Cleric/Ranger Multiclass - bad after the nerf?

Before he learned all Arcane spells (Cleric and Druid), but now only learn the Cleric and a few junk Ranger. In practice worth having a pure cleric or ranger pure than this multiclass, now useless.
Bottom line: Now similar cllasses compensate more than this combination! Or am I wrong?
Obs .: Unless I am mistaken or insect plague this multi-class learns more.
Bottom line: Now similar cllasses compensate more than this combination! Or am I wrong?
Obs .: Unless I am mistaken or insect plague this multi-class learns more.
Cleric/Rangers are still strong. Druid spells were just one of many strengths they had.
Racial enemy is something punctual. what else?
I would not use cheater in order to have est option since like to play right. What makes me sad is this Multi-class have been so nerfed.
Ranger only adds to what?
- Racial enemy: Very punctual
- Dual Weapon: Payback defense shield for more damage, it is not something really that significant.
What else?
However, making the choice is what it all comes down to, in the end - how you weigh the aspects of that choice is your own personal decision. Some people might prefer more flexibility in weapon choice. Some people make extensive use of Charm Animal. Some people like the Druid spells. All totally fine reasons to go R/C if you so desire.
But I suppose it is part of the discussion. Other people may want to use it. Good to mention it in any case.
- Racial Enemy is something Spot
- Ranger hardly learn druid spells, only a low level shit (Considering bg 2)
- Dual Weapon? Mult F / C you from what I've seen something better than this in aggression!
- Control animals? This magic is useless, hardly fight or see useful controllable animals (tiger, wolf, lion, ...).
So tell me why would catch R / C to have F / C seems to do the same function and better!
Plus if there is an enemy type you struggle against (beholders, vampires, dragons...) then it can be useful.
Oh! And it lets you get the ranger stronghold (for the really nice summon item) as well as use the cloak of Montollio (so mainhand and offhand get same Thaco).