I Want To Make A Blind Lets Play Of Your Game!

I recently started doing lets plays again and acquired your game from steam months ago on sale. I have heard nothing but good things about the game, but I have never personally had a computer to run it on until now. I would be monetizing the videos and I was unaware that it was improper form to make one without consent. I will obviously link your site and store to the video's. My page is linked at the bottom if you want to know anymore about my Let's Plays. Thank you in advance for your time.
Episode 1
Have fun playing the game and good luck. If you'd ever like to play some multiplayer feel free to message me or make a post on the multiplayer forum.
We don't have a problem with Let's Play videos, however you choose to do them. We do reserve the right to change that philosophy, though. But for now, go for it.
I like how you roleplay all the dialogue. That makes the videos even more entertaining. I bet you are really good at reading stories to your kids.
Don't get discouraged if you start to die a lot and have to keep reloading the game. That happens to everybody on their first time. There's a steep learning curve with Baldur's Gate, but the rewards of the game are worth it.
I just watched up through number 6, and I see you're way ahead of that, so I'll probably watch a few episodes a day until I catch up with the current ones. Keep up the good work. I love to watch good LP's.