The short answer is no, we don't condone piracy in any way, shape, or form. When you pirate our games instead of buying them, you're choosing not to contribute to our ability to maintain these games or produce new ones.
Every respectable forum is against piracy and the rules of this board are clear about that.
I don't want to promote it, don't misunderstand me, but I want to share with you a couple of considerations about it, hoping that I don't break any forum rule. In that case moderators feel free to delete my post and eventually put a ban on me, is just that I have to tell it.
Is piracy forbidden? Yes. But on the net there is still a lot of it.
Is piracy an evil thing that has to be eradicated from the net? Imo the answer is depends.
If a kid that lives in a rich country, whose parents earn some thousand $ each month, with the PC full of video games, steal a new one I think is bad. For the reason that @Dee told and for many other reasons. Now imagine the same kid living in a very pour country, with a family monthly income equal to the price of 1 or 2 games. He has 2 chances, to don't play or to steal the game. In each case he will never contribute to the ability to maintain these games or produce new ones. How many US citizens would buy BG if it would cost 2000$? The son of Bill Gates and few others. About 1/3 of the kids living on this planet live in a situation where 20$ are A LOT of money, not for the kid, for his parents. In that case imho the piracy is not so bad, I can understand it. Let the children play (C. Santana).....
It's really not up for debate. Some developers encourage people to pirate their games if those games aren't available in the player's country in any legitimate way. And that's an important distinction: the developer makes that call.
If you're living in conditions of poverty, that sucks, but you don't get to make the decision about how an artist distributes their work.
I agree, a pour person is not entitled to steal just because he is pour.
My point was just that I see a big difference in someone who has everything and steal from a shopping center for the cheap trill to do it and a starving person that steal some bread. This is something that sometimes we, lucky ones, that live in rich countries, sometimes forget, as we almost never starve. Even if games are not bread and a child can be perfectly happy also without videogames. When I was a child they did not exist, but I had many other ways to play with my friends....
My point was not to promote the stealing of other people work and I am perfectly fine with the board rules about it.
It's really not up for debate. Some developers encourage people to pirate their games if those games aren't available in the player's country in any legitimate way. And that's an important distinction: the developer makes that call.
If you're living in conditions of poverty, that sucks, but you don't get to make the decision about how an artist distributes their work.
The developers said "Some developers encourage people to pirate their games if those games aren't available in the player's country in any legitimate way. And that's an important distinction: the developer makes that call." and "you don't get to make the decision about how an artist distributes their work" that is different from no.
But I agree, the implicit answer was no as a yes was not told and the boards rules are clear about digital piracy.
Now what will be the future for @SorryDude on this boards for me is unknown. He was very polite asking, he stated that he loves the games and that in his country they are not distributed, but never told that he is using a pirated game. Will he be banned?
A workaround, if not EE games are distributed there, can be using those, they are still good. I am using them and for now I am fine with them, and they are cheap.
EDIT: I noticed right now that @Dee in his first post told "the short answer is no" so the answer was explicit.
I don't want to promote it, don't misunderstand me, but I want to share with you a couple of considerations about it, hoping that I don't break any forum rule. In that case moderators feel free to delete my post and eventually put a ban on me, is just that I have to tell it.
Is piracy forbidden? Yes.
But on the net there is still a lot of it.
Is piracy an evil thing that has to be eradicated from the net? Imo the answer is depends.
If a kid that lives in a rich country, whose parents earn some thousand $ each month, with the PC full of video games, steal a new one I think is bad. For the reason that @Dee told and for many other reasons.
Now imagine the same kid living in a very pour country, with a family monthly income equal to the price of 1 or 2 games. He has 2 chances, to don't play or to steal the game. In each case he will never contribute to the ability to maintain these games or produce new ones. How many US citizens would buy BG if it would cost 2000$? The son of Bill Gates and few others. About 1/3 of the kids living on this planet live in a situation where 20$ are A LOT of money, not for the kid, for his parents.
In that case imho the piracy is not so bad, I can understand it. Let the children play (C. Santana).....
If you're living in conditions of poverty, that sucks, but you don't get to make the decision about how an artist distributes their work.
My point was just that I see a big difference in someone who has everything and steal from a shopping center for the cheap trill to do it and a starving person that steal some bread.
This is something that sometimes we, lucky ones, that live in rich countries, sometimes forget, as we almost never starve.
Even if games are not bread and a child can be perfectly happy also without videogames. When I was a child they did not exist, but I had many other ways to play with my friends....
My point was not to promote the stealing of other people work and I am perfectly fine with the board rules about it.
"you don't get to make the decision about how an artist distributes their work"
that is different from no.
But I agree, the implicit answer was no as a yes was not told and the boards rules are clear about digital piracy.
Now what will be the future for @SorryDude on this boards for me is unknown.
He was very polite asking, he stated that he loves the games and that in his country they are not distributed, but never told that he is using a pirated game.
Will he be banned?
A workaround, if not EE games are distributed there, can be using those, they are still good. I am using them and for now I am fine with them, and they are cheap.
EDIT: I noticed right now that @Dee in his first post told "the short answer is no" so the answer was explicit.