruption is a great idea and if you could add level drain protection, that would be even better. If that all falls under one wish, then for your second wish you could boost a stat of your choice?[/Spoiler]
Quayle was just digging through his pack, and brings out a scroll, with a look of horror on his face. Then he looks really shifty, shoves it back in the case, and looks guiltily around to see if anyone noticed.
[Spoiler]I just went back 20 pages to see what Quayle's carrying, and .. well, Alora ( @permidion_Stark ), if you want back in, I found a scroll of raise dead in my pack, and as pennance I am prepared to walk back to that room and raise you. Quayle also picked up all of your stuff.
On the subject of the Jester draw, Quayle should gain 10k XP. Quayle is currently level 3/3, which puts his total XP somewhere between 10 - 12k, half that value in each class. Adding 10k bumps him up to level 4/4, and allows him to cast 3x L1 & 2x L2 spells as a cleric, and because he's a gnome, he can cast 4x L1 & 3x L2 spells as an illusionist.
On the Comet draw, Quayle would like to try and solo the next fight, assuming it's in any way possible. If I succeed I gain enough XP to gain a level. I'm assuming this will only be a level of cleric (C5/M4), but I'll take a level of each too (5/5)
(Oh yes, Cespenar is poking the GM. Ending well, this is!)
(Jaheira has drawn "Knight".)
"... a gnome that pulls people's hair, a thief that just won't pay attention, a paladin that won't do battle, a corrupted druid and a mage that can manage to make even this place gloomier. And then there is me of course, I'm Jaheira, but my destiny to be a Lady never came to be, so the pervert's statement stands."
"How long can you stay?"
"Quayle, do you have an extra of those maces? Our latest addition might need one. What about you, dear? Did that wish work?"
OOC Select 4x cure light wounds, Protection from evil, Chant, Aid, Draw upon holy might, 4x magic missile, Mirror image, glitterdust, & Aganazzar's scorcher.
The group is healed and restored. (While there is no sword that kills undead at a touch, I'll substitute something as close to that as can be managed.) A flaming sword appears in Khalid's hand (Hey, a sword +1, Flametongue, is +4 vs Undead).