Sorcerers of a Single Spell School

I would like some input from @semiticgod, since I know that a while ago I read one of his no-reload playthroughs in which he modified one of his characters, Sil, to cast divine spells as arcane (I think). I have not been able to find this playthrough, as it has been buried in pages and pages of the no-reload thread. I'm not even sure what keywords to put into the forum search engine, and what attempts I've made have turned up over 100 pages of results.
In any case, I seem to remember something about using an editor to alter spells files from one side (divine) to be cast as arcane, and thus selectable by a mage or sorcerer. My memory is hazy, but if I'm wrong it might be perhaps enough to jog someone's else's noggin.
I ask because after reading @Genryu 's excellently chronicled rise and fall and rise again of Zuzhul Plaguebringer, the all necormancer mage, I had an idea of sorts for a sorcerer necromancer.
Adding the kit to the sorcerer is easy enough, and seems to work as far as I'm aware. No idea if the save bonuses kick in, but a sorcerer/necromancer is barred from Illusion spells, and necromancy spells are highlighted in green on their spell selection lists. Changing a sorcerer to a sorcerer necromancer in EEkeeper also seems to double the extra castings from kit bonuses. They get an extra spell for being a sorcerer, and another extra for being a necromancer.
This led me to ponder the possibility of a one-school sorcerer. It's not really feasible to do so as a regular kitted sorcerer, since no school has nearly enough spells on each level to select from, though of course one could always just not cast any of the other non-necro spells they are forced to choose on level ups. It's almost possible, though, for a sorcerer to fill most or all of their picks on each spell level if divine spells of the necromancy school could be somehow added to the mix, and somehow selectable on the sorcerer spell list. I'm pretty sure @semiticgod did something kinda sorta maybe possibly similar to this a while ago. At least, I seem to recall him editing spell files to accomplish some kind of crossover between the divine and arcane, if I'm not mistaken.
I've also been experimenting with a cleric/necromancer and it has been successful as far as I'm aware. Divine magic is quite necromancy heavy, making an all-necromancy cleric/mage quite fun if EEkeepered to be so. The only complaint really is having to share one spell level with Holy Smite and Animate Dead. If only you could have it all...
And if only it were as simple as copying the way the game creates the Avenger kit. Sadly those arcane spells they get actually seem to be listed as separate from the actual mage spells in the game files, and the Avengers actually get their own set of arcane spell copies under the 'cleric' heading. So simply assigning divine necromancy spells to a sorcerer doesn't work. Their spell selections come strictly from resources with an 'arcane' listing.
Anyone know of a way divine necromancy magic could be altered so that they could be selected by a sorcerer when they level up, or is this just a pipe dream?
In any case, I seem to remember something about using an editor to alter spells files from one side (divine) to be cast as arcane, and thus selectable by a mage or sorcerer. My memory is hazy, but if I'm wrong it might be perhaps enough to jog someone's else's noggin.
I ask because after reading @Genryu 's excellently chronicled rise and fall and rise again of Zuzhul Plaguebringer, the all necormancer mage, I had an idea of sorts for a sorcerer necromancer.
Adding the kit to the sorcerer is easy enough, and seems to work as far as I'm aware. No idea if the save bonuses kick in, but a sorcerer/necromancer is barred from Illusion spells, and necromancy spells are highlighted in green on their spell selection lists. Changing a sorcerer to a sorcerer necromancer in EEkeeper also seems to double the extra castings from kit bonuses. They get an extra spell for being a sorcerer, and another extra for being a necromancer.
This led me to ponder the possibility of a one-school sorcerer. It's not really feasible to do so as a regular kitted sorcerer, since no school has nearly enough spells on each level to select from, though of course one could always just not cast any of the other non-necro spells they are forced to choose on level ups. It's almost possible, though, for a sorcerer to fill most or all of their picks on each spell level if divine spells of the necromancy school could be somehow added to the mix, and somehow selectable on the sorcerer spell list. I'm pretty sure @semiticgod did something kinda sorta maybe possibly similar to this a while ago. At least, I seem to recall him editing spell files to accomplish some kind of crossover between the divine and arcane, if I'm not mistaken.
I've also been experimenting with a cleric/necromancer and it has been successful as far as I'm aware. Divine magic is quite necromancy heavy, making an all-necromancy cleric/mage quite fun if EEkeepered to be so. The only complaint really is having to share one spell level with Holy Smite and Animate Dead. If only you could have it all...
And if only it were as simple as copying the way the game creates the Avenger kit. Sadly those arcane spells they get actually seem to be listed as separate from the actual mage spells in the game files, and the Avengers actually get their own set of arcane spell copies under the 'cleric' heading. So simply assigning divine necromancy spells to a sorcerer doesn't work. Their spell selections come strictly from resources with an 'arcane' listing.
Anyone know of a way divine necromancy magic could be altered so that they could be selected by a sorcerer when they level up, or is this just a pipe dream?
I think the simplest way to get a sorcerer with a priest's necromancer spells is to create a copy of each priest spell you want using Near Infinity (File->Add copy of...) and then add them via EEKeeper. There aren't that many. EEKeeper can also let you remove non-necromancy spells from your spellbook. This would obviate the need for any modding stuff. WeiDu can be hard to get into. However, if you want to run multiple different characters using this method, it would be faster to use subtledoctor's method.