I just get a blank screen when trying to open a lot of threads. If I'm lucky, I can access the threads a couple minutes later. I tried entering this thread like 15 minutes ago.
Also, I noticed that images are no longer bound inside their proper sections. Someone sent me some 1920x1080 screenshots over PM yesterday, and they were shrunk to fit within the width of the message body. Now they're displayed at full size, and sliding off the right side of the screen, in addition to being very large.
I really hope that is only a problem of forum maintenance, maybe due to the fact that the board's software hes been updated so the settings need reconfiguration. Or maybe the forum maintainers have skewed up while testing some new feature. Those are things that happen, nothing wrong about them. I see an other possible reason but I don't even want to think about it......
TEST, I try to upload this while I can not see the discussions.
EDIT: my post was uploaded and showed normally. But something strange happened. When I moved to an open tag, the discussion index, that I had active on the browser, the tab with this topic just disappeared from my browser (Chrome, updated). I am 99.99% sure that I did move to the other tab without closing this. Reloading the other tab showed that the boards was still in a "bad moment". I can not explain it, having a white page with the notification of error 500 (server error) is one thing, having my own browser closing a tab is something very different that upset me. I don't have any experience in html, but afaik any legittimate script in a page should not affect a behavior like this.
Hope that this can be helpful to the forums maintainers. I hope also that an administrators tells us what is going on.
I gave up soon after my post last night. I've been able to read discussions so far this morning, but I'm still seeing some symptoms. Right now, categories on the side bar that should be indented are... outdented?
It's an update that Vanilla rolled out. This was happening yesterday (around 10PM UTC+1 for me) as well.
Thanks. If this can help you I also noticed that in the bad moments the "best of" page loads, no white page, but is empty. And until you fix it can you please put a notice in the main page, @Shandyr had to re direct here me and an other user from the activity page were we where asking about.
I think that the formatting on the sidebar was a way for the maintainers to note down what was fixed and what was not fixed. I had been moderator in another board and I know that the maintainer of that board had to do a lot of work most of the times that the software had major updates.
Also, I noticed that images are no longer bound inside their proper sections. Someone sent me some 1920x1080 screenshots over PM yesterday, and they were shrunk to fit within the width of the message body. Now they're displayed at full size, and sliding off the right side of the screen, in addition to being very large.
I see an other possible reason but I don't even want to think about it......
EDIT: my post was uploaded and showed normally. But something strange happened. When I moved to an open tag, the discussion index, that I had active on the browser, the tab with this topic just disappeared from my browser (Chrome, updated). I am 99.99% sure that I did move to the other tab without closing this. Reloading the other tab showed that the boards was still in a "bad moment".
I can not explain it, having a white page with the notification of error 500 (server error) is one thing, having my own browser closing a tab is something very different that upset me. I don't have any experience in html, but afaik any legittimate script in a page should not affect a behavior like this.
Hope that this can be helpful to the forums maintainers.
I hope also that an administrators tells us what is going on.
It's an update that Vanilla rolled out. This was happening yesterday (around 10PM UTC+1 for me) as well.
If this can help you I also noticed that in the bad moments the "best of" page loads, no white page, but is empty.
And until you fix it can you please put a notice in the main page, @Shandyr had to re direct here me and an other user from the activity page were we where asking about.
Edit: removed some typos.
I had been moderator in another board and I know that the maintainer of that board had to do a lot of work most of the times that the software had major updates.
I think that the crisis is over.