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What is your absolute favourite quest?

There are sooooo many great quests to choose from, but I think my absolute favourite in the whole series would be Restoring Melicamp, which seems to be a nod to the Sorcerer's Apprentice (which I also love). I still find the it hilarious (especially the Antichickenator), even though I've completed it countless times.

Shadows of Amn... hmm it's a tough one, but I think it has to be the Windspear Hills dungeon. The whole thing feels very old-school D&D which I love, and of course, there's the fact that
Fiirkrag is a DRAGON, the first that you encounter in the series!!! (not counting SoD of course...)
. The soundtrack when the boss fight ensues is just so bone-chillingly epic. You know things are about to get serious when that music kicks in. The first time I ever attempted that fight, I got completely minced up.

Throne of Bhaal would HAVE to be the quest with Lum the mad. The entire conversation is pure class, especially Anomen losing his temper over having to listen to him talk about cheese. And then of course there's the timeless scene with the hopelessly green adventurers. 'Bondari Reloads...'


  • jesterdesujesterdesu Member Posts: 373
    BG1 Albert's quest.

    BG2 I have a bit of a thing for the Ranger stronghold quest with all the shadows etc (not going to give any big spoilers). It really is hard for me to pick one in BG2 though, that game was written so geniously.
  • MandragoraMandragora Member Posts: 79

    I’ll never forget the first time I met Firkraag. I wasn’t even at the keyboard myself, but looking over Shadow’s shoulder instead. It was epic! Neither of us had any idea how to slay the beast.

    Buffeted about like leaves in the wind, time and time again Shadow and his brave little band fell to the demon's evil will. Running wasn’t even an option as the beast followed and the epic battle music with it. We were truly caught up in the moment.

    The game captured us completely. Took us out of this world and into it’s own. The beast’s foul breath was real, the grief at the death of one fallen comrade after another was truly felt.

    The final battle must have taken 20 minutes. Pause, then try this strategy, then another. Every potion, every spell. And when the beast finally fell… the elation was unbelievable! We cheered, hugged and wished it’s evil soul into the abyss.

    This is one hell of a game!

    It is, as they say, your funeral..

    For me, i dont even know whats the best one, all previously mentioned ones are fun. In BG i always get satisfaction fooling priest of the bitch queen. In BG 2 Talos church quests, playing crazy priest of Talos is awesome(bash the heretics!). Dont forget the cute spectator beholder.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    "I have a pretty proposal for you"

    "I am Silke, performer extraordinaire!"

    The voice acting for the Silke quest is by far the best in either game, especially considering how minor a character she is. It is also the first time where you get to make a good/evil lawful/chaos choice, with rewards based on reaction adjustment, and consequences (not being able to recruit Garrick) if you take the lawful evil approach.

    It can be challenging if you don't set up properly before talking to her, and the rewards are well worth the effort for the fight.

    Oh, and it's not a fetch quest!
  • MagpieRandomsMagpieRandoms Member Posts: 72

    In BG1, Durlag's Tower. The traps, puzzles combat, it all just clicks for me. I always felt like it was a perfect difficulty balance for an end game bonus dungeon.
    For BG2, the drow city. Trying to blend in throughout and not compromising your alignment (as a good charname anyway) and being able to turn it all around and outmanuever the freaking drow is always my favorite part of the series.

    Durlag's is incredibly challenging. I always feel a massive sense of achievement getting through it. I hate floor 2 with a passion; all that secret switch stuff and having to do things in the right order! But it wouldn't be a super hard bonus dungeon without it. Great backstory too!

    Ust Natha. Yes, I totally agree. I always felt on edge in this part of the game, especially with Phaere barking orders and giving you time limits to do tasks. I also commited a social 'faux pas' the first time and spoke to the matron mother directly. I thought I'd given the game away. Big no no! Quest aside, the city is just so beautiful despite being oppressive and dangerous. God I love this game.
    Kurona said:

    In BG1, Albert's fetch quest. It comes completely out of nowhere. You have that little boy searching for his dog and then when you bring it back to him you're just O_O

    I always laugh at the journal entry for this quest. The PC very much has the same reaction!
    DJKajuru said:

    Sendai's enclave is also quite epic and hard. I love it.

    I totally agree with you here. The dungeon is vast, and Sendai is one of my favourite boss fights of the series. Incredibly challenging.
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    I'd go as far as saying Durlag's Tower is the hardest dungeon crawl for the Infinity Engine games. Watcher's Keep really can't compare.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Including SOD here because I missed adding it somewhere before, but I really like all the events at the Boarskyr bridge. There are so many ways to approach it and you can mix a bit in from the different paths you can take.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300

    BG II: SoA's Eliminate the Ghaunadaur Cult in Ust Natha

    Only, I talk to the Ghaunadaur priests first and then happily kill LOLth's (absolutely not intented caps lock) handmaid Taso Kala afterwards. Satisfaction outweights "quest completion".

    So it is actually possible to talk to them? I thought they were hostile no matter what.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    ToB: Deepstone Clanhold!

    * Get to liberate a dwarven fortress
    * Despite being worked to near death, the dwarves join with you to take back their home
    * Which means that you get to lead a small dwarven army!

    Ok, I'm biased, sure. But those three points alone makes it the best quest in the saga.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Grum said:

    * Which means that you get to lead a small dwarven army!

    Who're you callin' "small," lad? :tongue:
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    my favourite for bg1:

    when you head south of beregost, you will be ambushed by some flaming fist, and you have basically 2 options, I like the option that gives me the platemail armors and some new styling helmets

    my favourite for bg2:

    the kangaxx quest, because once you complete it, you get a wonderfully AWESOME item for doing so, especially if you have silly human type characters with bad saves
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    My favorite of all is probably Anomen's quest, evil outcome with low rep. I love when he turns on the party.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Bg1 narlen darkwalk
    Sod not finished yet (no time)
    Bg2 copper coronet evil path and jaheira arc (including xzar).
    ToB everything is a chore. Probably the pocket plane challenges throughout.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    lroumen said:

    Bg1 narlen darkwalk
    Sod not finished yet (no time)
    Bg2 copper coronet evil path and jaheira arc (including xzar).
    ToB everything is a chore. Probably the pocket plane challenges throughout.

    What is the evil path for the copper cornet?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Grum Killing Hendak for Lehtinan.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100

    @Grum Killing Hendak for Lehtinan.

    Didn't know you could do that
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Grum said:

    @Grum Killing Hendak for Lehtinan.

    Didn't know you could do that
    Even better, you can pull a triple cross by combining the paths and cut the (admittedly already short) quest in half.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    I find lehtinan to be a pleasant folk who nurtures the natural urges of the morally unchallenged charname.
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